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Everything posted by steingar

  1. Ouch. Sounds like we're likely to get chased out by insurance carriers before we get chased out by parts or 100ll availability, or lack thereof. Folks have been insuring GA for decades, why all the big losses now? Sounds unsustainable. No way you can recover a quarter billion dollars from the likes of us.
  2. My gear goes down 3 miles from the airport. 3 miles from potential distractions. If it's a busy airport I might do 5 miles. I won't do repeated touching goes, too easy to get the order wrong, think you put down the gear but didn't.
  3. Nothing like living in a prison-cell-sized fiberglass room that you have to clean every day and fix weekly. Does sound romantic, but I bet the romance wears off fast and hard.
  4. Weekend warriors go to 3W2 all the time. It's 300 feet shorter than AVX and occluded on both sides. Folks don't seem to wipe out there on a routine basis.
  5. If landing AVX isn't that difficult why all the crashes and all the fatals?
  6. Grabbing a CFI for one flight seems like really cheap situational awareness around unfamiliar surroundings. I ever get out that way I might do likewise. Pretty smart move actually.
  7. Worldwide JetA is available at a LOT more airports than avgas.
  8. How did the gear horn not sound if the gear wasn't fully locked?
  9. They've been promising this for a LONG time. Won't get fooled again.
  10. Right about now, when it's about 50 degrees at altitude, I don't think that'd be much fun. Less so when the mercury drops some more.
  11. The other thing you can do is turn the engine off at the key but leave the fuel open at idle. If the mag really isn't grounded the engine will keep going. New squawk for me, that's what happened last night (after we flew back from the shop). Back in she goes. Can I legally fly with this, or do I have to use my deeply dysfunctional home shop?
  12. If she really loved him she'd accept the airplane. The guy is in an abusive relationship and should get out right away. I wish I was kidding.
  13. Sorry. I thought it was that crash. The one I'm thinking of the pilot wound up on a video talking about it. Very moving. Same deal, left the gear down on an amphibious floatplane.
  14. Put a big windshield in the Bonnie and it'll be quieter.
  15. I am so sorry it came to this, but applaud the organizers' maturity and wisdom. I hope the event can be held later in the year. I really hope the event can be held during a time I can attend.
  16. I would have a frank talk with the seller and make certain the seller understands that the prop switch is troubling, and indicative of very shady business. If the seller doesn't step up to make it right hard I'd not walk, but run away. Not really happy when folks misrepresent things. Lots of Mooneys out there with honest owners.
  17. Actually, Mooney tails are on correctly. Everyone else is backwards.
  18. I don't think I myself would speak highly of a company that sold me faulty equipment that wasted lots of my time and money. If I'm not mistaken they're still selling those things.
  19. Really good full face helmets reduce road noise quite a bit. Combining that with really good ear plugs might help. What will help even more is riding behind a good windshield. There was very little wind noise on my old Goldwing. There's a lot on my naked sport bike.
  20. Mooneys are airplanes. They have the same expensive stuff as other airplanes, you own so you already know what that stuff is. The Mooneys have one extra gotcha, which is the tanks. If they haven't been bladdered or resealed at one of only a handful of places, they either leaking or going to do so. It's either a pain or expensive, but you only deal with it once. Don't forget to put the gear down.
  21. I agree with @mike_elliott about one thing. If your mill takes a dump on the way up, your insurance company just bought themselves an airplane. Getting you and yours to safety is job 1. If I've got something soft ahead of me I go straight. At my home field I turn pretty much no matter what. I have suburban neighborhoods in front of me, don't want to land that. A local CFI lost her engine and put it down on someone's back yard. Not for me. I figure if I don't make the turn it's no worse than landing straight ahead, no long as I don't stall the airplane.
  22. Depends on so many things. What's in front of me? Where I'm based it's neighborhoods, I don't want to land in those. Doesn't matter, I'm going to try the turn. Can't make it that much worse so long as I don't stall it. If I've got fields in front of me I'll probably go straight if there's any question. Practice is useless. An idling engine isn't the same as a dead one. And things are way different when there's terrain in your windshield then when you're up in the sky.
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