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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. For those with digital gauges be aware that a sender can be erratic and is ok for analog gauges, but not digital. So when checking individual senders, slowly move arm and make sure the readings don’t jump.
  2. Somebody remind me what the color paint (red in this case) means? Something about tolerances or number of overhauls?
  3. There’s 2 senders, in series, so the gauge will see 0-60.
  4. I just replaced my Concord after 5 years, no BM and I fly frequently. Capacity check was 85% and starts seem lethargic. I choose not to push it and have to be AOG somewhere because of battery issues.
  5. WOT above 6500’, I generally fly 8500’ or above on x-country trips.
  6. I think you’ll find a normally aspirated fully F/J (some are turbo charged) that’s fully loaded especially in hot conditions doesn’t give you much margin of error on a 4000’ runway. Any obstacles at the runway ends?
  7. Fort Pierce took a hit from a tornado. A lot of sheet metal damage, especially the roofs and doors, and a few planes tied outside didn’t fare well. The planes in the damaged hangars from a distance look unscathed.
  8. I think they dropped the 1 piece belly.
  9. Fort Pierce (my home airport) was hit by a tornado, it’s closed and they’re are not allowing anyone inside the fence, so I don’t know what damage if any has occurred.
  10. No one seemed to be listening to him, no change in direction, no responses, I assume they edited those out?
  11. Snakes eat mice, mice damage planes, why kill it?
  12. Missing Wilma, Charlie…
  13. Latest track shows it hitting between Sarasota and Bradenton. 5-7 inches of rainfall through the central portion of Florida. We’re already saturated so there’s no place for the water to go.
  14. Just like G3X.
  15. The difference is they do this 40 hours a week, most of us only fly about 100 hours a year.
  16. Interesting, that’s where I had a problem with the read back of my taxi instructions I mentioned above.
  17. Multiple times…. When I used the phrase “clear to cross runway” during read back of a long taxi instruction. The controller berated me for about a minute, demanding to talk to my instructor (new pilot, instructor I had just dropped off). He kept yelling until a Citation pilot shut him down. The tower was very apologetic when they handed me off. Landed at a airport with no taxiway, so had to turn around on the runway and I had announced I was doing a full stop. Got a couple of comments from a couple of planes doing pattern work, one behind me had to do a go around. FBO shut them down.
  18. How many hours of labor? 200?
  19. Me neither, but I get the promotional emails.
  20. We don’t know if he actually came to a stop or was just taxiing down the runway. The audio was edited so really can’t tell.
  21. I was looking at the wrong page , this is the Mooney J/K, and I included the panel and the required STC:
  22. Normally the tower will give you a heads up if they need you to expedite exiting the runway. They cut off the initial calls, so don’t know what was said, but they started with how do you hear, makes me think the pilot was distracted or overwhelmed and not responding to the tower. Tower never told the Mooney to exit or maybe that was cut out. And then there’s the Cessna pilot….
  23. I don’t know where they got the pricing numbers, here’s the breakdown, with trim it’s $12k.
  24. Yes.. “*** Trim control features including Autopilot Auto-Trim require the installation of the SV-AP-TRIMAMP and SV-AP-PANEL. The aircraft must also have an electric trim system installed via original equipment, an existing STC, or other certification means. “ Also the Garmin servos are lighter, so if you’re looking to gain useful load it’s a better choice. See weights below (16.8lbs), Garmin installed is about half of that.
  25. Hmmmm, making it complicated. The trim servo will allow the elevator servo to work with less resistance. 3 servos, without the trim servo you would need to adjust the trim manually, but I don’t know anyone who just installed 2 servos.
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