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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. #1 On my list was recent flight time; don't buy a plane that hasn't flown much in the last year, or not at all.
  2. @Flash What's the longest leg (nm)?
  3. THIS ^^^^ is what I did. I bought the Alpha clamp kit (which was a TOTAL, and COMPLETE, PITA to install) from Spruce, and the complete seat belt/harness from Hooker. (My wife actually DEMANDED I remove the sewn on labels, however)
  4. @Bryan Kahl Good for you to respond! Please post the resolution in case the OP doesn't. I was considering the IFD440 but the OP's post has me concerned.
  5. @carusoam Thanks!
  6. @Cloudmirth Check your PMs
  7. Hey, I'm a proud CB. No batteries, or glare shield warts with the Scout. Mounts in the corner of the windshield with suction cups. One wire routed inconspicuously is well worth saving well over $550 ($550 delta plus install costs) YMMV, but that's a bunch of avgas!
  8. Well, that explains it, then! I already had the strobe and green position light. And, since I went with the TailBeacon, I was aesthetically copacetic, too
  9. This looks to be a $750, plus installation, solution for ADS-B in. As I have Foreflight on my iPad, I went with the $200 Scout solution (NO install cost): https://flywithscout.com
  10. I'm VERY glad my plane had an AP installed when I bought it. Pretty much lucked out because it wasn't on my list of "must have" items when I was plane shopping. No way I'd spend $20K. I really like my STEC-30 with altitude hold and GPSS. Never any problem in three years of ownership. It's been solid and reliable. It's a real shame that STEC is so greedy with transferring the STC! Even without installation, $4K for the system would be a bargain.
  11. Tried to resist commenting, but can't help myself! Last January, at annual, it was time to OH the mags and I chose NOT to go the Surefly/EIS route. Here was my reasoning: 1) I have read multiple threads, here, and elsewhere, of various 'issues' with these electronic ignition systems, both installations and operation. 2) I have NOT had any problems with my stone-age "Tractor Mags." This is a GOOD thing! 3) Performance improvements with electronic seem marginal, at best. Aircraft engines are stationary, and I think Lycoming did a pretty good job of optimizing timing even if it is fixed. 4) I can already operate as "deep" LOP as I care to. 5) As a career EE, I have seen far too many examples of applying new technology/complexity just because it exists. IOW, a solution seeking a problem. 6) What was a dual, independent of external power, system now requires a power source. I'm a firm believer in the KISS concept 7) Easier starting, cold and hot. While I've scared myself with a couple of hot start situations, I've never been stranded. And, since adopting the Don Maxwell method I've had good luck. 8) Lower overall cost due to the 2000 hour TBO. Very true, but didn't outweigh 1 through 6 for me.
  12. Are you referencing schematic 800275 Rev IR (gawd, that's a lot of revisions!)? If so, have you verified the feed breaker and fuse F2 are okay?
  13. Here's a photo of the tool:
  14. I have G3 and I believe there is a special tool to remove the knobs. I found it in all the stuff the PO gave me when I bought the plane. Unfortunately, I have never put it to use, so I can't give you first hand advice. I wouldn't force anything, that's for sure; it all looks pretty fragile.
  15. That's the way mine is on my '70 M20F
  16. Me too; I only had M20B time...no problem with having never flown an F.
  17. Amazing, and sad, how you must defend a GOOD decision, ain't it?
  18. LOL! Back in the '70s, in the Los Angeles basin, we used to say, "You can't trust air you can't see"
  19. Well, not so much that it was unreasonable, merely very odd considering there was only one other plane in the pattern on downwind for the south runway and I was approaching from the northeast requesting the north runway. No WAY there was a lot of traffic! I had thought there were two other planes but I listened to LiveATC and only heard one other plane on tower freq. However, I'm not sure how complete the Live ATC recording really was as it did NOT include my response when he told me to call back at 5 miles.
  20. Reading @Ibra's entire post made it clear to me "min" was a typo; pretty sure he meant nm.
  21. Yuup. I'm really going to piss him off next time and call up 15 miles out!
  22. That's what I've always figured, too. It was pretty silly as I was in a descent and called him back in like 2 minutes when I got to 5 miles out.
  23. Well, dang! If he thought I was "WAAAY out" at 10 miles....I can't imagine what he'd have said if I'd called at 15!
  24. Well, that was MY reaction. But, wanted to hear what the cognoscenti here have to say.
  25. More details: 1) I was in E space when I called. 2) NOT in contact with approach 3) Class Delta under Class Charlie (KPOC) 4) I had the current ATIS and told him on my initial call-up 5) Pattern was NOT busy. No one for 26R where I was landing. Two in the pattern for the south runway 26L)
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