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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. Leave the review here as well. The word will spread. Specially if it's a bad one.
  2. Here is a scenario: January 1st - 1 approach February 1st - 1 approach March 1 st - 1 approach April 1st - 1 approach May 1st - 1 approach June 1st - 1 approach July - no approach I am current since I have 6 approaches in last 6 months. But by August 1st I have only 5 approaches within last 6 months. So I am not current anymore even of I flew the approaches on regular basis? Is better to wait until last minute and then do 6 approaches in one day to be current for next 6 months? I am probably missing something because it doesn't make any sense.
  3. I was about to ask how often do you practice the Engine out emergency but I will be more general. What emergency procedures and unusual situations ( including stalls, unusual attitude, spins, take off power loss or whatever) do you practice and how often?
  4. Super cool.
  5. I know it is a different device but just to compare I got my Strikefinder / power supply repaired. Insight charges flat bench fee $400, parts around $20 and 2 day shipping. All together around $450. Very happy.
  6. Glad you made it ok.
  7. I have sent it out for repair and it came back in 4 days and it cost $420. So I am very happy and I am keeping it. I already put it back in the plane.
  8. Thanks for the inputs. It's done. It took 15 minutes to swap it. I don't plan to land at night a lot but now I feel a little more comfortable as my old one didn't work every time I did my preflight. Thanks.
  9. Based on my research and other topics I got Whelen PLED461L. My old one works only if I knock on the Plexiglas that I found difficult to do during the flight :-).
  10. So I got my new LED landing light today. Before I start to take everything apart I have one question. Do I need to get to the back of the light ( remove the bottom cowling) in order to swap it or is it possible to do that from the front / outside only? Thanks
  11. Nice. And she did good job holding the camera stabil.
  12. Thank you. I will keep it.
  13. This TFR is weird . I can't find it on the FAA site or anywhere else except Garmin Pilot. I better to call a briefer.
  14. My Insight Strike Finder went bad. To repair or replace it will cost me over $ 1500. I never used it before as I got my IR just now. My dilemma is should I get it repaired and keep it or should I get rid of that and gain some panel space for future improvement? I use Garmin Pilot that has pretty good weather features and radar. I know it is a not real time weather but I have no intentions to weave any storms. What is your experience with the lighting detection devices? Thanks
  15. What are those user waypoints? Just curious.
  16. It's been 15 years since I came to this wonderful country. Very happy about that.
  17. I have no idea. That's why I am searching for the answer. On my Garmin Pilot something pops up and it asking me to either Confirm or Ignore after I filed on line, but I never tried it.
  18. I usually get my clearance the traditional way - from the ground control, clearance delivery frequency or on the phone. I overheard that you can get the clearance on the internet, maybe DUAT (S)? How does it work? How long before the take off you need to request it? What is the void time like? I am talking about the actual clearance not the IFR flight plan. I file through my Garmin pilot all the time. Anybody has any experiences with it? Thanks
  19. I am using MyFlightbook. It is important to set all the parameters you want to keep track of before you start to use it so it is easy to fill the blanks and there are no unnecessary fields to fill. I use it on my iPads and iPhone. No reason to use the PC or Mac. I still do my paper logbook too where I like to highlight milestones and important missions.
  20. I sent you an email with the request.
  21. I just googled it. Interesting facts I never knew. Thanks.
  22. The "visible horizon " caught my attention. Like this morning. I flew to KLEW Maine from KBLM NJ and it was so hazy ( but no clouds) at 7000' that I could see the ground only looking straight down. No horizon or any other reference out of the window. I had to fly by the instruments all the time. I couldn't spot any traffic that ATC was pointing to. Would that be the IMC?
  23. As I have received my instrument ticket recently I keep hearing and reading " When you get more IMC experience... ". I file IFR anytime I can but to get I the clouds is not that easy actually. So my question is how much actual IMC hours ( and total hours so I can figure out the ratio) you have? How many hours of actual you average per year? Thanks
  24. I have removed my Strike Finder as it would pop the fuse every time. Where should I send it for repair? It is the Insight SF2000 model. Thanks
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