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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. It has been done. There might be a thread here somewhere. Dan at lasar might be able to help as well.
  2. I have one and like it as well. Switched the tach pickup to right side worked for me as well, but I think there are other kinds of pickups used depending on the exact tach that can’t be as easily moved.
  3. Yeah I doubt it as well, but I’ve had it happen even several days after an update where I put in the stby navdata, then on the switchover day, boom, I’m telling ground that ill be off the radio for two minutes for a reboot.
  4. For your #1 point, my gns430w is actually a really good traffic display as I return to my home class D under a class C. I know lots of people scoff at the small screen, but there’s no background color hiding little traffic icons and it’s super easy to scale in. I usually cruise with it out at 30 miles scale but zoom in to 10 miles when I start my descent. It also filters out traffic well off your altitude. Anyway, your point is valid because a zoomed out ipad screen without filtering is terrible. I do fly in the northwest though so there’s probably less traffic than youre seeing except when I fly to Seattle where I’m on a 5nm scale or less to keep some SA on close traffic. Second point, I also agree. Sometimes it’s hard to visualize which way is better to turn to create some line of sight movement. That can take a long time to learn. I think for people struggling with this, it might be helpful to get them to concentrate on one aspect per flight or even over several flights. Like concentrate on visual lookout and atc flight following during a flight without using adsb at all. Like how to pickup flight following, radio terminology, how/why/when to cancel it, how to use the 2nd radio, etc. All while doing visual lookout. Then maybe try a flight where you use adsb instead and try to convince them to take small looks at it, appropriate scale, reasonable action, etc. I doubt student pilots could incorporate atc flight following, adsb traffic, visual lookout and additional radio work (atis, listening to ctaf, etc) until they are getting close to their checkride (or beyond). I agree nobody should be making radios calls for/about others based on adsb, but apparently they need to be trained not too. There’s also some people who aren’t really that willing to listen. We do what we can…
  5. This is a long shot, but it’s not happening around the time you’ve uploaded new monthly navdata is it? I have that happen on the Meridian I fly when the pfd and mfd haven’t successfully started and restarted the same number of times to check the data before using it. Remember it says “new data will be verified before use.”? My recourse is shutting off all electrical power and starting back up which fixes it. I have no idea why mismatched data Xs the engine instruments but it does.
  6. I do think one thing we’re missing from @Vance Harral ‘s initial point is about training. How much training did any of us get on using adsb to look for traffic? Sure we know how to use the system and make it Bluetooth to all our devices, but to effectively use it to help us deconflict from traffic that may or may not be displayed? That needs to be taught in ppl and reinforced anytime cfi’s or others experienced pilots fly with someone struggling with effective use of the technology. It includes when to use it, how to use it and when not to use it. I will say in the F-15E as I flew it we had a really good radar, but it wasn’t perfect. The front seaters ran the radar through hotas on both hands (mostly on the throttle), flew tactical formation, and looked outside for bandits. Sometimes at night on nvgs (which significantly reduces field of view and distance perception). It was very hard to teach people when they could “stare” at the radar screen vs when they should solely focus on visual lookout (or flying formation). The simulated bandits we flew against knew how best to avoid detection. It was very embarrassing when (occasionally) someone would be working hard on the radar and their backseater would yell “break right! Bandit 5 o’clock!” Because they had already merged and the backseater was the only one looking outside. Training can overcome many (not all) of the issues with proper time management and exactly which “sensor” is priority at the moment. Eyeballs are one of our sensors.
  7. My IA uses these for cirrus and they work well. Looks like it could work for a Mooney but I’m not sure? They are probably crap in snow like most others, but the KSFF snow plow guys are usually really good and I haven’t had many issues with snow other than shoveling 6” in front of my hangar. https://www.aviationconsumer.com/accessories/best-tugs-sophisticated-towing/
  8. If you said that to me i might have reverted to a former life and ripped the wings off in an 8 g left turn! Seriously, if someone listens to me that well, I don’t think I’d fly with them anymore.
  9. Mine works out to the bottom of the tab as well. The reason for the hole is that it saves 0.02 ounces of weight and allows for 0.069 more ml of fuel in the tank. Just kidding of course. Nobody knows why the hole is there.
  10. Heck, the #1 distraction I usually see for young pilots is the radio! But I think I’ll keep using it and trying to teach them to !
  11. I like adsb, but it’s another tool. visual lookout, ATC traffic advisories, proper radio usage (traffic pattern), and appropriate vfr altitudes are other tools to reduce the threat. None completely eliminates it, but i think it’s really low. There are times/places where I fly that adsb is the best way to find traffic before it’s very close (10,500’, eastern Oregon, no ATC coverage). Also remember that the airplane that you’re on a collision course with is very hard to see because there’s no line of sight. The other small airplanes you do find visually are typically already inside 2 miles but not an immediate threat as they are usually easier to see when they have relative motion and thus aren’t going to collide with you. equipment wise, i wish I could set my gns430w to provide traffic advisories earlier. It might be too much in busy areas like where @EricJlives, but it’s barely helpful now as the traffic can be very close before it provides a warning. I’ve definitely had it warn me of a rapidly climbing turboprop coming up below me that I would never have seen before we collided or at least passed very close. As it was on that one, I maneuvered, saw the traffic, deconflicted and still wasn’t very happy about the situation. The times i’m bummed about “the system” is when I see a “crop duster” (not always a duster) at a remote strip just ignoring radio use, no adsb out, using whichever runway he wants and flying improvised traffic “patterns”. That’s just putting his risk tolerance (or lack) on everyone else. It’s not fair at all.
  12. Maybe try @Alan Foxor lowean salvage (sorry I don’t have their name right and can’t find Sherri Lowean’s username. They might have a serviceable one?
  13. I called them for one. They don’t have it and said to expect a year. Try Chandler msc in Arizona, they just shipped one out to somebody else. These are getting to be tough to find.
  14. Do you have the original WB from the factory to compare to? J models don’t have significant modifications that would change it, besides maybe a 3 blade prop and that isn’t much.
  15. Correct. You have to look real close, squint and have the right light, but it’s stamped on the tabs. 25gal each side, 50 total.
  16. Possibly try pm ing @PT20J with this question as he has very similar panel. I think you should have the bt off in the gtx345 and connect directly to the g3x but I am not sure. Maybe try searching through @PT20J old posts too because I remember him going through this.
  17. That’s a normal wear “point”. Unfortunately, there are about 10 different parts, bolts, linkages in the nosewheel connection that can cause it. Some are easy to find/fix, some not as much. It needs to be on jacks with someone under the nosewheel wiggling it to find the worn area. As far as I know, there’s no measurement. Did you notice play in the steering when taxiing? I had some “play” in mine noticeable in taxiing. It was starting to get kind of annoying. During the annual we found the worn bolt/bushing. It wasn’t available from mooney right away. My IA used a couple washers to tighten it up and it felt a lot better. Meanwhile, I ordered the new parts which cost about $100 from lasar. If i was you, I’d ask them to identify the worn part and give you an estimate of time/cost to fix. Then decide if you want to defer it because it doesn’t sound like an airworthiness issue in their eyes but it could be an easy fix. Edit: I do think there’s a measurable limit for play between the rudder pedals and the rudder, but not the nosewheel. Maybe someone else can show me wrong though.
  18. I’ve been to a few of these “non taxiway / back taxi for takeoff” airports but haven’t seen one with lots of traffic doing touch and goes. I guess I’d give them a circuit while I looked for a break and if none was obvious, I’d get on the radio and tell them I’m back taxi for takeoff. Hard thing would be ensuring all the traffic heard/acknowledged. At an airport like that, radios aren’t even required. People are usually easy to work with if they know what you’re doing. The one I always think about is W95, okracoke island. The sand dunes make it hard to see final and the end of the runway from the parking. I was waiting patiently for a Cirrus to land before my back taxi and it took much longer than I expected. Finally peeked out farther and realized they had landed, drifted off the runway into the sand, spun 180 and snapped the tail off. They were ok. Luckily (for me) they were off the runway too, so after the local fire trucks and people had left, I was able to depart because the aircraft was stuck there for a long while.
  19. Fitting on the firewall is probably ok. Don’t be frustrated if the new hose doesn’t fix it. I swear mine had a bigger leak and would still get down to 12-13”.
  20. I always forget about that. My F has the 201 windshield mod which makes that 1000% more difficult.
  21. @PT20J…. This is your wheelhouse!
  22. I agree with replacing the bulkhead through fitting too but it’s harder to get at. You’ll need to get at in on the instrument panel side too…
  23. I used their online quote request last year and got a quick email from an actual person. 2 blade was around $12k. Year and half ago.
  24. If that’s true, i kinda wish he’d sell the rights to it, take his well deserved millions, and let someone else produce it. If there is anyone who actually wants to do it for our small market.
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