flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 Fire in the hole!!! Who would have expected this...? Or is it not done yet? Nothing screws up the economy more than a government shut-down... Congress reaches deal for $1.1T US spending bill Congressional negotiators resolved policy disputes to reach a deal for a $1.1 trillion spending bill on Tuesday but still expected to need a stop-gap extension to avoid a U.S. government shutdown at midnight on Thursday. Read more: Sent from the CNBC app. Available on the App Store Wait, don't tell me. It's the democrats that passed the spending bill unanimously.
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 And now for something completely different. Anybody see the speech John McCain gave about the torture report?
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 No politics going on there. McCain needs to retire. Like yesterday. Thank you for your service John. Bye, bye. Now we know where you stand on the issue.
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 Timmy might be living in a progressive utopia if: -Government targets counter-jihadists instead of those responsible for killing thousands of innocent people
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 John knew torture. No argument. Waterboarding and psychological improvised techniques? Yup. Bad people did bad things. Having rules in war is a joke. It is war. Civilian's and innocent die in war. It should be so awful that it is the last resort. The US should show no mercy to its enemies. Would I be captured if at war? NOPE. There is a big difference between us and our enemy. They are chopping off the heads of any that do not have their religion. Innocent? Not in their eyes. Effective? You betcha. THEY are the enemy. Either bring TOTAL WAR or GET OUT. How is that "win the hearts and minds working out"....?
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 John knew torture. No argument. Waterboarding and psychological improvised techniques? Yup. Bad people did bad things. Having rules in war is a joke. It is war. Civilian's and innocent die in war. It should be so awful that it is the last resort. The US should show no mercy to its enemies. Would I be captured if at war? NOPE. There is a big difference between us and our enemy. They are chopping off the heads of any that do not have their religion. Innocent? Not in their eyes. Effective? You betcha. THEY are the enemy. Either bring TOTAL WAR or GET OUT. How is that "win the hearts and minds working out"....? I really thought that our country was better than this. One of my views of American exceptionalism is John Wayne coming over the ridge with the Cavalry to save his men from certain death and that we are always the good guys. Torture just lowers us to the people we subject it to. Never mind that our country has signed several treaties which prohibit such treatment. Based upon what I have read thus far, the orders went all the way up to the top, although much to his credit, Bush did have reservations, but Dick and Condi did not. Several years out, I'm still waiting for Hannity to get waterboarded. Certainly you remember when, in 2009, he said it was no big deal and that he would subject himself to it and to prove his willingness, would turn it into a charitable event and donate the proceeds to the families of fallen soldiers. I sure hope those families weren't counting on him to come through for them.
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 What a smoke-screen. Big dagger for spying on me..."How dare you"! (says the California Senator) I will show you...on my way out. I would prefer to go to war against you, rather than with you... When I think of cavalry I think of George S. Custer thinking he was a better tactician than the Sioux... Really? John Wayne? That is your picture of exceptionalism and the "good America"? How about taking prisoners on any Japanese held island in the Pacific? How about reigning bombs on our enemies cities day and night? Total War. War is about defeating your enemy. Are we at War with anyone? I have not read any declarations...kind of like the Amnesty thing...A memo will do just fine.... Always comes back to Fox with you. Go watch CNBC. & CNN They need the ratings... Your barbs against conservatives are about as effective as the flatulent Hands Up Dont shoot campaign... Did you see the awesome Oakland news video/story of the Firefighter allegeing the rookie cop threatened him and his family? "news story closes with The Rookie Cop should have told them he was sorry".... OOPS!!!!!!! Body camera shows the firefighter to be a complete liar! Police Officer was a complete professional. Firefighter should be fired. Network should do a piece complementing the officer on his professionalism and retracting their mis-statements from previous story. Liberal B.S. at it's highest. False agenda gets a punch in the nose...again.
bumper Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 I've probably been poorer than 99% of the people here. As a 7 year old (legal) immigrant, I came to the US. Three years later my abusive stepfather left my Mom to care for 5 kids. This was in the early 50's before welfare. Except for the younger ones, we all worked. I did everything from shining shoes in E. Saint Louis for 10 cents to picking up scrap metal for even less. Mom rooted through the dumpster behind the grocery stores for the thrown out produce. We had next to nothing. Work ethic? You betcha, in spades. And you know what? If you get off your A$$ and get to it, this country I was blessed to be in has more than adequate opportunity. You just have to be self responsible and be willing to work. When the other cops said, "Hey bumper, let's stop by the watering hole on the way home!", I told them no, I was heading home to work on one of my several "start up" little businesses. Finally one of those started doing better than me, so I reluctantly left the department to run the company full time. Still worked long hours, put in 20 hour days sometimes, not a vacation for 5 years, almost destroyed my marriage I was so driven to never be poor again. At the time, I had little understanding of why I was so fundamentally insecure about that. For over 35 years my little company has provided employment for 25 , and from almost the start until a few years back, has paid 100% of our employee's health insurance. We've always done our best to be a responsible employer and to deliver the best product we can for our customers - without always staring at the bottom line. Why am I blathering on? Because when progressive liberals bad mouth "rich, greedy corporations" they are ignoring the fact that most workers in America are employed by small businesses such as mine. As of 2012, 53% of US workers were employed by small business (another 22% work for the government). Like most small business, neither I nor my company are greedy. I am aware it's not fashionable to be "wealthy", it's somehow shameful, even if one has worked hard and honestly to get there. The liberal game plan of wealth redistribution, if allowed to continue will result in the utter collapse of our economy and this country. Government doesn't make money, they can only take money from those who are productive and hand it to those who aren't. Socialism is a cancer, and in our case it has metastasized pervasively so that half the country is on the take in one form or another. If our government *really* wanted our economy to blossom, the first thing needed is tort reform. Loser pays, limits on punitive damages. Tax reform next - flat tax, sales tax, whatever, but eliminate the IRS completely. bumper 3
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 If our government *really* wanted our economy to blossom, the first thing needed is tort reform. Loser pays, limits on punitive damages. Tax reform next - flat tax, sales tax, whatever, but eliminate the IRS completely. bumper Very inspiring response. Too bad there aren't millions that can pick themselves up by their bootstraps as you have. Regarding tort reform, this subject is decades old now and, in my opinion, will never happen as long as a lot of the people that we send to Capitol Hill are attorney's, and Citizen's United is the law of the land. To add insult to injury, I just heard on Fox that in the new spending bill there is an increase on the cap that an individual can contribute to political campaign. Tucked away on page 1,599 of the 1,603 bill is a provision to increase the amount from $32k to $324k. By the way, this change was sponsored by ol' Turtlepuss himself, Mitch McConnell and John Boner. I'm sure Little Timmy is so darn proud of them.
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 Yes, Thank you Bumper. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! How would we know that there aren't millions that can "pick themselves up by their bootstraps"? If they are "provided for", what is their motivation? Something for nothing sounds good for many. Why does Bumper have to fund them in addition to providing for his employee's? Maybe all they need is some motivation... It is just Big money stopping Progressives? Not their tax and spend ways? Maybe Hillary can donate her speaking fee's to help out those poor Lib coffers? Everybody bought in on the Mid-terms? War on Women? War on Rich? War on Cops? Nothing working? Bring in 5 million memo mavins from Mexico...Problem solved. What a joke.
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 Blather blather FOX! Blather lather FOX!!!! Enough Flyboy...Change the channel already 1
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 Blather blather FOX! Blather lather FOX!!!! Enough Flyboy...Change the channel already Hmm. I was under the impression that you were an ardent viewer. Guess not. I'll switch to Al Jazeera and see what that's all about.
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 Everybody bought in on the Mid-terms? So now that the GOP control's both houses, with wide margins, can I take it that things will finally start to change?
scottfromiowa Posted December 10, 2014 Author Report Posted December 10, 2014 He's got a pen, and a memo pad... You tell me. He is your guy passing your awesome legislation that pays your bills. Maybe he and Gruber can do some "big brain" storming. they can battle it out on who can be the most glib.
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 You tell me. He is your guy passing your awesome legislation that pays your bills. At last count, there is no legislation being passed.
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 You really tried to dismiss another great story of what can be done in America. So sad ... your response. Can't you get excited for a guy that has a great story like that to tell? I guess the only thing that inspires you is giving freebies to millions with other people's money? Instead of giving them equal opportunity? You and Barack, so sad, your thought process and tainted convictions. "Hey bumper, it's not that you are smart or worked hard! You didn't build that!" Sad. Jeez, I gave the man credit for taking the bull by the horns and said too bad others can't do the same thing. How can you possibly interpret that as meaning that I'm more satisfied with giving people, as you say, "freebies"? How did you possibly twist that around may I ask?
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 The Republicans don't control both houses until January. They are tired of playing yet another game of "we won't pass a budget and then we'll blame you for shutting down tne government" ... with Barack and Harry. I can see you're expecting great things with the new Congress Dave. More power to ya!
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 My mistake ... I mistook your meaning when you said "too bad" ... Rather than taking you meaning as " I wish others could do that" I took it as meaning, "yeah you did but too bad others aren't able too." This is the BS Barack is shoveling - people that don't succeed, didn't succeed because they didn't get the OPPORTUNITY, rather than they simply lack drive and work ethic ... (I have been hearing progressives belittle the idea of "picking yourself up by your bootstraps." It is sad when you hear THE President of the United States doing it ... and then his followers start repeating it.) My mistake ... Carry on ... No harm. But as a person who grew up on the streets of New York City, I knew a lot of people that no matter how hard they worked and tried, they just couldn't get ahead. It wasn't from the lack of brain power, I knew a few that had an awful lot of that, but for some reason they just get beyond their present position in life. Multiply that by tens of millions, who have the desire but can't make it to the first step. Conversely, there are those that are satisfied with sitting on the stoop, drinking beer, pulling in a couple of hundred bucks a month from public assistance and wouldn't have it any other way. I really have no time nor compassion for them.
flyboy0681 Posted December 10, 2014 Report Posted December 10, 2014 Republican Democrat alike, we need to FORCE Congress and the President to do what is right by making it the Constitutional Law! I am not sure what to expect? But now I have hope where I had none! We thought it couldn't get worse after Bush? Obama, Harry and Nancy completely blew that out of the water ... so I am afraid to say "It can't get much worse than the last eight years?" Not a bad idea, but do you have any idea just how difficult it is, especially nowadays, to get an amendment ratified? And just who would be the first ones on line to see that it never comes to pass? Could it be military contractors?
rob Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 Kansas would not have had to cut if Brownback had any idea what he was doing. He said the tax cuts would spur job growth. He said small business and large business alike would hire more people. He said the population would spend more since they paid less income tax. They didnt. They pocketed the money. All of them. And so the children pay for it. Education cuts like never before. Child and family services cut. Retirement cuts. It's a train wreck.
flyboy0681 Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 Seriously? Berry signed a memo allowing millions of illegals a pathway and STOPPED deportation. Hiring like crazy to handle all the paperwork from millions. SS benefits WILL be provided. MORE drain on the system. 2030? Won't make it... Could it be that he signed the order because he told congress two years ago to send him a bill, which the Senate passed, but Boner couldn't be bothered - so he shelved it?
flyboy0681 Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 Kansas would not have had to cut if Brownback had any idea what he was doing. He said the tax cuts would spur job growth. He said small business and large business alike would hire more people. He said the population would spend more since they paid less income tax. They didnt. They pocketed the money. All of them. And so the children pay for it. Education cuts like never before. Child and family services cut. Retirement cuts. It's a train wreck. Dave and Scott - another heretic!
flyboy0681 Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 This is a load of crap. Spare me. Scott, I'm just wondering, what's it like being a person who everyone you know is doing relatively well? I mean, what's it like not knowing anybody that makes less than or equal the median outcome and wants to do better but just can't? I can rattle off a few people that I know immediately. One is a cab driver, the other a salesperson in a department store. Guess I'm just not lucky or maybe it was growing up in the canyon's of NYC.
flyboy0681 Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 Amazing how anyone with half a brain cannot see it? Eighteen Trillion debt now and growing!!!!! The only comforting thing about the number, if I can even use that word, is that interest payments on it as a percentage of all federal outlays is about 6%. Debt service during the 1990's was 15%. The difference is due to interest rates. I came across this chart. If true, it's very interesting.
bumper Posted December 11, 2014 Report Posted December 11, 2014 Very inspiring response. Too bad there aren't millions that can pick themselves up by their bootstraps as you have. There are, but there is no motivation. They have welfare in numerous forms, not just food stamps and direct cash aid, there's discount housing, discount utility bills, free cell phones and more. If you have no real pride, and your parent/s "made" the same sort of living, why bother when you can pull down more money being lazy? Welfare is a malignant cancer. It enables irresponsible behavior. It works to destroy the fundamental unit of society - the family. 2
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