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Everything posted by Stetson20

  1. I’ll call. Thanks!
  2. It’s been there several years.
  3. Anybody got a pair for sale? 5’8” here. Would be nice to sit back a bit.
  4. What breed is this? Looks like a Jack Russell.
  5. Sketchy
  6. “At that point people were separated in to various lines…” ”Then there was an additional separation…” Sounds familiar somehow.
  7. I’ve been reading my Garmin GNX 375 Navigator Pilot’s Guide and there is an Anonymous Mode for ADS-B. Not sure if this is helpful, but throwing it out there. If you have a Garmin ADS-B device, I’m sure you can enable Anonymous Mode. YMMV ”During anonymous mode, the unit replaces identifying information in the ADS-B Out message with a temporary randomized number for privacy while providing position information. Instead of a flight ID, the unit transmits the call sign “VFR.” Not sure how that works on an IFR flight plan tho.
  8. 9D9 Hastings MI to MBL Manistee MI and back. More orientation flights than training. Wanted to acquaint myself with the plane. Normally wouldn't have gone because winds were strong and gusty, but I closed on the plane almost 3 weeks ago and this is the first time stars aligned to go fly. Decent weather, a CFI and free time. Poor landings on both legs. I had winds probably 60 degrees off axis landing Rwy 28 at MBL. I was paranoid about the length of the more favorable Rwy 01 which is 2721ft long. Fought the crosswind all the way down to landing. On the return leg everything went better. Felt orders of magnitude more comfortable in the plane. Winds were mostly steady 360@10 landing Rwy 30. I came across the threshold with too much speed and bounced it. Too windy and too tired to try more. I'll wait for a better day. BUT, I finally flew MY Rocket! Interesting aside. Nearly 50kt tailwind. Flew MBL-9D9 at 7500. 32MP and 2500 RPM gave us 160ish indicated. Over 220kts gs. 38 min takeoff to touchdown while pulling power back and experimenting with MP/RPM settings along the way back. Attached track log still shows the previous owner...
  9. With gentleman’s prices!
  10. Thanks, I’ll look in to it.
  11. Which state rules/regs are you quoting here?
  12. Sending a check to the People's Republic of Michigan this week to pay the sales tax on my newly acquired Rocket.
  13. I flew for the Navy and went through dunker training years ago. I’m not as spry and in shape as I was then. As for passengers, I think flying an extra 15-30 minutes going around the south end of the lake is worth the extra cost in peace of mind. Just thinking out loud. Great discussion!
  14. It appears I have a Hoskins. Thanks all..
  15. Henderson field.. Guadalcanal?
  16. Ok I'll look that up, thanks!
  17. Can someone tell me what this is so I can research it more? I have one in my panel, but not sure of the nomenclature. Thanks!
  18. Are you comfortable sharing how it changed your life? If so, would you be willing to post it here? I think we all could learn something from your experience. Bravo Zulu (Navy speak for great job) landing that plane safely!
  19. I think, at a minimum, an engine monitor and a 2nd AI (G5 good candidate) to start. ADF is going, as well as the RNAV unit. I also need some sort of fuel metering totalizer? With the Monroy tanks, I'm wondering how I will keep accurate an accurate fuel tally. Ideas?
  20. Closed today! Start training next week! I'm once again a happy Mooney owner!
  21. Closing on the plane today, so by the end of the day, it's officially mine (and the banks- mostly the banks).. So I do have a KFC 150 with altitude hold, flight director and gs coupled. Also a KAS 297 altitude preselect which came back inop after the GNX 375 install (suspected wiring issue). The previous owner (I don't blame him) decided not to pursue it as he was selling the plane. So my question is what equipment is forward compatible. I've been reading/watching videos on the G5 and GI 275.. Not sure what the xgi 275 is? I like the idea of a clean panel so something with nav/com integrated in to the map display control head sounds appealing... Just making conversation while I wait for the closing and training flights to commence.
  22. All I get is the audio on this? Using firefox browser if that matters...
  23. Thanks for the info. I don't think the water in Lake Michigan every gets much above 70 degrees regardless of the time of year. I'm not sure wearing the drysuit would be practical as I'd be dressed for work (airline pilot) underneath. I may just have to, as a rule of thumb, fly around the lake and when vectored too far offshore, let them know I'm unable due to single engine glide limitations. Has anyone ever been vectored offshore around the Great Lakes and told ATC that they're unable due to single engine glide restriction?
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