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Everything posted by bonal

  1. One AMU equals one thousand dollars
  2. Used to spin my 150 and was loads of fun. You really have to force that airplane if you want it to get into a spin. Did some basic aerobatic training and was a blast. We would do at least 3 rotations before my instructor would have me recover. All of the threads on Mooney Space discussing spins in our Moonies have made me real careful about maintaining coordinated flight. Except when doing straight ahead slips. And when discussing spins make sure you are referring to spins and not spirals.
  3. Not quite as modern but from what I have read and seen on documentaries the Harrier was very easy to land and did not have any computer assist.
  4. Progress report, coming along nicely and am very pleased with how it's looking. The one I chose has some real fun challenges to resolve.
  5. That would be my first thought. Especially if your on the ramp
  6. For our o360 which should be no different on oil pressure we see high 70's in climb even with temps above 200 and in cruise at 24/21 with OaT around 90 degrees still between 70 and 75 with oil temp around 200. The numbers you show do seem a bit low.
  7. We were able to use the one in the plane
  8. Thanks but I have to give credit where it's due, almost all of the in flight pictures I post were taken by my wife.
  9. Transponder installed and talking to encoder had to do some wiring to make up the plugs and needed tray installed. LASAR did the install and wiring. Certified to 16000 ft for 1 AMU not too bad. Annual complete and new to me transponder. Good to have our Snoopy all back together.
  10. This shows where the River fire came down the hills towards Lampson field.
  11. Man August was a terrible month for our flying. After finishing July away from home the Mendocino complex fires broke out in Mendocino county quickly moving into Lake county. The TFR put our airport out of commission and delayed our scheduled annual. Finally was able to get that taken care of only to have the transponder quit while having VFR cert completed. Another couple weeks pass and am finally able to get back to flying. We took a needed trip for supplies and flew over the Ranch fire area. We have seen 40 70 even 100k acre fires before but this on at over 400 thousand acres and still burning is really beyond comprehension. Smoke was so thick approaching Willows that we couldn't see the field until under 3 miles out. I think my flying was good considering the long break.
  12. I might be of some help. Earlier this year we departed with unsecured door and bent it up pretty bad. LASAR did a re skin and replaced the door side hinge with paint was right about 1 amu and only took a couple days. Per Robert at LASAR these doors are matched to the airframe when made and even though they are very similar will take some work to get them to fit
  13. I agree with the point, but what's done was done and we all seem to agree it was pretty dam funny.
  14. Watching AOPA live video they played the news feed with the reporter calling on a problem of the flux capacitator and came to the defense of the reporter and said that whoever gave her that information should not have done that as it only feeds more fuel to the problem of mis information about GA. Typical I sometimes wonder if AOPA has any sense of humor at all.
  15. Seriously though when cleaning ours we use Gojo hand cleaner on all the surfaces avoiding the spots where grease is supposed to be and when rinsing the areas with the cleaner are clean and the greased areas are unaffected by the water.
  16. Being mostly on the underside would that be mostly "down under"
  17. If he needs information and has no one else to turn to my bet is he will approach you, at that time it will be appropriate and helpful
  18. I have just started that change and have run the numbers even with a 45% reduction in income I think aviation will still be doable. In two years SS begins and two years after that the house is paid for so should only get better as time passes. This first month has been really interesting as I have paid much more attention to every monetary expenditure. It's funny the little things that add up that you never think about when you have more than enough.
  19. This sounds like a science experiment. Undo the outer shroud that covers the muffler heat exchange only three screws in my case. Take a shop vac put the hose in the outlet with a towel around the end of the hose to make a good seal in the tail pipe and pressuring the exhaust start spraying soapy water around the pipes the joints and flanges the internal exposed muffler can and look for bubbles. No need to remove the lower cowl.
  20. Well I have selected the winning image. But I may wait to announce it until I have the painting done. Again, I want to thank all of you that took the time
  21. Don I don't know you but you are always very respectful here with your comments and knowledge which I'm certain reflects on your family. Hope and pray for comfort to you and all those close to you.
  22. The Bom looks butt ugly and would not consider it as well as the spinning fan to generate the power. That seems like something that would wear out real quick. As for the Skybeacon it gets its power from the nav light power and looks like would not cause much if any added drag
  23. Man that's a pretty thick barrel amazing there is enough pressure to cause a separation like that. What's even more amazing is I figured out how to copy just one photo and paste it onto a reply.
  24. Today's flight had to be by car since we have no transponder. A nice drive to Yontville in Napa Valley for the day. When we got home there was a box on the porch. Will be taking it in to LASAR tomorrow to assist in the install of the GTX327 hen we can get back to flying. After I will still be able to choose the ADSB next year going with the GDL82 or the sky beacon if the law suit is resolved. They cost about the same but labor is going to be less for the sky beacon. Thanks Chris
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