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Mooney in Oz

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    Sydney, Australia
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    1980 M20J
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  1. It was the same on this side of the world. I don’t know if anyone else has had this other problem, whereby MS at times is taking too long to load. It maybe my iPad, but I wonder if others are having this same issue?
  2. Calling @AH-1 Cobra Pilot
  3. They are an awe inspiring, very nice couple with meticulous preparedness in their beautiful, well equipped M20K. It was a pleasure to meet and entertain them.
  4. Been using Fire Glaze on both the Mooney and car for 16 years. Label says for aircraft, car and other use. A US product I can thankfully buy here in Australia that I’m very happy with. https://www.restructuremarine.com/fireglaze-products-2
  5. A very well written post and thank you for it. Just one matter - From the AFMS Limitations section - The autopilot must be disengaged below 800 feet AGL for all operations other than approach operations. I interpret this as the AP must not be engaged until above 800 feet. The only exemption to this I believe is engaging the YD as there is nothing to say you can’t and it can be operated independent of the AP.
  6. Hi Scott, Do you know if Garmin eventually addressed this issue?
  7. Thanks for coming on the forum and letting us know what and why it happened. A valuable contribution is an understatement. Don’t be surprised if some day you’re invited to present your experience and the way you handled it at a safety seminar.
  8. Man those Windy maps look intense. I know you would’ve avoided the system by a wide margin, but how was the turbulence?
  9. Love that Chem Trail switch
  10. Maybe an engine or other problem following power application? "the pilot attempted a go-around. The pilot pulled the gear up, then decided to land but the gear did not fully extend. https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/463977
  11. A mate of mine is rebuilding one here in Australia. A huge project.
  12. Wow. Nothing short of a miracle. Glad they survived.
  13. That’s a MidContinent SAM. If you want one for your own you’re looking at about 11k plus install.
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