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The FAA is at it again.  Now they want us to submit a photo to be on our pilot's license and renew the license every 8 years.  currently our licenses do not expire and I am fine with that.  Is this really necessary?  We are currently  required to have another form of photo id along with our pilot license.

1.  I would like to see this killed. 

2.  What are your thoughts?

3. If we have to have this passports are good for 10 years why not the pilot license?

      "On Nov. 18, 2010, the FAA issued a proposed rule that would require all
pilot certificates to include a photo of the certificate holder. ...

   New certificates would have a photo expiration date of eight years, after
which pilots must resubmit a photo and receive a new certificate. FAA also proposes
to charge a $22 processing fee for the new photo certificate,...."


Another example of monumental waste by big government. How many forms of govenment issued ID do I need ? I have a picture ID on my drivers license, why isn't that good enough?


I find it odd that my FAA license has pictures of the Wright brothers, but not of me.

Would any state issue me a driver's license with Henry Ford's face in place of mine? 



I quickly skimmed through the PRM on the FAA site. They plan to use your current drivers license as proof of ID in order to issue your new photo pilots license. Why can't I just show my current drivers license WHEN and IF it was necessary for me to prove to ANYONE that I am who I say I am.

This proposed change is going to cost about 3/4 of a billion, YES I said BILLION dollars for the FAA to implement. Incredible waste of taxpayer money...............


Agreed that it's a waste of time, money, and effort--but it's Congress who decided this needed to happen, not the FAA.


Other than transportation, food, health, water, electricity, air, shelter, education, communication, or procreation, I can't think of any area of daily life where the Federal government is involved.  Can you?  ;)


That will teach all you rich upper class pilot types to not secure your airplane properly and allow that barefoot bandit to make us look bad.  Plus, we could really use the $22 bucks (tax) and you probably need a little more gas tax and some user fees sprinkled in for taste...We do love our general aviation pilots...HI HO HI HO let's screw the masses as we go...Hi Ho, Hi HO.



My question is why do these dumb ideas keep coming out of Congress?  Who is behind this?  Why isn't the perpetrator(s) being exposed by AOPA?  Where is the GA Threat?  Who ever is "behind this" needs to get behind finding ways to minimize the Federal Government and reduce spending and costs vs. increasing for something that is totally NOT NEEDED.  Come on, it's all about the tax of having to renew another license.  Let's cut the crap and call it what it is a new tax by the Federal Government.  The same as the bull@#$% federal registration to go along with my STATE registration I already have.  TAX, TAX, TAX...Well I am sick and bloody tired of it.


here is a link to the congressional members of the GA aviation caucus. It appears to be current.


This is the nprm.....


Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Parts 61 and 183

Take the time and make the effort to express your opinion on yet another waste of taxpayer money. Perhaps in this time of federal debt, their still may be a couple of elected officials that could see this as an opportunity to cut costs and repeal the congressional requirement to add photos to our pilot licenses. Showing any other photo ID should be good enough. What is the purpose and who is going to look at it anyway?

[Docket No. FAA–2010–1127; Notice No. 2010–16]

RIN 2120–AJ42

Photo Requirements for Pilot Certificates


Hey, I am a pilot, and am proud of it.  I would not be at all opposed to being able to pull out my pilot's license as my governmental photo ID when I pay some really nice young lady at a check in line, or hey, even better, how about when I fly commercial and go through security at the airport?


I wouldnt mind having a second governmental photo id....for all the jlunseth reasons,plus I always wondered why the first pilot license I got in 1980 didnt have a photo on it like my dads issued in the 40s by caa....seemed kinda cheap ...for 22 bucks I am all for it and do not construe this requirement as too restrictive...kp couch


I am proud to be a pilot as well but, if you believe for even a second that you will get less scrutiny (or more respect) showing a pilots certificate to the TSA for purposes of airport security, I would like some of whatever you are drinking...you might as well hand them your concealed hangun carry license while you're at it. 

Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.


I'm proud of my kids.  I got an airplane and my license as an expedited form of transportation.  I think there is a lot of apathy out in the world of the taxpayer right now.  Don't be whining when gas tax, registration fee etc.. go up as the federal government continues to "tap" general aviation for funds...

Where is the outrage?

You all must have nice cozy jobs that you don't worry about 9.8% unemployment and the direction of the Federal Government.

Maybe I should just say "what my worry"...


No I always check my weapons at the counter....kinda funny really...you walk up to counter and greet the nice airline lady.You tell her you have some weapons to check...she gets out these flourescent orange stickers and in front of every one you open the cases up ,pull out the rifle or handgun and proceed to open or work the action to show airline employee they are unloaded.Believe me everybody standing arround viewing this little performance is extremely interested!!!kpc


Hey, a flashy photo on a pilot's license sounds great. You do understand that you just don't "pop in" at the local license bureau and say sign me up. You must apply in writing on a special form get a picture taken and "report in person" at your FSDO or designate.

here is a quote from the FAA: "The FAA also proposes to amend § 61.3 to remove the requirement to carry a separate government-issued photo identification for persons carrying a pilot certificate with photo. The FAA has determined two photo identifications are unnecessary and do not serve a safety or security interest."

In other words we are already required to carry photo ID and the FAA in their own words say that having two photo IDs is NOT NECESSARY! Incredible.


Glad to see some conversation on this topic.  I’ve had my license for 23 years and the only reason I got a new one was the requirements to go to plastic.  My original certificate was in great shape living in the back of my log book.


Maybe we need to get AOPA on board to push back against this as well as expose it for what it is a waste of taxpayers money and for no added benefit.


Those who give up liberty for security will have neither liberty nor security.  The same can be said for money.

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