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Everything posted by neilpilot

  1. Overshoot was at T94, a 2225' runway.
  2. That's Bill Pearson's M20R https://www.facebook.com/people/Bill-Pearson/100009595500737
  3. The 64E was totaled in July 2012, and the replacement 65C was purchased in Nov 2012. Not only did I disclose the prior accident/claim on my application, but the insurance carrier I renewed with was the same carrier that covered my 64E, AIG. I've worked thru the AOPAIA since before they were AOPA. I had a previous claim in 1992 that involved a nose gear, prop and engine tear-down on that same 64E. Off hand I don't recall who the underwriter was, but I do recall that in that case my premium did increase the following year, but by only $50.
  4. Maybe you are very unlucky. I totaled my 64E ($44 claim) but it didn't seem to effect the premiums on my replacement 65E 3 months later.
  5. I don't think afternoon heat is too much of an issue, especially in Jan-Mar. Just avoid any high altitude runways. Since my Caribbean experience is all prior to 2001, I'll let others offer more timely advice. Obviously check your insurance coverage before you go. Back in the 90s I always carried a few sheets of carbon paper for those multiple copy forms.
  6. Try tweeting Shane @FlyingSchmidt
  7. In the thread I linked to above....the PDF referenced by N6758N shows P/N P/N F391-18. This P/N was also confirmed by DXB.
  8. Maybe there's no O-ring, since you have bladders. This was just discussed in .
  9. Look carefully. Flightaware is reporting landing based on the filed flight plan times, but the flight log shows no data. Seems he may have had a departure clearance but was never activated.
  10. Seems N9133Z did file for a 5pm departure O69 to L18, so this is the aircraft
  11. I don't know N#, but here's a possible match based on a FAA database search: N9133Z CARLETON H MORRISON JR, 2224 VIA DEL ROBLES, FALLBROOK, CA Carl has a law practice at the Fallbrook Airpark
  12. Be glad your's didn't fail 8NM from the nearest airport. https://www.ntsb.gov/about/employment/_layouts/ntsb.aviation/brief2.aspx?ev_id=20120721X23053&ntsbno=CEN12FA463&akey=1
  13. A pedestrian needs to stay alert, especially when traffic is heavy. Those scooters will exit the street onto the sidewalk, especially at busy intersections.
  14. Yes, but I very recently read that the market is about to turn and expect higher premiums very soon.
  15. Of course it's to Avidyne's advantage to take the position that the owner/operator can make the swap under existing FARs. However, that doesn't necessarily make it legal, just a legal opinion from a very biased source. A couple years ago Avidyne CEO Schwinn was also quoted as saying "reaction from different FAA personnel has ranged from favorable to vehemently against the idea."
  16. I'm not certain that replacing a GNS430 with an Avidyne unit meets the intent of "Removing and replacing" in the reference above. I've always considered this section limited to replacement with the same model unit that was removed. Maybe I'm wrong.
  17. I've owned, and have hundreds of hours in, both a 64E & a 65C. Of course there are differences, but not as much as your might think. You should focus on the particulars of the aircraft on the market, irrespective of if it's a C or an E (or F). When I was looking at replacing my 64E, I was focused on another E but decided to buy my current C based primarily on panel & condition; price was not the primary factor but it was a consideration. The Es on the market at the time in my price range just didn't have the panel that our C offered.
  18. Drop that 2, and realize that there's a real fire risk if you have a turbo exhaust leak
  19. Save your dollars for the required EU liability coverage. Last I checked, that was surprisingly expensive.
  20. OP has a M20C, with only one sender per tank.
  21. But, as Tomgo2 posted in the link I provided above "Legally speaking, RAJAY only sells parts related to STCs which we own and applied to airframes which are listed in our PMA supplement. However, I imagine some of these PMA parts find their way on to other airframes like the Mooneys....". So doubtful that they can provide or transer an STC for that install.
  22. Operated a 3 blade on my 64E for 20 year, and on our 65C since purchase in 2012. Both are smooth, and recent balance check on 65C indicated very low vibration at 0.05 IPS.
  23. All of the notes you site refer to other models. There no similar exemption to operation of your M20J without an operable primary, i.e. engine driven, vacuum pump. Only note 24 applies, and that requires permitted removal of your vacuum system if an approved all electric panel is installed.
  24. OK, I don't see that note for the M20J. Maybe I don't have a current copy??. Mine is dated 12/9/2010. Just read latest type certificate revision, as of Dec 2017, and I still don't see the note you reference. KOAK FSDO is (510) 748-0122, but email is more efficient.
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