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Clearence amendment and GTN750

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I've never used Pilot or Foreflight to file. I use fltplan. I have found fltplan's recent routes feature very helpful and accurate.

Depending on where I'm going my initial segment will either be in the somewhere around CYN, ARD or RBV. They expedite this most of the time. After that 95% of the time it's as filed.

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I do.

Here's what I think is the deal. The expected clearance is provided by ATC computers, whatever app or online source you use. The expected clearance from ForeFlight will be the same and the expected clearance from Pilot will be the same as...

Whether the expected clearance is what you filed depends of whether there are preferential routes (published or unpublished) that need to be applied and the airspace in which you traveling.

Whether the expected clearance is the same as what you get depends on traffic considerations at the time. So a lot of what you are seeing is because you are in Delaware, right in the middle of the busy NE corridor where TRACON rules.

To contrast, here in the Raleigh area, away from all that, I almost always get an expected clearance that is pretty much what I filed (I do use the "recent ATC routes" available in a lot of places) and am almost always cleared via my expected route. Doesn't mean I don't get changes or route amendments but they are the exception rather than the rule and they tend to be minor.

This frustrates me as well and happens all the time.

Good to know! I thought perhaps it was a punishment for posting large women pictures.

The funniest situation I dealt with was with a Philly controller who asked me if I was in an IFR training flight because of the "out to the boondocks" routing I was assigned. He asked me who assigned me the route and I told him one of his buddies did because I called Philly to get the clearance. He started laughing.

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Good to know! I thought perhaps it was a punishment for posting large women pictures.

The funniest situation I dealt with was with a Philly controller who asked me if I was in an IFR training flight because of the "out to the boondocks" routing I was assigned. He asked me who assigned me the route and I told him one of his buddies did because I called Philly to get the clearance. He started laughing.

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Last week when I was flying up to Asheville I was approaching Titusville when I got the strangest question from the Orlando controller. He asked if I cared to fly directly over the space shuttle runway. I was behind schedule at the time and to the west so I declined.

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Last week when I was flying up to Asheville I was approaching Titusville when I got the strangest question from the Orlando controller. He asked if I cared to fly directly over the space shuttle runway. I was behind schedule at the time and to the west so I declined.

After the shuttle program ended, the restrictions in that airspace have been relaxed. You are allowed to fly a low approach over the shuttle landing facility; you may fly as low as you want as long as you don't actually touch the runway. As long as R-2934 is cold, you're good to go. There are still rocket launches at the cape, but the controllers will let you know. We had a similar experience to yours; apparently this has become a "bucket list item."

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Since we are talking about clearances, I have noticed an interesting trend when it comes to what you filed using a tablet versus what they propose back versus what you actually get. The trend is that there is no trend!

Everytime I have used Garmin Pilot to file (I suspect the same is for ForeFlight), I get back a proposed route from supposedly ATC. If I accept this proposed route, it updates Pilot with this new route.

When I call get to my clearance, the actual clearance is not the one I originally filed nor is it the one they proposed. It is usually something different. I know a number of you have used fltpln. Have any of you filed with ForeFlight or Garmin Pilot used fltpln for the route planning and does what you see there match what you actually get?

Sometimes I feel like I am playing a game of "Whack a Mole"!

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I use Garmin Pilot to file but I also have Fltpln account set to sent me an email when I file. Even I don't file on Fltpln I get message on my Garmin Pilot and email from Fltpln about the route. Initially they are the same and what I file. But usually between 15 and 5 minutes before ETD I get another email ( usually sitting in the started airplane already and ready to call clearence delivery) with the routing and that one almost always matches with the clearence from the Center. That's why I developed a good habit to check my emails on my phone right before filed ETD. The Garmin pilot don't update the route as I don't have the Internet service while sitting in the plane.

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