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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Gonna need a digital volt meter and patience to trace power with only the master on. Check for power at the bat bus and aux bus.
  2. I also use multi viscosity, but it’s because sometimes my summer “cold” start is at 90 degrees and sometimes 40 degrees. It’s a big deal on startup when it really counts.
  3. Yes, but the oat is really not important at cruise for the viscosity, only your oil temp. If your vernatherm is working ok, you should see ~185 degrees for most of those temps depending on how you run your engine. Obviously with a super high oat and warm cylinders, you can make your oil hot, but that seems like an outlier?
  4. We could hold about 31,000lbs of fuel with the external tanks and burned somewhere around 7,000-8,000lbs/hour (total) in cruise ~25,000’. So maybe 4 hours if you don’t count start/taxi/takeoff/approach or reserve. More likely 3. But we’d have 6 jets stay with several tankers the whole way and keep us topped off to make a divert possible in case a tanker boom broke or a fighter couldn’t take fuel. You don’t want to ditch in the North Atlantic! We also didn’t have HF so the tankers did all the ATC communication until we got close. Unfortunately, they AF thought it safer to land in the light at a non familiar field in Europe after 9 hours, so that usually meant a midnight takeoff with your circadian rhythm trashed, coming off an 8 hour sleep on no-go pills (ambien) and a pocketful of go pills just in case. Night join up and tanking with 3 tankers and 6 fighters was always mayhem (and probably dangerous). I’ve never been so happy to see the sun rise until I realized it was right in my eyes and I couldn’t see the tanker at all except for the wingtips while trying to refuel. The party at the oclub after landing usually went another 6-9 hours and then sleep for a day until you do it all again to get to the Persian Gulf. It was real fun.
  5. So basically, they’ll all work at normal operating temp, but only the proper viscosity will work when starting an engine “cold” (whatever “cold” means in your climate).
  6. Well done Mikey! That was some great flying! I’ve crossed “the Pond” several times at around 8-9 hours each time, but I had to refuel many times to make that happen…
  7. You need those old lady compression socks to prevent blood clots. I think my mom has some you can borrow! Stroke might be more dangerous than thunderstorms!
  8. Ouch. With the lifters corroded, was the camshaft spalling? That’s a common problem with airplanes that sit (and even some that don’t). Lycoming engines seem to do that a lot with the cam up high. There are quite a few folks on MS that have had these exact issues.
  9. Good lord I love aviation people! @StevenL757 has got to win @carusoam ‘s daily award!
  10. I’d want them to be pretty close (mine are very close). That being said, the stall speeds you mentioned seem legit if you’re light. The published ones should be mgw, but it’s also a little hard to nail that down as you do a stall. 3 to 4 knots below published due to weight being less seems ok. If a ground tester isn’t available, you can do this with your gps… so, go out and do a very precise 3 way gps groundspeed run (smooth air and calm wind helps). Take notes of exact indicated airspeeds, ground speeds, temp, altitude, pressure, etc. Enter the groundspeeds into one of the online true airspeed calculators. Usually you need 3 legs at least 60 degrees off from each other. You’ll get True, then you can use the other info to go back to equivalent, calibrated, and finally indicated. It sounds bad, but it’s not terrible. There’s a correction in your poh for indicated to calibrated. So that’s the “I-C-E-T-G” of airspeeds but in reverse. You will then know which one was right (or at least closer).
  11. Excellent! Glad it worked. I also ended up with a snubbed on my oil pressure sender. Not sure if the snubber fixed that too or messing around with the connection to install the snubber did it, but that one is also stable now.
  12. I also do. Removed for SF mag install on IO360A1A. If the one you’re already working falls through let me know. Ill have to check the exact model number for you to make sure it’s what you need.
  13. If you have an edm 900 and a g3x, and the edm goes out, you’ll be grounded as well. Either way, one screen goes and you’re grounded. However they’ve both been shown to be pretty darn reliable (the screen).
  14. I read through the manual, and it’s pretty cryptic, but it seems to indicate that it will use an external waas source as primary if both are enabled and valid. Fyi, in certified applications, it’s supposed to have some type of external antenna, but it works fine with the internal in many airplanes.
  15. Yes, no doubt… it’s already forecast as a headwind. I was being sarcastic which doesn’t come through that well. Headwinds both ways on 500nm xc with 2 six year olds… I must have made Daedalus mad!
  16. I had your “corner solution” LOP up high into a HW case today… long cross country, strong headwinds, Spokane, WA to Carson City, NV which gives not many places for a stop, high terrain gives 9,500’ or 10,500 as your only choices (or higher). Loaded close enough to max gw for me gave 56 gallons of fuel. Ran just barely LOP (pretty much peak) at about 138ktas which gave me ~118kts ground. I landed with 15 gallons after 4.7 hobbs (including ground time). I would have preferred faster, but then i Would have had to stop in Burns, OR if I was ROP.
  17. Tested the G5s today on a very long cross country. Pulled the CBs on the G5s. Both indicated almost ~5 hours remaining at first. I left them on battery power just to see how they would draw down. Took this picture after 2 hours without power. They are pretty darn good for 2017 batteries - (2:40+ remaining!) sorry about pdf, but the picture thing is killing me. Fri, May 27, 2022, 9:57 PM.pdf And yes, I was cruising at 116kts. It was a horrendous 525 miles into 25kts+ hw the whole way. Only way to make it with all 4 of us and baggage without a stop was lean of peak which worked great. Best part is, i get at least a 10kt hw home on Monday.
  18. That coozie is only second to my Clayton Kershaw coozie! Awesome gift! Go Dodgers!
  19. Based on your history, is the ame going to sign your 3rd class and submit the testing as his basis for approval or is he requesting a SI and submitting the testing to the faa for approval. Those are 2 different things. I don’t have the guide in front of me, but there are “conditions an AME can approve or provide temporary approval for” and there are those that require the faa to approve. I had a tumor and completely lost hearing in one ear. Even my first class 1 after that was a condition that the ame could approve, so I’ve never had an issue. If it has to be sent to Oak City, who knows??
  20. I’d find a good AME (flight doc) and talk him through your situation before filling out the official medical request form. If he/she thinks it can be approved pending faa review, I’d consider it. If he thinks it’ll be denied with a 2 year wait for SI, you have your answer. You will be able to find an experienced ame to talk to you with a little work.
  21. We only fly the airlines once or twice a year to get to my in-laws across the whole country. Last time, my 6 year old kids were complaining incessantly about the wait through TSA and at the gate. “Why does this take so long? We’d already be at west coast grandmas…”. I just sat there smiling (which I rarely do when they’re complaining).
  22. Now I’m curious, why is yours placarded at 31/ side? The ‘75 poh in the download section says 64 gallons useable.
  23. Well the op said his ‘75 F is placarded at 31/ side. Anyone got a ‘75 poh handy?
  24. My ‘68 poh says “fuel capacity is 64 gallons…”. Interesting your ‘75 is placarded at 31/ side. Mine says 32, but I doubt they changed the tanks? Interestingly, my jpi930 is set to 62 gallons as full fuel. It was put in by previous owner, so I’m not sure the details, but maybe he and jpi used the later models poh to determine the tank capacity?
  25. So the reason I asked is because you said in the beginning that you pay for the approach plates, but maybe you just misspoke… I don’t think you have avionics where you can display them? Some systems can display them on an mfd (G1000). It sounds like you just wanted navdata (which includes approaches), obstacles, and safetaxi? If you only do navdata, you’ll be around $300/year.
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