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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Owning an aircraft is intense.
  2. Plenty of designs were failures but in many the mistakes were what improved the overall evolution of aircraft. We learn more from our failures than our successes (hopefully). As for the movie I love the sequence of the B36 going through its taxi to takeoff scene. Great footage and it isn't some stupid computer generated BS. You have to develop through small steps they had to figure every thing out with there brains and slide rules. And it's not like the F22 and F35 aren't without there own problems.
  3. Well put Hector, sadly we have allowed Washington to throw away all the sacrifices that were made by this county I think there is no respect and sadly no fear of consequences by the rest of the world and our historic allies don't feel they can count on the US to stop aggressive moves by Putin and others. When the last space shuttle landed I was very sad and angered man we used to fly to the moon hell we even brought an RV up there so we could go driving on the moon. By way of example as a Californian it took 20 years to build a replacement to 1/2 of the bay bridge. It took only 4 years to build the original and they built the golden gate at the same time. Our freedoms and the American way are done. Man now I'm depressed. Better get in my Mooney and fly while I still can.
  4. I think a better question would be to ask is who doesn't visually check and if not why not its not like you need a ladder as on our high wing second cousins. It only takes a few seconds to open and look and if your doing a proper pre flight you would be working your way around the wings any way. I wonder if any one chooses to not check the dip stick on the oil level.
  5. I visual and stick every time but then I go strait to the fuel rig and add enough for the trip plus another hour trouble is this always puts them to the top. Then I have to wait for the fuel to pass through the baffles (bladders). I always sump before I crank and after I fuel. Since its just me and the wife 125lbs I can always go full tanks.
  6. Well I'm sure a partner would save some money maybe not the plane would accumulate hours at twice the rate or more. And to be truthful I would not care to share my beauty with another man any more that I would my beautiful wife. As a life long biker no one dares throw a leg over my bike. Same idea. I live within my means and am very lucky to not only have my own airplane but more importantly the passion of flight.
  7. No disrespect meant. I hope that I will be able to stay on the path I started with my 150 to train and when it was time to make the first step up I wanted the best plane I could afford and for what a 172 or Cherokee would have cost I stepped into the world of Mooniacs. I love to fly our mooney and always feel a lot of pride when we visit other fields because she looks so awesome on the ramp. It would take a major change in finance to move into the world of the "modern Mooney's" But one never knows
  8. Looks like another severe clear day mid 70's here in Northern California its been a bad year for needed rain but it makes for lots of great flying.
  9. Agreed. I think some times some of the folks on this site forget that some of us are making a huge sacrifice just to have the privilege to own any kind of aircraft. I to would like to install a fancy engine monitoring system but its way out of my budget. I figure my aircraft has lasted 50 years with its stock systems as long as I use good judgement it should go another 50.
  10. Thanks that will work
  11. I'm stuck in the 20th century and don't have a Paypal account. Can you provide an address I could send a check. Or PM me to keep it off the public access.
  12. Yes its a converted D and very funny marauder!
  13. Thanks Marauder. Do you listen to Slip Knot? just wonderring based on your current picture
  14. Thanks Brian, to be truthful I'm stuck in the 20th century. The G296 works great as well as my Foreflight app on the IPAD. This Mooney is 50 years old this year and it is a wonderful machine. we flew out over the pacific yesterday looking for whales. none sighted but I was getting 150Knots indicated at 4500ft 26in mp. No BS. I know the ARNAV is out dated but it might be fun to get it to work.
  15. So as I have become more proficiant at operating my 20D I am now looking into the operation of the GPS. We have a STEC40 that works great with the heading bug and the nav. I have not tried to use the ARNAV GPS but my wife who loves to push buttons and handles much of my navigation with the Garmin 296 wants me to get the ARNAV to work. I dont think the unit is supported any more. I found an OM on the net. Any info would be helpful. its not a big deal but if I can get it to work and its slaved to the STEC then every thing on the plane would be working. which is cool
  16. Back in the C150 we were returning from SO CAL. as we approached Napa my wife fell asleep when she woke up about 45min later the airport was in the same position. Man I love our Mooney!
  17. Look into Gill and Concord charging specs. you will note that charger and battery tenders for aircraft batteries are designed to charge at under 13 volts and they specifically point out that you should not use an automotive use charger or tender. The reason is that in order to be lighter and still produc ample power they have to usr a stronger acid. When this is given too high of charge voltage it will cause the plates to break down faster shortening the battery life and lowering its performance. if you look on Aircraf Spruce under bat chargers you will see a good explanation on this. Your 12,8 is probly just right.
  18. True that but our f86 was on the ground in the sand box and we could climb all through it all over it. I don't remember when they removed it but it was there for lots of great fun when I was a kid.
  19. We fly into boulder city rent the car from the FBO and its 15 to 20 min to Vegas easy pleasey japanesey and from what I've read Owens valley can be quite the hair ball.
  20. We flew that route last summer from k1o2 and are going to fly it next week we will pick up a friend in Merced on the way. Looking at the chart it seems a smart way to go. Also from what I'm told you can't count on clearance through china lake I like the route it keeps you over good terrain the whole time.
  21. Cool, can't do that in the states any more too dangerous. I remember when I was a kid they had a stripped fighter jet in the play ground at the park where we played. I think it was an F86 but I'm not sure. You could climb all over it. We would cut ourselves on the sharp edges and burn our skin on the hot aluminum in the summer heat. Great fun. I feel sad for all the protected kids these days.
  22. Got to do some flying today played around with over square dropped about 5kph IAS seems to like WOT 2500 ROP best I think I will stick with what feels the best.
  23. Fresh oil change nice and clean and I put in the cam guard. As for me I get as high as I can and I am always surprised by how many are so far below us. I like the air up high always keeping the winds aloft in mind. All I can say is if the little spinner up front stops spinning I bet all you low flyers will be wishing you were up nice and high. Altitude = options.
  24. went to check out Piperpainter on U tube. very cool helped to pick up my dreary mood. I like to put up cool Mooney photos on my backgrounds at work and I found this really cool shot of a red and black C low over the desert. So when i ckecked out the Piper tubes to my suprise its the same C I feel real confident with my landings but watching those did make me a little tense if you know what I mean. Good luck in your search.
  25. I dont know what the thickness is on mine but its such a small tight litttle piece of glass and I know the advantages of the one piece glass but i like how mean and old school the 2 piece looks. And if the strike hits dead center it may not get inside. Great job by the pilot. So many times the only GA stories that make the news are when some one dies. Nice to see a happy ending now and then.
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