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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. There is a difference between a factory Encore and a 252 converted encore. (20k difference is up to the buyer/seller) You have very few chances at a couple of the best Mooney's produced (late model): 252 Encores (M20K), 205 Allegros (M20J) Examples: They are at least 15-20 years newer. Second, the interior design is significantly updated. Exterior lighting has been upgraded.
  2. Just to be clear, there are several "K" models: Mooney M20K: (factory options) "231": earlier models that was Mooney's first attempt at turbo-charged "M20J" aircraft: first M20K. These were produced without an intercooler and a fixed wastegate, 12v system, 3-position cowl flaps. "252": next iteration of the M20K. Imporoved engine design, same displacment but with a factory intercooler and fully automatic wastegate. 24v electrics, fully articulating cowl flaps. "252 Encore": Then in 1997 and 1998, they made only 37 "252 Encore" M20K ships as a limited production run. They updated the engine specs once again with better intake and several changes to the airframe and engine parameters to get an extra 10hp out of the same displacement. Yes, they came out with a conversion for the middle (standard) "252" to enable owners to upgrade it to an "Encore". The biggest result of this conversion is the higher useful load... like an extra 230lbs. There are several other M20K models such as the following. But all these are STC'd conversions that take one of the above models and improve it further. 305 Rocket 262 Conversion (and maybe another or two) As far as price, the 231 is a great value to step into "turbo" Mooney's but you really need to know how to not hurt the engine as they need better engine management. They are the cheapest because a lot were produced and people tend to start out with this because of the price but upgrade to a 252, Encore, Bravo, or higher. They are still a great plane. I owned one before finding a factory Encore. The 252 birds are highly saught after because of everything you get with the factory AND the option to upgrade them to an Encore. A 231 cannot be upgraded to an Encore but most 252's can. For me and others, the 252 Encore is the perfect plane. It has all the performance of the sought after 252 but with the higher useful load and highly-updated interior of the Bravo's without the fuel burn. I do think engine overhaul cost is more on the Bravo but have not been thru that yet with either. The cost is the highest with his because of supply and demand. With only 37 produced, they are rarely on the market. When they are, the sellers know what they have an want top-dollar of them. I am keeping mine as long as I can.
  3. I own a 252 over a Bravo. Yes, a Bravo is the next iteration of the turbo-charged Mooneys. For me, I own 252 because of the efficiency and fuel-burn. I can fly at every altitude the M20M can fly but with smaller fuel burn. Yes, you can pull back the Bravo to 252 speeds and fuel-burn but another factor for me is the useful load. My 252 has 1110# useful load. Take a look at the useful load of a Bravo or a "231" M20K. My 252 is a factory Encore so it has nearly all the amenities (interior, lights, and newer design of the Bravo's) along with the lessons learned in the early Bravos. The Bravo is also a "long body" compared to the mid-body of the K. You get more room in the baggage but your 4-seat passengers have the same room. There is a reason Mooney back in 1997 and 1998 went back to the Mooney M20K 252 "Encore" after making a lot of Bravos in the early 90's... the M20K is a great ship.
  4. I have a GTX345 and just recently got the update for the GTN 750 (firmware update) to take advantage of the ADS-B new weather products on the GTN. I think that newest firmware just came out a couple/few weeks ago to display on the GTN's. An onboard stormscope (WX-500 in my case) shows so much more information than the FIS-B product but glad it is avaiable. More information, the better.
  5. @BigD, @Royce.simone, sending you a PM. Updating the AD with what is left.
  6. Yep, bought mine in OSH last year with like 10% off and something for free as a show special.
  7. Bryan, Lee, Josh. We will happily donate. Cash at the event preferred? Thanks for organizing.
  8. He probably ejected because he realized the line guy used Aeroshell 15W50 and the he was on apparoch without using flaps. Sad day.
  9. I have a TCM engine, but still the same concerns. Just about every flight that I return to my hanger, I open the oil cap and let the crankcase breathe out the steam while I push-back and clean the plane up. I do not do this when remote. I am unsure it does anything but it cannot hurt as long as I cover it back up before leaving for the day. I also acquiredan "Engine Saver" on the cheap that de-humidifies the engine thru the breather tube. I have used it and it seems to do what it was designed to do: pump low humid air into the engine to "dry" the engine from normal condensation generated from combustion. Again... I figure it cannot hurt.
  10. @Jungle Pilot, PM me your email address.
  11. Now that I own my own plane, after playing all versions of MS Flight Sim and flying the Bravo... I so want to land at Meigs Field in Chicago in real life.
  12. That seems low but I am not a Bravo driver. Savvy recommends 26.2 - 26.7gph FF for full power takeoff in my TSIO-360 (252 Encore) to keep everything cool on the way up.
  13. Passenger seating b/w in a M20K vs. M20M is the same... rear passengers sit on the same wing spar in both locations. Yes, there is more baggage space in the "Long Body" Mooney's.
  14. AngelFlight South Central (AFSC) and AngelFlight Oklahoma (AFOK) both require iFR and I think at least 250 hr TT.
  15. I really like Garmin equipment - I really think they are a level above their current competition but are defintily not the low price leader. When buying Garmin, you are paying for quality IMO. Garmin is similar to Apple - there stuff just works and they really put a lot of though into UX (user experience) and compatiblity with their own products. Yes, sometimes, they don't like to share interfaces with their competition or to the industry standard until necessary but their quality seems to be top-notch.
  16. Thank you for your service as well. I am scheduled to fly my 5th AngelFlight this year this Thursday but weather is not looking promising for the flight down to MD Anderson in Houston.
  17. Added "Or Best Offer" to most of what I have left. Just posted on BT, will post on eBay by the end of the week.
  18. There is pretty good rumor that Garmin will have a box that could be announced around OSH timeframe that could drive ATT based King autopilots, but currently (today) the G5 cannot drive the AP alone. It will provide HDG/GPSS data but not Attitude data.
  19. I went with the GAD29 for my TXi + G5 install instead of using the (b). The (b) is only needed for legacy autopilots when the G5 needs to send HDG/GPSS to. Today, my GAD43e sends that info from the TXi to the KFC 150. I don't have a second GMU11 just for the G5, either.
  20. I am outside the state but will try to make the trip. When were you thinking?
  21. Me too, a TBM, but the diff in cash is opposite. A new TBM is 4.2mm and the CJet is 2.4mm new. I guy in my home field had serial number 1 of the SF50, and just upgraded to the first serial number of the G2 jet. I will admit, I love the inside of the G2 SF50 but not ever sent in a new TBM powered up. Lottery plane is definitely the TBM.
  22. Yeah, I was playing with ROP, LOP settings in the new panel now that I have accurate TAS and primary engine monitor. Turns out that was one of my worse settings - I think that was 150° ROP at the top of ascent with my Cowl Flaps wide open. With accurate data, I am starting to record these settings for future use. Your Bravo will beat me at any altitude.
  23. The KI-256 is sold. @Gary Bymers and @Alan Fox just sent you a private message.
  24. It comes with the EDM 930 and is required for all EDM 930 installations.
  25. My G5 has a sync error for Heading and Baro they need to fix.
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