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Everything posted by duke

  1. check gear door rigging--make sure they are closed properly when retracted.
  2. I don't personaly know any pixies, but my hangar elf must because one pixie hole showed up on #5. Made a big difference. now runs close to the rest.
  3. floor indicator is a decal stuck to main retract tube--actuator attatched to it to make it rotate which in turn moves 4 push-pull tubes which actuate gear. one foe each main and two for nose.
  4. most healthy engines will find their own oil level where they are happy. If that is in the operating range, run it there. If it starts blowing out oil spend money on fixing the problem, not an expensive band aid.
  5. he is talking about the floor indicator,Green with black line in center is gear down and locked. red crosshatch is gear retracted.
  6. took the airwolf off my eagle. I always had moisture on the filler cap on the underside and it was starting to rust. When I took off the line that returns the oil to the engine it was full of snotty oil. Horrible crap to be putting back in the engine. Now cap has no more moisture. Sure, the belly gets slightly more greasy, but would rather have that than put that snot back in my new 310 hp engine!!!!!
  7. You will have to fly from rt seat half of the time to get balanced workouts
  8. Thank God for hangar elves, sure helps pocket book when they are happy, healthy and not afraid to get their hands dirty.
  9. you have air in the system. park is simply a line lock, and when engauged simply closes the brake line and holds pressure on brake piston. Have someone pump brake while bleeding from bottom, this works for me. By the way, do you have brakes on copilot side? If so bleeding ca be a real PIA.
  10. I have the sidewinder and like it.
  11. CORRECT. if aircraft is trimmed to fly at whateaver airspeed you pick, it will remain there regardless of power setting. So on final at say 80knts, and are a bit short--add power, don't toutch elevator, speed will remain at 80knts.
  12. Yes a big print out is nicer. I have learned to do on the thumb drive. I have also blown up and printed relevant blown up pages and pieced them together. I like the idea of a big printed schematic and will have to check around and see if I can get one printed.
  13. an older bussh pilot friend told me if you have to put down in trees, aim between two fair sized ones if you can and let the wings take the impact and if they shear off the fusalage is signifigantly slowed down and unless you hit another dead on, chances of survival are increased
  14. mooney thumb drives have schematics on them also, which many aftermarket manuals don't have. I have one for my m20s and like it.
  15. According to poh for max defrost, open vent completly and add hot air to it. That works ok. I run vent wide open and set heat vent to get the temp i want for cabin heat i want. This systrm works better than the heat in my m20s.
  16. my s tec 30 is the same thing. ok in flight. bit does't bank much and as a result overshoots turn at waypoints. It is th same wheather in heading or nav mode.
  17. The challenge is usefull load! The long bodys with all the horsepower probably do not have more usefull load. My F model has more usefull than my 310 hp screaming eagle, even with the 3368 lb weigt increase. Landing is still 3200 lbs. Lots more room in baggage compartment though. My s has AC which takes off about 80 lbs of usefull load. That said both planes may be for sale as I am jumping through some hoops now (ecg anomaly in medical exam) Hope to know in a month or so.
  18. that is correct. when cabin heat is off , hot air is dumped out that hose. It keeps cooling air flowing around muffler.
  19. according to one evolution theory we all sprang from the apes. Goes to show that some are a little behind the spring curve.
  20. shunt is located on cabin side of firewall on right hand side near the top. Gray bar about 2 inches long and i/2 inches square, with fuse off each end.
  21. I regularly--every couple of months or so go up 5 or 6 k agl an practice basic air work, stall, incipient spins, slow flight etc in my 67F. Everything is very predictable and controllable. Non events really--basic stick and rudder. That being said, the F has the longer rudder which probably helps. The older short bodys have a shorter rudder which may change things.
  22. I bought a usb thumb drive from mooney through a mooney servic centre. I has all the manuals---service--parts--- poh etc. About 300 and some dollars.
  23. I agree--look for oil loss first, keeping in mind that if oil cooler hoses are seeping or have a pinhole it is hard to find as it is only when oil is hot and veratherm is routing oil to cooler that there is any pressure in them. probably hard to get to that point on ground run up. do the relocation mod, it is a good one. For your own interest cap one end of removed hoses, attatch air fitting to other end and hook to air hose. Immerse in pail of water and check for bubbles.
  24. In the newer models the cabin lts are wired to the batt through a small inline fuse very close to the battery. check that first. the cabin lt cct bypasses the master relay and remains hot when master is off.
  25. Double check mag timing. Also dial prop with guasge to double check timing mark.My F ran hot when I bought it and I found the timing was off. It had the cowl closure and oil cooler relocation mod on it. It now runs nice and cool. cyl head between 300 and 350 , never gets close to red.
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