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Did anybody achieve installation of an edm 700 on the left were originally 2 1/4 " holes are?

I am asking this question because the left panel has a slight tilt and I am not sure the EDM wil fit with its lenght in it?

I was looking at the new 730 but I decide to go with the old EDM700 value for money, I already have a shadin miniflow..

In europe to legally fly IFR you need a lot of equipment B-RNAv (DME, ADF, NAV etc panels are crowded...any advise welcome

PS: This forum is just great and informative ;-)


PS on the right a pic I found on the internetLaughing


Thanks mooney65...pic is rather unclear but it seems to be a 700 in my post...?

Problem is my bird is 600Nm from where I live now..;-) so I can't measure it..;-((


That certainly looks like an EDM 700.

Dimensions on JPI site show the EDM 700 at 2.5" square by 7.5"long behind the panel (less harness & connectors).

I tried to fit one here in my E model with no luck. J models may have more available space there.


I have an M20E with left side panel retrofitted to have the modern isntrument arrangement.

I had an EI single probe CHT/EGT on the left side. The JPI 700 was too deep to fit in this location, as you are concerned about. So instead I moved my ADF display head (which was just to the right of my VSI) to the left side location, and put the EDM 700 in its place. My A&P endorsed the idea, stating that the EDM 700 would be something I'd want to look at much more often than the ADF pointer. He was correct!

However, all of this is rather academic - it should be relatively straight forward to remove whatever you have in the hole in question, and test-fit the EDM 700 to see if there are any clearance issues.

PS: All of my panel holes were 3.5 inch diameter. I used a step-down ring for the EDM 700.


Immelman, thanks for the elaboration. That is my second option move the Alti above the WX11 to the right where I still have some space. its is a redundant indicator...Install the EDM above the stormscope  so I can see the monitor more clearly....

choices, choices..Innocent


I can guarantee that an EDM will not fit above the clock on a J model.  I installed a Davtron M655 OAT instrument in that location on my J, where the original analog OAT was, and it was a very tight fit for the 3.4" depth.  I don't see how it would fit in the lower position, either, but apparently someone was able to do it since you found a pic.  I think moving (or deleting) your second altimeter and placing it there makes the most sense...you'll have enough room and it is in a great location for your scan.  You will be wanting to look at it regularly, and placing on the far left would not be optimal in my opinion.  Mine is located where your ADF indicator is, and I think that is perfect.  (pic in my photo gallery if you're interested)


M20K 231 Left Side installation.

I would like to move it into the ADF Bezel as it would help my scan. But for right now, it is on the left...


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