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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/35878-left-panel/ I too have around http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/35878-left-panel/ fifty hours flying the CGR30P. Hands down, unless you need the second dg for you ap, put it there. I really like the CGR but it has multiple pages and I find myself fiddling with it. I would note be happy if it wasn't in plain view and easy to reach.
  2. From the album: panel

  3. Anyone now the tolerances for control surface slack/slop? All I can find in the service manual is rudder up and down.
  4. I've had great customer service with Bose.
  5. I got some great advice from Cody here on the forum and replaced the entire assembly with a Hartzell replacement. Turns out the mooney ring gear adapter I had was for a McCauley and had been modified. It failed at the mod! bit the bullet and fixed it legally and properly. Ouch! I'll put the old dome on ebay or have the bulkhead repaired and sell the whole assembly. Still deciding.
  6. I'm based in Blackstone just 10 miles up the road. Wilkerson products are great! Good folks with a great product. Highly recommended!
  7. Our stay was 7/11-14. I'll check my photos to see if I can see your plane!
  8. Yes, the routing was fantastic. Controllers were busy. I heard a commuter ask for direct a certain fix and the controller replied "why do you want to go there?". After a long pause he repeated the request and the controller replied "No, you don't need to go there, go direct xxxxx instead". The pilot was speechless. Too funny.
  9. I started out flying STOL types. As I moved toward quicker AC I realized I'm always wanting to go faster so I just kept the tag..
  10. My Mooney served me especially well this Month. She came out of the wire shop the first week of July and it was game on. 45.2 hours total flight time and lots of weather. The high spots: VA (kbkt) to Boothbay Harbor Maine and back for a four day weekend with my bride. Fantastic trip with a great view of NYC along our route. VA to TX with my 18 year old to see my Pop. Left on a Thursday and enjoyed a great over night stop in Memphis. Sat with Dad on Friday then back to VA with one fuel stop on Saturday. VA to TX again last Wednesday with the wife and son. Nice layover in Nashville followed by two days in TX and back to VA in one day yesterday. Throw in a couple of day trips for business and it's been a heck of a July. One thing that my son and I both noticed, it seemed like there were lots of Mooneys on the freq. We file IFR most always and we were amazed how many other Mooniacs we encountered. I've decided to keep a log so I can check this site. Second thought- GDL88 is great to have when your mingling in the DFW airspace. It's fantastic in helping spot traffic.
  11. Thanks for the....found one
  12. Meant to be more specific. No part number on my broken one-looking to confirm what I should order and I'm looking for a vendor.
  13. Just discovered a crack in my spinner bulkhead. I have an F model with a J front end. IO-360 a1a,, Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF, Polished J style spinner. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Thursday my son and I were Westbound over Western TN at 8000 with another Mooney "opposite direction, 800 below". We picked him up with a mile out with the gdl88 raising heck. "Traffic, traffic......". He passed under our right wing. Beautiful site! My son noted a black tail. Is that owner up on this forum. I usually write down any mooney tail numbers but failed to this time in all the excitement.
  15. What's the part number of the old light?
  16. I left mine in. I purchased the premium package that includes RPM, CHT and EGT standard, plus five additional primary. All but one primary are displayed on the first screen and the FAA chooses which one goes on the second. I have MP, RPM, CHT, EGT, Oil Pressure, Left and Right Fuel on page one with Oil Temp on Page Two. All primaries indicated on the Master Caution and Master Alarm indicators. In addition to the primary I have five non-primary. OAT, HP, Amps, Fuel Flow, and Volts. In my case the fuel pressure was the odd man out. I could either install a EI FPL5 Fuel flow gauge which can accommodate a secondary input for fuel pressure or keep the existing MP/Fuel Pressure gauge. My installer swayed me toward keeping the Tach and MP for redundancy and to eliminate the need for an additional fuel flow gauge. In the end all the strip gauges are gone and the panel looks nice.
  17. I hope to pick up my bird early next week with a CGR-30P installed. I'll be glad to offer a pirep after a few hours. For what it's worth I've always been a JPI fan (three airplanes) and after a lot of research I made the switch. I too found it to be a tough call without PIREPS to work with.
  18. I'm guessing it's 36 off of kspg Albert Whitted- Saint Pete, FL- Nice video! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. I have 64 and rarely fly down to an hour reserve. That being said, 64 adds a nice warm an fuzzy feeling when flying IFR. I can hold or run an long, long way. My SOP is to the tabs for VFR hops and to the brim for IFR trips.
  20. Mine is on the underside of the wing--left wing opposite the exhaust stack. Accurate in flight but I have to wonder about a black taxi way radiating heat. The few times I was worried about being high and hot the field offered DA via the ATIS. I do use it on every flight after I'm airborne. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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