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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Yesterday I flew from Guatemala to the beach and landed on a grass strip and taped it. So here it goes. I hope you enjoy it.
  2. Some asked me for a picture of the attached camera...here it goes...
  3. Hank Thanks for asking about the volcano. Thanks God the erruption stopped today... yesterday it was looking really bad. 10,000 people had to be evacuated...but today the volcano just looks nice and quiet. And yes, I did block the brakes. I had them readjusted and I just did not notice it...
  4. Just clean the belly...before attaching it...
  5. jajajaja thanks for letting me know...
  6. Thank you.. I was getting scared thinking that I did something wrong...Still new at this community... BTW GREAT JOB wonderful side... hard to leave...My wife tells me that this is like my facebook...
  7. I used a RAM suction cup. I will go to the airport on Saturday and take some pictures and post them. Unfortunately I have to work... and can't go before...:=(
  8. I was aiming at 19 and landed on 01... Seriously, I am getting used to a higher altitude airport and i just did not get the speeds on final right... BTW the tower even made a joke out of it...
  9. Oscar Avalle

    Video test

    I just got a new video camera (contour) and I put together this short video... I know, I need to work on my editing and the brakes of the airplane locked when I touched down... but I still wanted to share this with our community. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogWwhdCDaQA&feature=channel&list=UL
  10. I was just wondering what the meaning of the "warnings: 0" under my name was...Coudl somebody explain it to me... Thank you
  11. Let me support the previous suggestion.. great idea and I vot for Craig's panel too.
  12. Same with me too. I just added and ASPEN to my panel and decided to keep the MPH. Just simpler.
  13. Just to bring the story to a closure, JPI was not properly grounded. Now, the indications are normal, CHT 1, 2 and 4 in the lower 300 and 3 still hot, but not too hot.
  14. I had a similar problem with my M20C. Since I have the LASAR ignition, she starts up without any problems. Mix rich, Fuel pump on, pump throttle twice (depending on the temperature) and she fires up
  15. I love it! Congratulations and thanks!!!!
  16. No filters on mine... a M 20 C. but also, never had a problem with bugs...
  17. If you upgrade to a JPI 830 just make sure that you have CHT K probes and not J Probes. But great work, very nice panel
  18. Just to provide you with an update. I checked the probes and they are K type... So no problem there. I also checked the connections and I tested the one probe and everything is OK. Then I asked my AP to have a look again at the connections for the LASAR ignition. No problem there... So I decided to start the engine and just see what was going on. I ran the engine for about 30 minutes on the ground (about 85 degrees and 5000 feet field elevation). One CHT (number 2) got up to 450... the rest behaved well around 390 to 423 (considering LASAR and temperature). Talking to some people on the field I was told that LASAR was a problem around here (high temps and thus high density altitude), because it raises the CHT... I was also told that several owners just went back to magnetos because of that... So, thanks for all the inputs...
  19. Dear taracka Thanks for your comments. My mooney is a M20c. The engine a o360 a1d With a LASAR ignition. The engine has about 17 hours since major overhaul. Fuel is ok, timing was fine until until I flew her last time, the mechanic checked the baffling and it was fine too. Temperature was in the 80 and density altitude about 5000 feet. The jpi was installed in 1990. Could it have been installed with gem probes? How can I find it out?
  20. Unfortunately the factory cht isninop. But good to hear that somebody else heard about this
  21. Well here I am again with a question, that hopefully somebody will be able to help me find an answer to. I just updgraded from a JPI 700 to and JPI 830. I used the old EGT and CHT probes. Until I upgraded my CHT indications on the 700 were basically normal. Around 380 to 400 (I have a LASAR ignition system which raises CHT by 30 degrees). After I upgraded, I started the engine and CHTs inmediatly went through the roof. On all 4 cylinders they reached 400 in less than 20 minutes and after take off they reached 500! Which of course made me land right away. But as I mentioned before...everything was normal until the upgrade... Also, oil temp, oil pressure and EGT are in the green...I asked my mechanic to look into the baffling and the doghouse and he confirmed that everything looked OK. Unfortuntaley I was not able to check if the probes were working well... So, I decided to call JPI and they told me that I may have some old GEM CHT probes with and a GEM harness which is not compatible with the 830... My engine has only 17 hours since MOH...and I am flying out of a field with 5000 feet elevation... Does it make sense what JPI is telling me or should I looked at something else...
  22. Thanks all those comments are extremely helpful. I have been flying more and more from grass fields and the mooneys are not that bad, as long as you follow the procedures.
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