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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Sorry to hear this. Great contributor and just a nice guy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  2. Head unit in my M20F has an Issue verified by my avionics shop. They can send it in for repair but maybe someone here has one they are willing to sell. Mine is set to emulate a king KCS 55A although I have dual GI 275s installed. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. 100-150K should get you a very nice F with upgraded panel and latest avionics. I owned a C for 12 years or so but it had some limitations that an F or J could overcome. I found a really nice F and then made it even better by updating the avionics to the latest. I have it insured for $120K and my insurance is due this December and I'll be paying $2300. I am instrument rated and average around 90 hours/year. I think a J may also be within your budget but I have not kept up with J prices so not sure what you can get for $150k which is the top of your range. Given the choice between a really nice F with low time engine and latest avionics and auto pilot and a J that needs a lot of upgrades I would take the F all day. I love my F. I'll be retiring in 2 years and plan to take lots of trips all over the country and fly it for as long as I'm physically/mentally capable. I agree with the others that if you are going to purchase a Mooney in the very near future then wait and get your instrument rating in your new plane.
  4. Saw video of Cedar Key on the news. Did not look good for those folks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I’m in Jacksonville Florida. Just a lot of wind from midnight to around 4am. Lost power just after midnight but came back around 7:30am. My Mooney, however, is at Cole Aviation in Georgia for annual. It was inside the hangar so hopefully they made through ok. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. When I purchased my F last December it came with the cygnet yokes. I have to say, I love them! No tapered pin. An AN bolt thru the yoke and shaft. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. The picture in the airworthiness sheet shows the yoke being cracked. Either can happen I suppose Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Apple gave (or lent) Globestar $257 million for 17 new satellites which will have 85% of their capacity devoted to Apple. New Satellites will start launching by end of 2025. Not sure what that means in terms of future fees but Apple definitely making an investment in Globestar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I do not. I have a JPI 900 so original fuel gages are gone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Just completed a major avionics upgrade for my Mooney and have a few parts removed that I no longer need. Everything listed here was in good working order when removed. I will post these items here for a while and if no interest then I'll post on other sites. Long time member with zero complaints on anything I have sold here. I'll give members in good standing 45 days full money back guarantee if you return the item for any reason. Garmin 496 with panel docking station, data and power cable, and XM antenna (no GPS antenna) - $300 Garmin Flight Stream 210 - $650 (SOLD) HSI Century Flight NSD-360A, P/N 52D137-1333 - $1250 OBO Century Flight slaving amp w/bootstrap - $120 (free if you buy the HSI) (SOLD) Also have 430W (14/28 volts) that I will be posting separately. Good screen with no dead pixels. It had a couple of sticky buttons (the direct to and enter button). I sent it to Bevan Aviation in Wichita KS and they will clean and refurbish all the buttons in the front panel). The GPS will come with tray, connectors, back plate, and a brand new GPS antennae that came with my new GTNxi. Also included is the Jeppesen USB adapter and an extra NAV card. I'll be posting this after the unit returns from Bevan aviation in a couple of weeks. Asking probably around $3700.
  11. Assuming you checked the battery is good right? When I owned a C I could always tell when my battery started to go because instead of starting after two blades it would require 5 or more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. At my home airport KHEG (uncontrolled) it is a necessity to state you are clear of the runway. The main runway 25/7 has a hump at the middle such that you can’t see the opposite end of the runway from either end. If I’m waiting to take off on 25 or 7 and another plane has just landed I lose sight of that plane once he rolls past the hump midfield. I have to wait until he calls out he is clear of the runway before I initiate my takeoff roll. The locals all know this and are pretty good about calling out when they are clear of the runway but the transients not so much. It is not unusual for me to get on the radio and ask if they have cleared the runway if they don’t offer that info after a reasonable amount of time. For me it is standard practice no matter where I land to always call out clear of runway x Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Appleton is pretty close probably 15 miles or so. The house is from Air BnB and we are paying $2200 for 7 days. It’s a 4 bedroom house and there is 4 of us in my group so we are splitting that 4 ways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Going all week. Also flying into Appleton and we have a house rented for the week. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Had a friend with same issue but in a piper. Turned out it was the door seals. During a climb (high AoA) the exhaust flows around the fuselage a bit different and was making its way inside the cabin through the door. Did not have any issues during cruise or descent. Have no idea if this applies to a Mooney but something to check if you run out of ideas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Take a look at the maintenance manual. The cowl flaps on the C are supposed to stay open about 1-2 inch when fully closed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. For the 11 years that I owned a C in Florida it ran hot on takeoff often hitting 435 on 3/4. Normal procedure was to pretty quickly transition to cruise climb of 120 and the temps would start coming down. The C needs cowl flaps open a couple inches all the time. Check the manual for the exact dimension. During cruise my C would settle under 380 for all cylinders. I sold my C last December with almost 2000 hours on the engine and it was still purring along just fine so don’t sweat the temps too much. I will say in cruise the temps should all be under 380 and that was not a problem in my C. Again, the cowl flaps need to remain partially open at all times per the manual. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  18. Yes and it requires pitot-static connection for the AHRS to work correctly. The RCA2610 requires only power and ground. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Going through the decision process on backup AI myself. My M20 F is going in for avionics upgrades in a couple of weeks it already has a GI 275 for AI but the HSI is analog. The HSI is getting replaced with another GI 275. Both GNS 430w are getting replaced with GTN 650. The panel mounted 496 will be replaced with an Aera 660. The airplane currently has a backup AI that is vacuum driven. It is the only instrument in the plane that will need vacuum and it just recently started to precess badly so it needs to be replaced. So, struggling with what to replace it with. Another vacuum driven AI, or a digital AI so I can remove the vacuum system. If digital AI then I wanted something that will last longer than the GI 275. Been looking hard at the RCA 2610-3. At 80% brightness it will last 3 hours on its internal battery which is plenty long to get me down alone with the Aera 660 with its own 4 hour battery which I can use for navigation while he master is off. Still have not made a final decision but but leaning towards ditching he vacuum pump and installing the RCA 2610 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  20. Is this still available? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It should not be a big issue. It’s happened to me at least 3 times, always when I let someone else close the door (two CFIs). After the third time I never let anyone else close the door. Don’t even try to close it. It is a distraction and it’s nearly impossible to do. Just land when able and close it. The open door (about one inch open) does create quite a bit more drag, but otherwise non-event as long as you continue to fly the plane. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  22. I have a 67 F that I purchased just a couple months ago. It has a JPI900 and my temps are in the upper 200’s or low 300’s in flight here in Florida. I’ve actually been worried about CYL temps too low. My previous plane was a C model with a dog house and that plane ran hot on climb, usually over 400 for a bit so I would have to switch to 120mph cruse climb immediately. My F gets to maybe 350 climbing Vy. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  23. Don’t know how much time you have but I have one in my plane that is getting replaced with GI275 for avionics upgrade. Bunch of other stuff is getting replaced as well but supposedly my avionics shop will let me know soon when to drop off the airplane. I’ve been assured it will be this month (February) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Interesting. Up here in Jacksonville FL at my airport (KHEG), the city keeps track of which airplane is in each hanger per the lease. Generally it does not take more than a month or two before they find out if you let someone else park their plane in your hangar and demand you remove it. Subleasing definitely not allowed and is policed actively. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  25. Nice job. I tried to do this myself and after one hour and bloodied knuckles I decided I would let the pros handle it. I had Maxwell replace the control rods on both sides this past December. My old C was showing quite a bit of slop. I had the roll-pin rod ends so I ordered the complete threaded rods from he factory a couple of years ago. Access to disconnect the rod end inside the wing is a challenge and I didn’t have the patience. Sold my C shortly thereafter and purchased an F of the same age (and flight time) but no wear in the aileron rod ends. Have not looked through the logbooks yet to see if they were replaced at some point Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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