The Last Expo I went to with a static display that had Mooney, well it was daunting. Not just Cirrus but the bulk of the competition shows even the Mooney to be a legacy airframe . Diamond, Tecnam, and Cirrus, not to mention the Honda Jet, Cirrus Jet. Piper even shows off their newer airframes well, and of course they have the niche of the only pressurized cabin class piston. Which is important because if I were to be able to afford a new ultra acclaim, I think I would in reality end up with a m350 or a used mirage.
I love speed and I believe in the old adage to buy the fastest airframe you can afford, but affordability can be a tricky question in aviation, like anything else I suppose. It’s a complicated question for each pilot to ad themselves based on skill, ability, finances and mission. Like can you afford to die and possibly kill others because you were to cheap to buy a safer / more capable plane. I moved up from a g2 SR22 to a g5 sr22 recently because I needed the fifth seat and a 300lb useful load boost. (G5, but also ditched de ice)
That dollar cost isn’t worth it except I can now legally and safely fly my family (I was flying with the girls sharing a seat belt). I also use my plane for a few business ventures, some require BRS.
And the G5 seats are super comfortable and make a 4:30 leg pleasant .
Also my insurance over the past few years been 250 per month cheaper on the same price airframes (ovation vs sr22). Which actually flipped from when Cirrus first came to the market.
Its a tough spot for Mooney to be in. A lot of great airframes haven’t made it. Most recently the Columbia/Cessna 400. Which early on was widely regarded and I think even outsold the SR22.