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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. I have sent out my seat belts out for rewebbing to aircraftseatbelts.com. Good price and nice color selection they have. I have received them back today but I was disappointed that my shoulder harness didn't get repaired. There is red tag attached saying they can't do that because of Alert Service Bulletin. What is that about? What can be done about this? Thank you.
  2. I started today to work on my plastic panels. It was very hard to remove original fabric inserts and arm rests as they are glued to the panels as those ceramic tiles to the space shuttle surface. There was a lot of hard glue and torn fabric left and I couldn't sleep last nigh thinking how the hell I will remove the stuff. So I tried the vibrating tool ( or whatever you call it) and it worked perfectly. The blade moves very fast so you can remove the stuff from small areas very precisely. A little sanding will make it perfect. Very happy how that worked. Now I am going to try it on the floor to remove the carpet residue. But, as you can see in the picture the insert doesn't really fit. I Have order it from Airtex and I have specified my plane, year, model, serial number. I don't think I have any custom or aftermarket plastic panels so I don't know what happened. Also I have 4 inserts in my plane but I have received 6 new inserts and they don't look like they will fit anywhere in my plane. Any ideas? I will call them tomorrow of course. Thanks.
  3. My plane is right now at LV Avionics at KABE Allentown, Pa. Short flight and drive from anywhere in NJ. I am at KBLM. Mike ( the owner) is very nice and more important knowledgable guy. I am spending substantial amount of money with him to put all kind of gadgets to my panel to bring the plane to the 21st century finally. Not a autopilot though as I already have one. Anyway, I was shopping around for a while, got multiple quotes and talked to few shops. Based on my and others experience, price and most important his approach to the project I have selected Mike.
  4. I am in the middle of refreshing the interior on my 1977 J. All new carpet, side panels and painted plastic, probably. Where can I get new place cards ? Some of my windows are milky. Is it something that can be improved by polishing the outside surfaces of the plexiglass? The stuff they use to polish auto headlights maybe? Thank you.
  5. I am going to get me CFI and move to China. It looks like I will be busy for next 20 years.
  6. If you tried with " I will go around with first sign of trouble " I wouldn't call it foolish. Good job. Anyway, I have been in Croatia ( by the car and boat, not flying) many times. What a beautiful country. Did a lot of scubadiving there. Really deep ones too. Long before I got my PPL.
  7. And some of the worst landing happend during ideal conditions when we just got too comfortable, unfocused and lazy.
  8. Yes. You can send the flight plan from the Pilot app to the watch ( wirelessly by bluetooth) and literally use it to navigate to the destination in case of emergency ( watch display size limitation of course) . Also I just dropped my plane today at the avionics shop to get the GTN 750, GDL 88, new audio panel and FlightStream 210 that allows direct communication (flight plan upload) between iPad Garmin Pilot app and GTN750.
  9. The Garmin D2 ( direct to ) has all kind of alerts and alarms. It vibrates so it is hard to miss. Timers, altitude alarms, position alarms.
  10. I don't know about the iWatch but Garmin D2 is ideal pilot watch. Built in GPS, nearest, direct, HSI, baro altimeter, moving map, flight plan, blue tooth communication with iPad, Garmin camera remote control, etc.
  11. Congratulations and welcome. I am fresh ( 1 year) M20J owner myself. Just going through my first annual righ now. I am extremely happy with the plane. Search the topics and you will find tons of good advices and pointers from other guys here. Good luck.
  12. I have and use both. Air on the knee and mini on the modified suction mount and a pad attached in the corner of the pilot's window. It is perfect location for the mini. Right at the eye level and close enough to see every detail on the screen. I use Garmin Pilot App and GDL39 3D with battery backup. It connects to both simultaneously. So I can use synthetic vision on one and geo plates on second one for example. My second external GPS unit ( Garmin GLO) is ready and fully charged as a backup. I think the equipment itself and the software are very stabil in these days. Only issue you could experience is overheating and shooting down of the iPad if exposed to direct sun. It happened couple times. Now I am ready for that and I protect the iPad from the sun during taxing and in the flight I direct the air from the vent to the direction that cools iPad down.
  13. Isn't everything below 60 illegal. I don't know about the Continental engines but I am pretty sure that's the case for Lycoming.
  14. I'd like to replace my old seat belts with new ( or used in good shape) ones in my 1977 J. Where should I look? Thanks
  15. Battery is $ 99.95 at sportys. Just saying.
  16. Bob, This is great. Thank you for putting so much work into it. I will print it out and learn the tricks. It would probably take long time to find it out on my own. I am curious what else other guys have in their sleeves. Manual is one thing but the real life experience is priceless. Thanks.
  17. Thanks. What simulator do you use and what is available out there? I have a played with iPad app and I keep watching tutorial,videos on you tube.
  18. I see. It is pretty much direct. That's great. And my Garmin Pilot shows recent routing as Direct 6000ft M20P 10/24/14. It has to be you. I hope I will make it this year. Thanks
  19. I am getting new GTN 750 installed soon. So I will have bunch of questions. I fly with my GDL39 3D and Garmin iPad for now. I will keep it as a main source for weather, traffic and terrain since I am not getting GDL88 or anything like that for now. That will come later with the whole new panel overhaul. My first question is: Does the GPS equipment on board let you file more direct routes? If so, how do you file your route? By using T routes and waypoints? Any experiences with this? Does it save some fly time compare to airways?
  20. Do you know what is the part number or what propeller it came from? I want to make sure it is the right one. Thanks
  21. I believe that Airtex Interiors sell it and it called door seal welt. Check their website / catalogue / miscellaneous. And call them to confirm.
  22. Congrats. 201 is an awesome plane.
  23. Interesting. More details please.
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