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Everything posted by Bryan

  1. "The most amazing, powerful, best, incredible, awesome smart phone we have ever made" --every iphone release
  2. Welcome to the 252 family! Anyone need panel design help or (like he said) JPI - @Aerodon can help you.
  3. Apple confirms an announcement event for March 25th, 2019 - right on schedule. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidphelan/2019/03/12/apple-confirms-big-march-25-event-its-showtime-tv-and-news-services-expected/ https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/03/its-show-time-apple-confirms-march-25-event-at-the-steve-jobs-theater/ https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/11/18260515/apple-tv-service-march-25th-event-streaming-announcement-invitation
  4. Unsure FF has a lifetime subscription. If so, it could pay off to buy that now instead of the potential increase in the future - but probably with limited features. I think FlyQ does that now to be the value choice. Competition is good. I have to maintain a Garmin Pilot subscription for my in-panel (automatic) database syncing, even though I have yet to pay (yet) because of year subscriptions they give with new hardware added together, but it is half the price of FF for the same features and the Concierge is worth not having to deal with databases ever again. I still use FF for my logbook and primary flight planning.
  5. Same here. You will probably remember that for a long time, if not forever. Congrats!
  6. I had a hum in my previous 231 but it turned out to be the door keeper/slide (sorry don’t know the official name) but the metal slide that keeps the door from opening all the way. It would vibrate against the door jam at certain harmonic RPMs of the engine. Took several flights to figure it out.
  7. Yes, the “packs” are confusing. Calling them helps. I say I have this in my cockpit, what do I need. It always seems to be cheaper than I was anticipating so they are at least not up selling me (yet) on stuff I don’t need.
  8. I can’t see a financial reason for Garmin to do this. Their TXi is selling well. Their low cost offering is also doing well: G5s Dynon seems to have abandoned or severely delayed their offering for M20s. Aspen is their biggest competition it seems.
  9. Those of you that have installed CiES senders, do they come with new gaskets? ordered the senders and want to be prepared for the install to have everything needed.
  10. The "certified" G3X is the Garmin TXi. Garmin most likely will never offer a certified G3X. I don't mind coming back to this thread after S-n-F or OSH this year or next to prove it. @airbuspilot2436. I had a planel like yours in my 231 with dual 430s and jumped up to a GTN 750 + GTX 345 - that was enough for me for a long time. My suggestion is map our your budget all the way to unlimited and start with a much as you can afford. The more you can do at once, the (marginal) cheaper it will be by going into surgery more than once. Here is what I would do (in order) in your panel: 1) it looks like you have an EDM 700 or 800 today. For probably around 1AMU you can upgrade it to a full-color EDM 830, reuse most of your probes and add the onese you are missing. Contact @Aerodon and he can help you get started. I did this on my current 252 a year ago. Much easier to see the values without all the scrolling. Also as part of this, remove the ADF. If you can afford the EDM 900, it is probably $8000 installed and will replace all your engine insturments. 2) I would go with a IFD440 as a slide-in replacement for one (or both) of your 430s... or just leave them in. If you have more budget, the GTN 750 is amazing. I won't own another plane without it. Every 6 months that come out with a new feature that is normally a big step forward. The downside it is larger (panel space) and expensive vs some of the other options but for me it is worth it. You can remote your transponder and audio panel to save space. 3) After you decide to either keep your 430s or upgrade to an IFD or GTN, then do a dual Aspen MAX or TXi and get ride of all the steam gauges. This is the step I am on now in my 252. 4) Autopilot. It appears you might have a KFC 200. What you choose here will afect #2 or #3... or vice versa. Ripping out the old and installing a new is going to be expensive. Myself am still on a KFC 150 but it is working very well and I also have altitude preselect with a yaw dampener. Again my thoughts for what it is worth. Don't wait "wishing" for something to happen. Decide you want it (or need it) and take the plunge. There will always be something new come out in the future. Those who wait are probably still waiting and will be.
  11. Reputation goes a long way. I guess that is why I over-flew so many shops and the inconvience of having to get back to get my annual done out of state.
  12. Single engine, IFR, weather, at night - not for me, regardless of my experience.
  13. Yep, that makes sense - best of both.
  14. Normally I see only 100ft or two off, not 4.
  15. Call me Sunday if the weather looks decent - we will most likely be at the airport. Standard = a standard layout six-pack arrangement. This C you are looking at has one of the older panel layouts, sometimes referred to as a "shotgun" layout as if the insturments were shot out of a gun to the panel to get them to fit. What you will learn in IFR is developing a scan between insturments. A standard 6-pack is easier and more "standard" than this layout.
  16. I can show you them all. The C at our local airport is very similar. STEC, 430 WAAS, 300hr engine but doesn't look in as good of condition of the NV bird. Yes, weather the next 24-48 hours are not going to be good. Hoping for a break Sunday. I will PM you my number and if the weather breaks before your trip you are welcome to come up to Conway for a flight.
  17. @jakearey Where are you based in Central Arkansas? I am in Conway. In Conway, we have two 252's, M20F, and M20C. Private message me if you'd like.
  18. Question. Do you file most of the time for a particular altitude and then just go VFR? Altitude: 8,400 ft (Planned: 8,000 ft)
  19. wrong thread - deleted
  20. I just saw a video where he sold Turbulence! But teaser on building something new... faster... possibly pressurized. I agree, Turbulence looked awesome!
  21. The difference is, Apple delivers. Expect a press release in the next three weeks with availablity the following week.
  22. Apple is coming out with a new iPad mini in just a few weeks.
  23. http://www.foreflightaboeingcompany.com/ Boeing [NYSE: BA] completed the acquisition of ForeFlight, a leading provider of innovative mobile and web-based aviation applications... Congrats to FF for developing a great product and getting paid!!
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