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Mooney Ambassadors Website launch


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Website: http://www.mooneyambassadors.com

The Mooney Ambassador idea is the brain-child of Mooney owner Jolie Lucas.  After attending Air Venture at Oshkosh 2009, the idea came to her that those flying Mooneys could be Ambassadors for the brand. While sitting at the MAPA booth,  she saw owners and Mooney lovers who wanted to share their passion for all things Mooney.

The word Ambassador comes from old High German. It means an official envoy; especially a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a government or sovereign, appointed for a special assignment, or to be an ambassador of goodwill.

Think about it. Can any other company have a 30-40 year old airplane right next to the world's fastest single-engine production piston?  There is a sixty-five year legacy in Mooney.  Safety. Speed. Quality. 

Mooneys are handmade in the USA! 

Ambasadors can check out your local aviation events, and go and display. Talk to the public, support our company and support general aviation.

What a perfect day. Fly somewhere beautiful, display your Mooney, and talk with the flying and non-flying public all day about your airplane.  A match made in Heaven!
Upcoming Events
Sun ’n Fun Fly–In April 13-18th
Mooney Airplane Company will have a full complement of our sales team along with 2 Acclaims and an Ovation 3
Event location: Lakeland Linder Regional Airport  April 13, 2010
Start your aviation year at Sun 'n Fun, one of the world's premier events for recreational aviation enthusiasts. Mooney Aircraft Company will be on display.  Please stop by the Mooney Display to say hello! http://www.mooney.com

Eagle Mountain Airshow - Porterville, CA June 12th 2010
We will be doing our Mooney Ambassador display to the public. Airshow acrobatics, fly-bys, static displays, etc. 

Columbia Father's Day Fly- In June 19 - 20, 2010. Mooney Ambassadors will display. This a such a fun event for aviation. Camping at the "airplanes only" campground. Walk into the historic town of Columbia. Well attended by the public. A wonderful opportunity to talk up Mooney and General Aviation. We will have two airplanes in the display area.

Lake in the Sky, South Lake Tahoe, August 27th and 28th 2010
We will be airshow participants this year
Complimentary evening meal on Friday August 27th, breakfast and lunch on the 28th. Free admission to all Mooneys who fly in. The kid's activity was mentioned by the airshow committee as being so positive. I will make sure that all items are available again this year.  We will cap at 12 Mooneys on display. All Mooneys are welcome, and we will have space on the ramp, probably near Mountain West for any Mooneys who sign up beyond the display cap.   Sign ups are first come first served for the 12 display slots. If you would like to be considered for the airshow demonstration, you will need to attend mandatory pilot briefings.

Events we encourage attendance

Join MAPA at Colorado Springs for their annual convention. October 7-10th 2010
Who can beat the top-notch presentations, socialization, opportunity to fly and stay someplace wonderful?  Mooney Airplane Company will also be in attendance.
Look for registration information soon at: http://www.mooneypilots.com/
Or contact Lela Hughes at MAPA headquarters for more information: lela.hughes@sbcglobal.net or telephone 210-525-8008


Past Events

Wings over Camarillo California August 2009

Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe CA 2009

Texas Aviation Expo

Arizona Aviation Expo

Livermore, CA Airport Day

Jackson/Westever, CA Wings and Wheels

Mooniacs Fly-In, Guernesey, France

Parade of Planes, at Hayward California October 15th-17th.

The American Legends, Van Nuys, Calfornia November 14, 2009

Santa Paula Open House, Santa Paula California, December 6, 2009.

Jolie Lucas
1965 M20E
1994 M20R

Share the Passion!
Mooney Ambassadors

Email:  mooneyambassadors@charter.net




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Darn it, sensored...

Jolie, I tried to visit your website today.  Unfortunately the IT gurus that control my PC have a filter in place.  Anyone else experience this one?  The following is the warning I received....

Security risk filtered for your protection


This Website category is filtered: Potentially Damaging Content.

Sites in this category may pose a security threat to network resources or private information, and are filtered by Merck.



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I checked with my website adminstrator.  They think that the problem is coming from your filter at work, but without a screenshot, they cannot diagnose with 100% certainty.  But they did say it sounds like it is coming from your filter.  Rats. You might have to wait until you are home!

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For those of you interested in the AVWeb Podcast on the Mooney Ambassadors, Jolie will be interviewed this coming Wednesday morning, then the Podcast will be published within a few days after that. The AVWeb Podcasts are very interesting and timely.  Think about subscribing!  We will post a link to the Mooney Ambassador Podcast when the interview is live on the web.

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"Hello All

I am working with a new Mooney Ambassador who is deployed in  Afghanistan right now.  He is based near Lake Marion, SC and Shaw Airforce base per his note.  

Sent me a message that:  "We are very close to Shaw airforce base. They have a big airshow every year but i don't know what that would be like to get into. Our airport lies on lake Marion. This is a fairly large tourist attraction. The aproach from the south actually brings you over the lake. There are a couple of festivals throughout the year here but they are not at the airport. I honestly don't know where or when would be good. By the way I am deployed to Afghanistan now and looking through your sight did a good job of taking my mind off this place. Thanks for that."

When I asked him if he knew any other Mooney pilots in his area, that he could coordinate with, he said no. So I thought of all my friends here on this board!  Anyone out there in Frederic's neck of the woods?  Please let me know.  I thanked him for his continued service to our country.  He says he has been deployed off and on since Desert Storm.  I am grateful to all those who have served.

Let me know who you are out in the southeast.."

This message is from Jolie.
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If Mooney ever thinks about doing something in canada i would love to get involved,

I was at the fly-ins/ airshows at a number of places last year and my '59 M20A always draws a fair bit of attention.

I always seem to be the only Mooney there though.

I would love to see a few more of us out there if any Canadians are reading this


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Hi Russ, I think I have at least one Ambassador in Canada. I know we have Europe, Australia, all over the US and even Turkey represented.

This is a grass-roots volunteer group.  Pick an event you would like to display at, submit it on the website and we will help you from there.  The event doesn't have to be super large. At one fly-in we had two planes, another one four planes.  The goal is to support the company and promote GA.  Let me know what events are up your way. I would love to help you.





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Hi Russ

Go ahead and pop me an email to mooneyambassadors@charter.net and we can talk off the list about our Canadian member.

I think you might have already been to our website: http://www.mooneyambassadors.com

It will be super to have an event or two, or three in Canada!  This movement is industry-breaking.  We have the full support of our company.

Here are some of our other links

We are also on Facebook, where you can see some member photos:

Mooney Ambassadors Google Maps Events for 2010
http://maps.google.com/maps/ms? hl=en&gl=us&ie=UTF8&view=map&msa=0&msid=107379850273129317672.00047e783c 1d71eabbce7&ll=37.649034,-90.175781&spn=33.118079,82.441406&t=h&z=4

Our "How To" Video on YouTube:

Again, you can go to the website and sign-up, or just send me an email.

Thank you again for your interest.


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Here is my response to George. Our "How To" video is now live.  One thing I forgot to mention that George asked about is whether I am an employee or have some financial gain to be made here.  I replied that no, I am not an employee, or have any financial incentives.  The Ambassadors are a grass-roots, volunteer service group.  Mooney does give us brochures, handouts and such.

Links: Mooney Ambassadors on Facebook

Mooney Ambassadors Google Maps Events for 2010

Our "How To" Video on YouTube:



Hi George

You have lots of good questions about the Mooney Ambassadors.
I will try my best to answer them as fully as I can, and also invite you to email me or give me a call should I fall short.

The Mooney Airplane Company is fully behind us.  From the President Sol Meyer, to the folks working in Kerrville, nothing but happiness and support.    Our goal is simple: share the love of our Mooneys to the flying and non-flying public.  Many times we receive promotional materials from Mooney to have on display.  So the short answer is yes, Mooney is extremely happy!

We ask that Ambassadors consider being a point person for an event in their area, and support and fly to other events as they can.  The point person is responsible for coordination with the event staff, airport mgt, and such. The events can be as simple or complex as the point likes. 

We have had events with two or three Mooneys attended by 500 people, and we have had an event with a dozen Mooneys attended by 15,000 people.  I am in the process of making a "how to video", so check for that, or I can send you a link.

Yes, we have had folks who are willing to give rides, participate in fly-bys, and participate in airshows.  Other Ambassadors prefer to have their airplane open and get folks inside to see it. And yet others like to sit at the table or booth and talk with attendees.

Support Mooney Airplane Company  [in these hard economic times, we help our company by keeping their name in the front. By promoting handmade in America, and American-owned.}
Promote General Aviation [to the flying and non-flying public]
Have somewhere wonderful to fly  [check out our videos to see what we mean! 

Lake in the Sky Airshow, South Lake Tahoe, CA August 2009

Jackson/Westover October 2009

Here is my cell 805-709-6619

All the best and look forward to meeting you.  I will be interviewed for AV Web podcast this Wednesday. I will send you a link. 


Jolie Lucas
Mooney Ambassadors
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Thanks Jolie...most impressive!

I'm in South Florida which has been been home to some less than stellar Mooney guru's in the past, so I'm always a bit cautious with new groups. Down here we have the Florida Aero Club, the Mooney Fly-In lunch group, all kinds of EAA happenings, The SE Mooney Group, Lopresti monthly Fly-ins, Premier open houses, and lots more.

Most of us are familar with the many web forums, like this one, MAPA, AOPA, the Mooney List, and a bunch of others. It's enough to make your my head spin. Some consolidation would be most welcome.

I applaud your Mooney zest, drive and effort. I'd sure like to see many of these disparate regional Mooney efforts fall under a common banner. It sometimes feels like they are less than totally productive, and for me, they become unproductive and confusing. You may have the key.

Best of luck, and let me know if you have anything happening in South Florida.

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Jolie, you may want to take a look at the "header" information in your home page. This is the text that shows up in the tab of a Windows Internet Explorer browser. It doesn't always show up in other browsers, though, so it's easy to overlook. I suspect the Mooney Ambassador website may be have started life as something else, and then was morphed into it's current form. Why else would the header talk about professional marriage counseling and the like?

Although, my wife might argue that my love for the Mooney threatens other aspects of our otherwise very healthy relationship. But that's only because she hasn't flown in it yet!

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Jeff, we are working on the header issue. Believe me!  The header is from my other life, as a psychotherapist!  Thank you though.  And if you would like to be on our email list, just drop me an email: mooneyambassadors@charter.net


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Jolie, it's really not that hard. Here's the current header block for your website:

<HTML xmlns:lxslt="http://xml.apache.org/xslt"><HEAD><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><!--#set var="__path_prefix__" value="." --><SCRIPT>var __path_prefix__ = '.';</SCRIPT><meta name="GENERATOR" content="www.cm4all.com"><TITLE>Make Your Life Wonderful! Professional counseling, coaching and consulting. San Luis Obispo, CA Hood River, OR White Salmon, Wa.</TITLE><STYLE type="text/css" cm:escaping="no">

Simply replace the text between the <TITLE>...</TITLE> tags and voila, you're done.


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