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Found 16 results

  1. Hey all, first post after creeping for years. I was wanting to garner a few opinions as to the availability of aircraft that aren't owned by me. I do not have a mooney but there will be one in my future. I am at 110hrs currently and I would like to get up in the air a little more than what I am doing at the moment. I am part of a flight club but they do not have what I am looking for in aircraft selection and its getting a little crowded to boot. I was wondering if anyone in or around Fort Worth may be interested in renting their aircraft. I know its not something many owners are particularly interested especially since I do need transition training and endorsements (I have instructors for that). Ideally I would like to find someone that has a bird which is being underutilized that I could have access to. After that initial transition training I would like to fly maybe just a few hours a month here and there, mainly just to go up in general for a few hours or with family and friends without having to schedule 3 weeks out and hope the plane isn't down for maintenance or pray the weather is good at that time. I am not looking for a partnership as I am starting a commercial pilot course in August, gotta make the VA pay for something ;-). I also have my own insurance which I will update. I've been around aviation for many years and have owned, maintained and restored multiple aircraft so I know my way around them. If anyone knows anyone or can offer some insights that would be super cool.
  2. Folks, Looking for another assist. I'm in the final stages of purchasing an M20F. Insurance says I have to have 5 hours of dual transition training. They subsequently allowed 3 hours in an M20J locally with the final 2 in my plane (manual gear). So, I'm looking for an instructor with the following (or near the following and I'd petition the insurance co.) 500 total hours 100 hours in retractable gear 25 hours in make and model I suspect they'd agree to 25 hours in a manual gear M20. Any assistance greatly appreciated. Side note: I have a friend planning to fly back with me who owns a JBar Mooney...he's not an instructor though. Heading into town on 16 May (wed), looking to complete my last two hours on Thursday, 17 May. My friend shows up on Thursday and we're hoping to depart on Friday. I know...square peg...round hole...how much harder can I make this.
  3. Folks, I'm pushing this out as a last option and could use some serious help. I'm looking at possibly buying a 65 M20E and will be getting on a plane from Las Vegas NV to Charlotte NC in an hour for the pre-buy inspection, transition training, and ideally the long flight back. PROBLEM: The A&P that is currently scheduled to do the work is sick and unsure if they can make the trip. He was bringing standard tools to pull panels, compression tester, boroscope, etc... SO NOW I'M POSSIBLY IN A PINCH (if he can't make it) What would really use your help with: 1. A Charlotte NC area (or even east coast) Mooney Smart A&P able to do a pre-buy inspection tomorrow or Friday. The plane is located a 8A6 (Wilgrove Air Park). Seller has jacks, a hanger to do the pre-buy, air compressor for compression checks...small airport 2. Transition training. My insurance requires 5 hours of dual instruction in the plane If you know of anyone, that can help, my cell number 702-423-4699. Fly into Charlotte tonight. Escape plan in plane not up to snuff or I can't find anyone to assist...leave Charlotte early Saturday morning on a Southwest flight. Appreciate any help I can get on this. My A&P is also beating the bushes but he lives in TX... Cheers, Matt
  4. Good afternoon, I am currently looking for an M20J and would like some suggestions in relation to more Mooney specific (J model specific items), things to watch out for, etc... I do not have much experience with the Mooneys and therefore some extra coaching would be appreciated before purchasing one. I have debated V Tails, Comanches, etc but the Mooney and the M20Js efficiency is hard to beat. There is an airplane in NJ which has been in Air Mods hands that I am looking into but it has had some damage 10+ years ago which required replacing the wing. (installed a K model wing by Air Mods) In addition are there any CFI's in the New Smyrna Beach/Orlando area that someone would recommend to do some Mooney transition training as I do not have more than a handful of Mooney hours. Any help is greatly appreciated, Charles Port Orange, FL 32128
  5. Anywhere I can get checked out in a M20J in Northern California, (preferably Sacramento area), prior to buying my own?
  6. For those who have asked for more in depth training on the IFD series of navigators, we have teamed up with Master CFI Gary Reeves of PilotSafety.org to provide webinars, in person seminars and a video series. The first of many webinars are scheduled (see below). Wednesday, May 11th 6:30pm (Pacific) (Thursday May 12th 0100 UTC) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1623049960924876036 For WINGS credit: http://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=68863&caller=/SPANS/events/EventList.aspx Monday, May 16th 2330 UTC 7:30pm (Central) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4829957042899565057 Monday, May 16th 2230 UTC 6:30pm (Eastern) https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5528846215932681217 The first topic he will be covering is: Getting to know the Avidyne IFD 540/440 The IFD540 & IFD440 represent the next generation in FMS/GPS/ NAV/COM systems. They are plug-and play replacements for Garmin 530/430 systems. We will cover the new features including Hybrid Touch: Knobs & Buttons or Touch-Screen Wireless Keyboard Flight Plan Entry Graphical Flight Plan Editing GeoFill™ Reduces Data Entry Time Easy Loading of Approaches Entering a Hold is Easy “Next Leg” Depiction Easy Radio Tuning Multiple Frequency Formats and Station Readout Low-Fuel Protection Electronic Approach Charts and Airport Diagrams Terrain Awareness & FLTA Integrated WiFi & Bluetooth® Connectivity to iPad programs like FlyQ & ForeFlight Your speaker is Gary Reeves, ATP, Master CFI and the 2016 FAA Instructor of the Year for the WP region.
  7. Does anyone know of someone who can assist with some transition training I should have the m20m in a few weeks I have about 400 hours in a m20j and 100 in a m20k.. The problem is that it has been a long time since i have flown type and I've spent the last several year flying a 182 g1000 ( the m20m is steam ).. Im in Toronto Canada thoughts . Peter
  8. I've been at AOPA for a little over a year...I have the privilege of heading up the Air Safety Institute. One of the favorite parts of my job is getting to interact with members and pilots on a regular basis. One of the common complaints I've heard about AOPA from pilots is that sometimes the association seems "detached" from real pilots. Also they don't feel like the AOPA is as inclusive and welcoming as it should be. To that I say: yep - and -yep! But we hear you and are trying to make some positive changes. One example is the new ongoing monthly training events held at our National Aviation Community Center (NACC) in Frederick MD (KFDK). I know that doesn't help pilots who live in California, but our doors are open and we invite all pilots, spouses, and aviation enthusiasts to stop in for a night of fellowship and education. Please click on this link for details of the various events scheduled over the coming months. Also please share this with your fellow pilots. The first event is on Feb 17th and is an accident case study titled what went wrong. Hope to see lots of Mooniacs attend. Fly in or drive in. Shoot me a PM if you have questions
  9. Hi there, I am a soon to be M20K owner ( 2 aircraft in the works, just need to make a decision ) and am looking for some Mooney specific transition training in western Canada. My background is in C172/182 and DA40, and I want to make sure I know this plane inside an out as it will be the first I have owned outright. Any suggestions for someone local or within reasonable travel distance? I am likely going to get the new aircraft ferried over with an instructor and will get the basic hours to keep insurance happy, but with all that I read on this ( fantastic! ) forum, I clearly have a lot to learn.
  10. With any luck (and decent weather) I'm picking up a Mooney M20C in the environs of Atlanta this weekend. I've got a CFI who'll help me fly it back him to the land of the Buckeyes, Columbus Ohio. What I don't have is someone here who can continue my complex training. I need some dual time to make my insurer happy, and I'd rather not do it all down there. Anyone know a CFI in my area who knows Mooneys? I sure don't.
  11. I have been doing a lot of IFR studying on my own and have a question that I hope someone can answer. When you TO into an IFR flight plan, are you in contact with ATC and do they have you on radar via your transponder? In other words, is it just like flight following but under IMC? If you miss a fix or are unable to figure out where you are via VOR, do they just tell you? Do they vector you back where you need to be if you get lost?
  12. MooneySpacer's As many of you may know, I recently was brought in to lead AOPA's Air Safety Institute. I typically do not use the forum to discuss AOPA stuff but since I fly Mooney's I wanted you all to have a special “sneak peek” at what ASI is getting ready to launch. Below is a summary of the program and a link to take a look at what we're up to. LEARN & EARN YOUR WAY TO BECOMING A BETTER PILOT AOPA’S AIR SAFETY INSTITUTE OFFERS VALUABLE REWARDS WITH THE FUN OF LEARNING FREDERICK, Md. – The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Foundation’s (AOPA) Air Safety Institute (ASI) today launched the “Earn & Learn Safety Challenge,” an innovative new program that enters those who take aviation safety courses into a quarterly drawing for valuable aviation gear. A new prize will be awarded each quarter, beginning with a Stratus 2 ADS-B receiver – an $899 value -- courtesy of Sporty’s Pilot Shop. The first prize winner will be selected in a March 31st drawing. ASI’s safety courses are available to both AOPA members and non-members. Participants will automatically receive a prize entry for each completed free online safety course, Real Pilot Story or Accident Case Study. The more courses completed, the more chances each individual will have to win. Pilots who are new to ASI courses can start with an easy, interactive safety challenge that will match them with a course tailored specifically to their experience level and flying style. Visitors can take the challenge as many times as they like, or they can just go to the ASI website to view their online transcript to identify other interesting courses that will enter them in the prize drawing. Courses listed in the transcript with a gray star are eligible for the Learn & Earn drawing, while a gold star will depict courses that have been completed. The Air Safety Institute’s “Learn & Earn Safety Challenge” will run throughout 2015, with four separate winners announced in March, June, September, and December. Visit Learn & Earn for complete rules and additional details. Safe pilots are always learning. It is ASI’s continuing goal to improve general aviation safety by providing pilots a wealth of free information and educational resources. The Air Safety Institute’s programs are funded solely through donations from pilots dedicated to that same mission. Pilots can show their support by donating to the AOPA Foundation.
  13. Greetings Mooney Enthusiasts, The Mooney Caravan organization is actively seeking participants for this year's Caravan to Oshkosh. To this end, a number of Formation Flying clinics are being organized around the country. If you are located in the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic region, and have interest in going to Oshkosh in style or just want to have some local fun with formation flying, please join us for the weekend of May 30th at Lancaster, PA. This event will provide an environment for you to learn basic formation flying skills. Since you are already a competent and experienced Mooney pilot, you have little to learn. I'm sure you will find that formation flying enhances flying skills as well as flying camaraderie. The Lancaster event is still coalescing, so if you have any interest, reach out now and let me know. You can find more information about formation training on the Caravan website at https://sites.google.com/site/mooneycaravan/home See you at OSH, but hopefully sooner! -Adam "Sled" Carney N9127D adam@mooney27d.com
  14. Ok so long ago when I was teenager I rode in a Mooney, and my friendly brokers says that is the plane I need. So the wife and I are looking for one to sit in, and see if we fit. Any volunteers? Also I've been told by Ins co that I will 15 hrs make & model dual before solo. Not too bad I thought... But before I start digging into the wallet, I'd atleast like to sit in one ....
  15. Hey fellow flyers, I am new to the group and in the market for a M20J/K and looking for someone who owns one in the Savannah, GA area to see if I might be able to "try it on" before I commit my time and effort if finding one. Second looking for a CFII preferably a Mooney owner in the same area that is proficient in type. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I'm going to try to get my CFI in my M20J. I'm starting to practice maneuvers , specifically Steep Turns, Steep Spirals, Lazy Eights, Chandelles, Eights on Pylons, and Slow Flight (clean and dirty). Can anyone suggest, as a starting point, power (prop setting and manifold pressure) that works well for these maneuvers ? Thanks!
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