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Mooney in Oz

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    Sydney, Australia
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    1980 M20J
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  1. Maybe an engine or other problem following power application? "the pilot attempted a go-around. The pilot pulled the gear up, then decided to land but the gear did not fully extend. https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/463977
  2. A mate of mine is rebuilding one here in Australia. A huge project.
  3. Wow. Nothing short of a miracle. Glad they survived.
  4. That’s a MidContinent SAM. If you want one for your own you’re looking at about 11k plus install.
  5. There are many older twin engine aircraft with wider than Mooney panels, such as C400 and PA350 series that are configured this way too. I consider it dangerous in the event of a primary AH failure with no autopilot and having to (even slightly) turn one’s head to the right side deviating from normal scan for even a second or two on a dark, turbulent night trying to keep straight and level or conducting an instrument approach without slope guidance. I have no idea if there are any loss of control stats in these scenarios and it’s obviously allowed, but I disagree with it.
  6. Owning just one starts to add up
  7. I have synchronised LEDs, but it’s a personal choice. Back in the day, which wasn’t that long ago there was no choice.
  8. Hello Paul. Do you recommend the same min speed in a J?.
  9. I do, including a fire containment bag. Both are kept in the large pocket pouch attached to the back of the front pax seat. Hope I never have to use them.
  10. I wonder if that was part of the reason why Paul Bertorelli decided to retire. I miss his articles.
  11. I don’t mean to sound like a Debbie Downer, but are you sure the Carling V switches are approved? The switches may not need to be approved, I don’t know and the Carling website isn’t much help. I ask because the answer to such a question asked on the Spruce website is that these are not FAA approved. https://www.aircraftspruce.com.au/catalog/elpages/nwm-switch-light.php?clickkey=193438 The switches do look nice.
  12. Luckily, no injuries. The aircraft lifted off the runway, encountered a strong downdraft and crashed off the end of the runway into a fence. No injuries. https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/407627
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