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Creating New Mooniacs


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Curious to see what the group thinks on this one.

I am pondering spending a fair bit o' cash on upgrades to my personal aircraft, but I am also considering an experiment in getting new blood into a Mooney.

Does anyone have experience in a M10?  It would seem to be a simple to fly trainer that should be able to operate around $70/hr wet using a non-ethanol based autogas.  Mind you Alaska does not sell ethanol, and stateside it should be easy enough to order without ethanol added with a little extra effort and saving a bit for AVGAS if not home station.

I have seen the AOPA survey on what currently training students find important, but I really seems to fall short of discussing any solution to getting those just on the other side of the financial fence into flying.  Up here there are sooooooooo many Cessnaites because it is all they have name recognition with. 

Did Mooney make a long term error, by not finding a training market?  How many of you drive a brand X car because you grew up with you parents same brand X?  Are airplanes different?

The real question boils do to how can we both get new blood excited to fly and also hook them on the Mooney?

**** Full disclosure I have a Mooney in part because it is the first airplane I flew in with my uncle around 1984.  I have wanted one ever since and was finally blessed with the chance to get one. 

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