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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. I found it interesting that 3 of the sources cited by the author were from Barry Schiff, who has been writing about this topic since the ‘70s.
  2. A lot of guys here really like the QT Halo in-the-ear headsets. Less expensive than the Clarity Aloft, and in some ways better. Plus, the founder/owner of the company is an actual audiologist and Mooney owner.
  3. With regard to insulation- I’ve owned 2 Mooneys, a 1967 M20C with the original fiberglass insulation and my current 1964 M20C that had been modified with 1” thick closed cell foam insulation. A previous owner had installed that stuff everywhere, even the firewall. I don’t think there is any appreciable difference in noise level. If there is, it’s 2 decibels or less. Over the past 10 years, I’ve been replacing the 1” thick with 1/2” thick, because that foam breaks down over time and makes a mess. Still no appreciable difference. On my first M20C, the original fiberglass was changed for the SB 208b insulation. If any sound reduction occurred, it was due to that exchange.
  4. A few years back, Bob Belville got his beautiful M20E painted and he said he lost a few knots.
  5. Hi, John. I tried to send a PM through Mooneyspace but it said you couldn’t receive messages.
  6. Not my decision, obviously, but I really hope you leave it original. My first Mooney was a 1967 M20C. When I was shopping for my current one, I specifically looked away from anything pre-1965 just because of the windows. Now I’m glad I got my 1964 in spite of the old window shape. It’ll grow on you, I promise. If nothing else, it’s the way Al Mooney himself envisioned the airplane.
  7. I think the reason that it’s not a recommended transmission is that you may as well say the number. That way, if the winds are calm or someone just got on the frequency, they will actually know which runway is the active, and won’t have to ask. Also, “the active” is three syllables. Saying the actual number is at most only two syllables.
  8. Yeah, it’d be nice to have the screen space of a GTN750! On the 2” screen on the GPS175 it’s easiest doing it the way you first said. Plus, it’s most similar to the airplane I fly at work. Thanks again!
  9. Thanks! I figured it wasn’t too difficult, but just couldn’t find it.
  10. @midlifeflyer Hi, Mark. Thanks for posting this list. About # 5a- how do you create a waypoint for a GTN? (I have a GPS175 which uses the same buttonology, IIRC). In the past I’d just intercept a course or radial as in # 1, and then hold at a distance like it was an old VOR/DME fix. But it would be easier to actually create the waypoint. Thanks.
  11. I have occasionally answered a “any traffic please advise” with a “What do you need advice on?”
  12. Totally agree! I’ve always said it’s a lot more fun to thrash an underpowered car than to hold back a thoroughbred like a Ferrari. (My first car was a 1967 VW Karmann Ghia.)
  13. @MaxwellSmart86- That is awesome! Nice airplane. I always love the original paint schemes. As for your vibration- it sounds like you need a dynamic prop balancing done. Decent prop shops can do it in a couple of hours. Makes a huge difference.
  14. If it’s your first interior, then no it’s not easy. If you’ve done an aircraft interior before, or you have a good amount of help from someone who has some experience, it’s not too bad. My Mooney was my 3rd aircraft interior, plus I’m an A&P. I thought it was a good mix of straightforward pieces, intuition, and common sense fabrication. Just be aware that there really aren’t any step-by-step instructions. I used Airtex for my seats and carpet. I’m very happy with it.
  15. He was just trying to be friendly. Most of us really like seeing pictures of each others’ airplanes, especially if it’s new to you.
  16. They don’t have to be the original felt, actually the modern silicone baffle material is far superior but will take more time to make it right. Picture below is an example of how to seal around the starter.
  17. This can be a potential cause. I seem to recall sitting in a seminar at OSH a few years ago as this was discussed. Hooked up wrong, the oil never fills the oil cooler, but just flows through because the oil cooler is filled mostly with air. Worth checking.
  18. That means the SureFly is definitely not DOA. (I still would never install 2 of them, though.)
  19. Your Aspen should be able to output a good heading signal. A decent avionics shop can probably install the wires in just a couple of hours. Worth asking, at least.
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