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Noise Certificates

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Has anyone got a noise certificate for an M20M/Bravo? I've been going through http://www.faa.gov/d...r/AC 91-86 .pdf trying to work out what to put in each of the boxes, but am getting increasing confused with all the various Appendixes, schemes, chapters and sources! So far I've got from http://www.faa.gov/d...36-3H Chg 1.pdf Take off 64.8, Approach 63.3, from http://www.faa.gov/d...36-1H Chg 1.pdf 74.0 and then putting ICAO into it from http://http://www.ea...01-01072009.pdf get Take off 79.0 and maybe overflight at 70.8! The AFM just quotes 74.03 for CFR and 71.0 for ICAO.

If anyone has an 'Official' version I'd really like to know which boxes have been filled in, and with what values


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I am not sure what you are working on and am not a noise expert. I have never been asked by anyone about noise compliance issues but if I were I would point to my POH which discusses the TLS's noise levels. If you are filling out paper in Europe, call MT as they certified a prop for the TLS. I am sure they could answer your questions accurately.

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Thanks FoxMike

I'll give MT a call, but will be dreading the sell of one of their props! It is mandatory for a N-reg operating outside of the US to carry one of these, and I've been operating illegally by not carrying one :o I was sort of hoping that someone might already have a 'standard' one I could take the correct figures and placement from


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