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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Another option is to call the MSCs and see if they have one in stock or if Mooney does. I’d try lasar and Dmax at least. It’s unlikely that they do, and it will be a Macfarlane cable as well (and probably more expensive), but it might save you a couple weeks. I got one from the Msc in Oklahoma (Tulsa?) two years ago and had it within days.
  2. Read through this thread…
  3. There are quite a few installed. Rumor on the street is they help out the carbureted models more than the injected models. There is slightly increased mx required, but there’s a lot of debate about that. I believe we have some older threads on PF before/after and performance was not as big as hoped for, however I don’t have one.
  4. I sent mine to pacific last year and they said it had “internal corrosion” and they were unable to overhaul it. I was disappointed… I ended up with a new one through Spruce for about $600ish.
  5. DA, Tas, winds velocity/direction all come to mind when you add a temp input. But I don’t have a -375 or -275, so check into that.
  6. You guys are probably right, I’ve just never heard it taught or used. That doesn’t mean anything though. Clearly it’s in the aim and the pilot/controller glossary, so they should know. My personal opinion is this though… if you have a problem in an airplane, you need to use good crm. This means everything from good checklist discipline, autopilot use (single pilot crm), crew coordination (if available), and ATC communication/coordination. I think you really want to avoid any gray area or guessing from lengthy or complex coordination. Either declare an emergency or don’t. Example from @AH64D above said he declared “PanPan” in a multi engine helo because it could fly fine on one but he wanted to skip the recovery routing… in my opinion, I say emergency and tell them I’m on one engine and going directly to the field. No guessing. What is the downside of saying emergency? That’s how I think about it at least.
  7. Get ferry permit, take it to SWTA or DMax, get good ppi from knowledgeable Mooney mechanic. That would be my plan. They are close and good. If you buy it, have them finish the annual.
  8. One thought on the usb panel plug… depending on your audio panel needs, the PMA450b has one on it which is a nice bonus to an already awesome audio panel. And, in airplane dollars, the unit isn’t that expensive if you currently have one it can swap for easily.
  9. Yeah I agree, if the floor indicator is good, it’s down, but it’s pretty comforting to actually see the gear down like the mirrors show on high wing ac.
  10. Yeah, for how simple the gear is, the wiring, switches, CBs can get complicated quickly with a fault… the “override” switch was originally added to the models with squat switches on the left gear to override them if they didn’t expand on takeoff. Those models didn’t even have airspeed switches. Later models went back to airspeed switches, but I’m not 100% sure what their override switch overrides, so you could be correct?
  11. No doubt. How about a very small Bluetooth camera secured (3m velcro?) inside a wheel well or maybe even back of the nose wheel truss to see the mains? That would be awesome!
  12. Usually used overseas (Europe for sure). It may be icao standard, but I suspect atc here would be confused by it.
  13. Here’s my cfii/5000hrs take on it. Never wrong to declare an emergency… however, if you weren’t already talking to them and with the failure and plan you had, I wouldn’t bother calling them up to declare an emergency or tell them anything. If you’re already talking to them and you wanted to start circling and working the issue or then needed priority or emergency vehicles, then sure, declare. No harm, no foul. But in your described situation, great job! Fingers crossed for an easy fix!
  14. I have a different model (F), but I thought the red bypass only put the gear up, not down. Yes it skips the airspeed switch, but that switch doesn’t keep your gear from coming down, only up.
  15. Ha! They love that.
  16. Yes exactly what I meant. If you’re going to go big with new avionics, you’ll want to be able to ditch the old tech adi. No sense getting dual g5s and still having to keep the bk adi as well (and possibly as primary)?
  17. I don’t think the G5 w gad29b can drive a Kap-150 unless I’m mistaken? i do use dual g5s to drive my stec30a but they only provide heading info and gpss. His kap will require a gi-275. Even the g3x won’t. While I agree a g3x and g5 is a great setup, it’s not great if you still have the kap-150… the -275s are better because they can actually drive that ap.
  18. No need for anything more than a regular A&P mechanic. Take the screw out and reseal that one screw as doc described above. Simple. Screw leaks are easy. Full strip and reseal is something completely different.
  19. I’m gonna beg to differ with @carusoam… You can definitely have blowby with good compressions. The oil that sits in the bottom of your cylinders will seal them pretty good for your compression checks. But when you’re running you can still have blowby. Chrome cylinders are notorious for that. However none of that would really explain your temps being this much different than everyone else. I have three chrome cylinders in mine and it definitely doesn’t run that hot. Fyi, chrome cylinders are orange painted around them. Again, I doubt you could get the oil that warm just through blowby without noticing a lot of oil useage.
  20. Couple good questions above… do you have the plate behind the oil cooler to direct airflow? Also, what type of cylinders do you have? Are they chrome by any chance?
  21. My F is similar. Very near TO setting.
  22. Exactly what @PT20J said… I live in Washington, so by the time I climb to my normal cruise altitudes of 8500-10500, my NA engine is around 65% even at full throttle. If I want efficiency, I then set mixture just barely lop. There’s really no red fin up there. Now if you live in Florida and cruise at 4500’, you might want to look at it a little more closely because your full throttle mp is much higher and there’s probably some ff range where you could cause excessive heat/pressure.
  23. Weird. Your oil temp does seem higher than most but not like dangerous high. I’ll be interested when you figure it out.
  24. Chts seem ok. How high were you? 60s oat is good at low altitude but potentially warm if up high. I definitely notice a difference with the thin air at altitude not cooling as well, especially when warm. However I’m talking 10,000’ plus. Your chts and oat seem normal but you’re right, oil temp seems high.
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