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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. I agree with you Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. From the album: #oavalle's album

    After several month she is ready....New 430, Garmin 795, JPI 830, WX 500 and Aspen.
  3. From the album: #oavalle's album

    After several month she is ready....New 430, Garmin 795, JPI 830, WX 500 and Aspen.
  4. Oscar Avalle


  5. After experiencing some problems i was able to upload some pictures yersterday. Thanks
  6. I did the same
  7. From the album: M20CN9341V

    I added a Sandel
  8. Actually I am still having difficulties uploading pictures....
  9. Agree Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  10. I know that this is not a how to video, but I thought some of you may be interested in....and I just needed to share.... Last week we suffered a 7.4 earthquake in Guatemala.Thanks God "only" 42 casualties... I tell you IT WAS SCARY! My office is on the 14th floor and everything moved.... My wife was at home on the 18th floor and she said that for a moment she thought that the building would come down... As part of my job I had to go to San Marcos (the city most affected by the quake) and overview a damage assessment. I took some pictures and filmed the helicopter trip from Guatemala City to San Marcos (about one hour flight). So, sorry if I am out of line...but sometimes it is nice to share other things and experiences with a virtual group that I started to appreciate a lot. Oscar
  11. Méx. EAPIS now that is going to be interesting Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  12. On the way back we shot the ILS DME approach to runway 01 at MGGT. Here is a short video of it.
  13. I was most of the time in imc the flight was about 1.5 hours
  14. Well, I just enjoy making these short videos. We had a Fly in last Monday PM and I made this video from my first IFR flight in Guatemala. I will be adding later our return flight at night. Enjoy
  15. During my last three flights chts on cyl 3 have been going down. I am now At 454 at 27 celcius. The other cylinders are just doing great.
  16. I use take off flaps most of the time.
  17. Thank you that is great news.
  18. Did you have to change your governor too?
  19. I also would be interested in the ipad mini mainly because of its size. My Ipad 3 is simply to bulky for my yoke mount and I am really not using is as an EFB.
  20. Byron, Thank you and I really apologize for my frustration. I checked the airflow, I checked the baffling and the induction system... I checked compression in Cyl 3... I did not check the carburator. But your comment on the timing actually called my attention. I went through my LASAR ignition documentation and I read that the LASAR ignition advances timing and thus increases the CHT temperature by 25 to 30 degrees, in particular above 5000 feet... Considering that my field elevation is 4960 feet and that the OAT was 27 degrees celsius (DA around 7000 feet). So may be that could be the problem.
  21. Really nice... what camera did you use?
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