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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Great, I really would like to join the Caravan this year.
  2. Yes, I agree there are fights worth fighting until you get to a point were the result seems acceptable. That is where I am now. I know that my CHTs trend to be on the high side and I just manage it as well as I can. One www side that I use to upload my JPI data is www.savvyanalysis.com. It is much better and more intuitive than JPI software... Oscar
  3. I had a long fight with my CHTs. They were high and did not come down. I got a new doghouse, carburetor, adjusted timing and got a new cowling. I am now down to your figures...so as long as they come down in cruise... they are fine. I just got myself a JPI 900. How do you like yours? Oscar Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The emergency gear extension cable was worn out and had to be replaced.
  5. And she was great too...
  6. After nearly two months the plane got out of the annual and is flying again!!! Still some minor issues are pending like the dimmer is not working...but at least I did a test flight and the CHTs are ok, the new JPI 900 works great and the panel feels really empty without all the steam engine gauges! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sophia's look is priceless! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Any details? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I had a similar problem and was able to resolve by replacing the fiberglass insulation with a newer kind of insulation. I also replaced the door seal and the baggage door seal. Both things helped significantly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Sorry, I misunderstood you question. The VG on the rudder are part of a VG kit for the airplane. They help with slow flight and make the plane more responsive. I was flying out of unprepared strips in Guatemala and I wanted to ensure that I could really do nice soft field landings.
  11. The mount brand is Contour, under the plane I use a garmin virb
  12. Matt, It is a contour camera. Nice, small and streamlined.
  13. They actually published several articles about the M20 series. This one is not that comprehensive. On their www side you can search for previous articles that discuss the M20C as well as the 201z Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We lost another great man.
  15. According to my wife that is the one i wear once a come back from flying.
  16. In my case the smell was a combination of a leaky fuel selector valve and old fuel sender gaskets. Oscar
  17. Oscar Avalle

    Xmas gift

    I started using GoPros, but I got disappointed by their Menu and their complicated set up functions. Also, GoPros battery life was better fitted for briefer activities, such as filming a downhill skiing run. So I tried out the contour cameras, what I like about them is their simplicity and adequate video quality. The possibility of adjusting the lens manually to compensate for installation (it is often hard to find a perfectly smooth and level surface) was also a great plus. I also thought that the shape of the camera was great (small and streamlined). You could also control the camera from your phone. But the battery life was only about 60 minutes. http://contour.com/ When Garmin came out with their VIRBs I tried them out and I thought that they had found a nice balance between quality, ruggedness price, form and battery life. I have been using them now for a while and I like them. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/on-the-trail/action-cameras/virb-elite/prod119594.html I also purchased their latest model, but I am not totally convinced, Garmin tried to emulate GoPro (I guess it is the industry standard for action cameras), but I don't think the new shape is so great for putting it on a wing, I just preferred the more streamlined form. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/into-sports/action-cameras/virb-ultra-30/prod522869.html But at the end what really matters is the editing software. You can do miracles with the right software. I use Final Cut pro and I am really happy with it. Just to share with you how similar the results are, here goes a video I shot with different cameras. The camera that captures the shots from the tail is a contour, the rest are Garmin VIRBs.
  18. Oscar Avalle

    Xmas gift

    I like the contours and the garmin cameras. You can control them from your phone and their video quality is very good. The only problem with the contour is its short battery life.
  19. Yes, everything is relative...My volcanos were about 9k tall...
  20. Yes, 80 are very hot days... specially at 4700 feet... density altitude 7500 feet... air density only .06 lb/ft3. So no wonder that the engine had a hard time swallowing enough air to keep the engine cool...
  21. Indeed it does, but my runway was about 9500 feet long...so I preferred to trade off runway length to CHT. On climb the issue was dicier, on very hot days (80+ degrees) I had to manage the climb rate very carefully...on several occasions I had to level off to manage the CHTs and oil temp. Climb rate was never stellar, but always within a reasonable range. When I had to take off from shorter fields I always tried to leave in the morning or late PM. Also, at that point I leaned on the ground, but again on climb I sometimes had to enrich the mixture to manage temperatures. Obviously, given that I was flying out of a valley, surrounded by mountains and volcanos, I had to have excellent situational awareness to avoid running into something, but that is a different story. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I flew out of a field that was at 4700 feet with density altitudes that reached 7 to 8k. Given the danger of high CHTs I preferred always to take off with full power and mixture full rich. On climb I then started to lean the mixture.
  23. Well, it seems that I need a new (used) cable. Anybody has an idea where or who could have one?
  24. Just heard back from the gear motor shop. Everything checked out well...so no explanation why the emergency gear extension cable is not connecting well...getting frustrated... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Sorry guys my bird is still on the ground... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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