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What ADS-B out equipment you have.  

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I just got quoted for 1090MHz ADS-B out for my 1982 Mooney with an old Trimble GPS.

GTX-330 ES Transponder  $3,700

GTN-650 WASS GPS        $10,000

Installation                      $3,300

Total                             $17,000


And the above does not gives you either traffic or weather. So what do I get besides my current Aera 560 and Traffic- Watch?







What do you get right now from your current transponder? The ADS-B out is pretty much the same thing. Having said that, I think there are much cheaper ways to go than the GTN-650. I also don't think it's fair to say you get nothing for your money. The 650 makes your current GPS look like a silly toy and adds capability. The transponder is pretty nice too.


As to the poll above, I picked none because I don't have ADS-B out. I do have a compatible GPS and I have the GTX-330, but not the mod that makes it go out. At some point, I will do the in and out, but hoping for prices to come down, the tech to stabilize and PIREPs gallor.


if someone would bring to market a dual band reciever that that interfaces with a compliant mode S Tponder and a TAS it would be the best thing for mooneys. I guess a Garmin GDL 88 , 330ES GTS 800 does all this but that gives you  2 transponders and 2 1090es recievers.


I've got the -330ES transponder, but the upgrade was essentially forced on my when my OEM KT-76 died and was not repairable.  I opted to go whole-hog and get the -ES version since we'll need it or something similar sooner or later.  I did want the TIS traffic thru Mode S and I really, really like that feature!  That was a nice upgrade.


Given I have a G430W my next upgrade is to a G330 ES and might as well add the receiver for free weather.

I'll probably get a quote on this next spring. I have a G327 now so that's worth something.  I'd like to pull the old ADF out and put something in that hole... ANY IDEAS besides a glove box ?




I don't see the 1000's of J-3 cubs and assorted NORDO planes getting up to speed with ADS-B anytime soon.  I think (hope) we'll see more options with iPads + Bluetooth + Xmitters over the next few years and the whole market will shift paradigms...


BTW - there is one option not listed - http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/product/17165


this is how the free market works:

what you absolutly must have = $$$$$$

what you don't have to have = a lot less $


for me, between now and 2020: spend as little as i can on complying with ADS-B out.


get the weather and traffic on the cheap: portable, iPad , 


right now, the option i like most is the Freeflight all in one box (waas receiver and ADS-B out in one box, no need to mess with existing equipment). 

i have not made thejump yet.



If you read the 2020 mandate ADS-B out is only required when flying into CLASS A, B and C airspace and Class E above 10,000feet. I looked into my flying and found out that all the airports that I fly to are in Class E airspace or underneath Class C (which is Class E). Flying below 10,000 feet keeps more awake, less headwind and less fuel for climb. In view of this what would be the ADS-B out advantage for me? After all fuel prices are higher at Class B and C airports ($10/gal now, $15/gal in 2020).




you may want to look at freeflight systems, they are developping a box that will include the waas receiver and the ads-b out.

i saw their product at oshkosh.  simple basis system to comply that won' t interface or interfere with what you currently have ( the internal gps waas receiver is not used for navigation but only to send position to the fed !

i am not affiliated with them and still looking at similar concept.


i thought the freeflight system would cost a lost less. 

i believe most owners will install ads-b out, even if they don't need it.

pilot owners love to buy very capable unitbut use only a small fraction of that capability.


i wonder what percentage of the US GA fleet does not have a mode C transponder today. the airspace where ADS-B will be required is about the same as where mode C is required today.

i agree that with mode C, everyone can get something in return ( like flight following)




Quote: JimR

I operate out of a small non-towered airport with perhaps 30 or 40 other aircraft. Besides a couple of twins that rarely fly, my low dollar 201 is one of the higher end aircraft on the field.  Most of the airplanes are of the flivver variety. Old Cessna 150/152/172, Cherokees, Champs, Cubs, etc.  None of them are WAAS GPS equipped.  I just don't see the majority of those guys, who make up a very, very significant portion of the GA fleet, especially in Class E airspace, ponying up 10K for ADS-B out.  Time will tell but I think that it is a safe bet that a good set of Mark II eyeballs will still be required to see and avoid well past the coming decade. 




understood that most GA A/C rarely can find a reason to go into a class B or C airport (I never landed in SFO or LAX and don't plan to. In fact LAX does not even have 100LL !!!)

But the 30nm circle with mode C required can be tough to avoid.  

To be honest , I am not versed to the ADS-B requirements: will ADS-B be required inside that circle just like mode C is required today ? It would be a pleasant surprised if it was not. And if it is not, my guess is that sooner or later I bet it will be.





I fly into many class C airports or and also airports under class C.  Being under B airspace inside the SFRA, I'm going to comply with ADS-B somtime over the next seven years once certain newer prices/specials/equipment hit the market.

Also, I have landed at class B airports a few times.  KPIT because my meeting was literally two miles from there and it was the closest place to fly (vs a good 25 minute ride not even counting potentially tunnel or bridge traffic (any one who knows Pittsburgh understands).  Also, in case you have to land at a class B airport due to some sort of situation, such as picking up some friends who had their connecting flight cancelled in Texas in 2010 (I flew up to get them from where a group of us were having a Fourth of July/college reunion - South Padre Island) - I flew into KIAH to pick them up (Houston International).   In the future, without ADS-B, I would not be able to "save the day." So, I plan to become ADS-B copmliant once a much less but still capable option becomes availalbe. 

Who knows, the 2020 date may be pushed back again.



Quote: OR75

understood that most GA A/C rarely can find a reason to go into a class B or C airport (I never landed in SFO or LAX and don't plan to. In fact LAX does not even have 100LL !!!)

But the 30nm circle with mode C required can be tough to avoid.  

To be honest , I am not versed to the ADS-B requirements: will ADS-B be required inside that circle just like mode C is required today ? It would be a pleasant surprised if it was not. And if it is not, my guess is that sooner or later I bet it will be.





Quote: Piloto

I just got quoted for 1090MHz ADS-B out for my 1982 Mooney with an old Trimble GPS.

GTX-330 ES Transponder  $3,700

GTN-650 WASS GPS        $10,000

Installation                      $3,300

Total                             $17,000


And the above does not gives you either traffic or weather. So what do I get besides my current Aera 560 and Traffic- Watch?







Quote: DaV8or

So is everybody else. Problems I see with this strategy is, with no sales, there is little, to no incentive for companies to come up with newer designs, or cheaper designs. Also, by creating a huge demand at the 11th hour, prices will likely not go down as people are hoping. My guess is, the avionics companies will all come out with a solution in the next couple of years and put it out there. Then they will wait...   Because it will need to be a certified, airframe mounted solution, don't look to the latest iGadget to save you.

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