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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Not to toss a wet rag into the mix but the forecast for the end of the month is rain and high winds. We were planning a trip to Carlsbad but are going to postpone due to weather. The trip is going to have 3 adults in our D 4 would be over gross other wise I'd be happy to bring you up.
  2. Just finished an oil change at LASAR after I took a walk over to their paint shop and took a look at your mooney. They had the new skins all done with the base coat and their man showed the repairs to the wing. Looks real nice. They do great work.
  3. Good one sixtypilot
  4. Rice rockets rule! A modern sport bike at 1 liter makes over 170hp at the rear wheel with no turbo is super light idles all day without plug fowling and gets 40 plus mpg. Since the subject line has digressed to HP vs weight lighter is better.
  5. Most of my experience is with auto and motorcycle but I noticed you mentioned your pressure was a "little high" as a newly overhauled engine if the tolerances are too close you will see an increase in oil temps I would recommend and oil analysis to check for Bering material. As we all know air cooled engines rely on oil flow to aid in cooling. Your problem may go away after you build up some hours on the OH.
  6. bonal


    From the album: KHAF

  7. bonal


    From the album: KHAF

    Looking to the east toward SF
  8. bonal


    From the album: KHAF

  9. I see the story that mooney production has resumed and I wonder if they are filling existing orders or where the first completed will go. Any one here in mooney space going to sign up. I would love to be on that list but far to rich for my budget. I know some of you have that kind of finances are you going to go brand new or just stick with your trusted steed?
  10. I agree with big tex. I must say I'm kind of disappointed thought I'd get some real great names. Definitely some good ones but not as many as I expected. we even put a couple art stickers of Snoopy in his goggles scarf atop his flying dog house on the tail of 14U
  11. I know you guys must be getting tired of me always saying this but I do it because they are great with all things mooney. Get in touch with Lake Aero Styling. Good luck with your search.
  12. Check out the Lake aero site as well They have a 20J with a bullet turbo conversion that is CA based for 80k and a couple others that are in your mission requirement.
  13. We are 15 min. and that's too far. If I ever have to move I'm going to try and find a place right next to the field if not on it. We have some not too pricey flyin communities in CA and all I can think of is how cool to go right from the kitchen to the hangar.
  14. Our D had them installed in 06 and we have no issues. I don't know about fueling with the wet wing but with the bladders you have to give some time for the fuel to transfer to each bladder only adds a few min to the fueling time. I'm real glad we have them from all the info on re sealing the wings that I have read.
  15. About 350tt and around 80 in my Mooney
  16. My wife and I love the nose art done on all the war birds back in the day and of coarse the names their devoted flight crews came up with
  17. I'll be looking for it when it gets to Lampson the weather has been bad for flying but may improve on Tuesday have a safe flight. And good luck on the repairs.
  18. The original snoopy dog flew his bad ass dog house in search of the Red Baron Come on guys lets get creative
  19. Since the previous owner of Snoopy had passed and I had no contact with the family we gave it a new name. I agree the name should stay with the plane. I have found a buyer for my C150 and I let him know that plane is named Skeeter.
  20. I was just thinking about the names we give our airplanes. Since ours has a real resemblance to a famous ww1 flying beagle we gave him the name Snoopy. I think it would be fun to hear others.
  21. Go to lake aero styling web site. They have a real good pre buy check list you can print. I agree absolutely on the pre buy. Before you do that have the seller remove some inspection panels near the spar and to the empennage look real close for corrosion it's amazing how little is a lot. Good luck. Don't worry about the F if its not what you want. I don't carry more than my wife and maybe one other and with the seats up to reach the pedals the back has decent space. Personally I like the look of the short body for that kind of money I would go for a sweet E. Just 2 cents
  22. if they were smart they would just set up a ring of German 88's
  23. I have O&N Bladders and I love the fact that I actually have a fuel tank not just a buch of fuel in my wing. what do you think our WW2 pilots loved the most about the zero i hink they had a wet wing. Zero problems with the O&N's no pun intended.
  24. Hey big tex, I agree a convetional will give you a real education i did some aerobatic training in a 152 and the school has a Champ that I plan on addition time to continue the schools syllabus. I did my training in my own C150 and my first instructor really showed me how to find and fly the thermals and to respect them. my home base is surrounded by mountains so when you don't have a lot of performance you learn real well how to get the most out of your machine,
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