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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. I actually wasn't there when he checked the timing but I'll have to ask what he used.
  2. Have you reached out to Hector over at Aero Comfort and see what he does with his interiors?
  3. All, It looks like we lost some a portion of this thread that had my engine analysis link so I re-posted it: https://savvyanalysis.com/flight/216933/0b4ebb0e-2468-4037-8762-e9c41a73f705 Jim and a few other folks thought that my timing might be off was well as a slight induction leak on #3. So based on this analysis I had my mechanic check and the timing and as it turns on the time was set to 17-18 degrees! He's adjusting the timings this weekend. It will be interesting what kind of change I'll see. Couldn't find the leak but we'll do some additional testing in that area once we get the time issue corrected. Thanks for all who provided input.
  4. I flight plan for 144 knots @ 10gph.
  5. Just to complete the bio... How much Mooney time?
  6. I actually had a situation happen back in my aerobatic days when I went to box the stick in a Decathlon and the the stick stuck in the full up position. Jumped out to see what occurred and found a wrench wedged in the elevator control linkage. As it turns out a couple of flights prior to mine, the plane had an issue with the battery (located behind the back seat) left his wrench next to the battery. So they guy that flew the plane before me was up practicing hammerheads and the wrench worked his way into the tail section... NOT a good thing!
  7. Not sure the objective but I would personally consider separating the Wing from the fuselage, crating and shipping the aircraft over to Hawaii.
  8. This exact thing happened to me a few weeks ago when my manifold gauge came disconnected from my #1 cylinder. As Byron said, I had to keep it at least 3/4 throttle to keep the engine running smoothly. Then pulling back the throttle, expect the engine to run like crap until you can get on the ground.
  9. Must of brought the cold down with you... Maybe it's time to head home and take the cold weather with you!
  10. So what am I missing on the G35 that's on ebay? With a buy it now price of $12K, you'd think someone would snap it up. The low time engine alone is worth that. A salvage yard could make some good money parting this plane out.
  11. Virtual hangar flying going on!
  12. My plane was magnetized by just throwing the extension cord over the cowl in from of the windshield. This is a huge problem... Specially with the pre-J models. So keep all AC power cords far away from your aircraft!
  13. Hi Sean, Welcome! You mentioned that #3 is 40-50 degrees hotter than the rest. That's the cylinder that the original CHT gauge is connected. If you use the spark plug probe, you will see that kind of delta. Does the original CHT gauge agree with your engine monitor?
  14. Years ago I had a passenger in a J3 Cub have his left foot resting on the heel brake when we touched down. The plane took a hard left and took off across a field. Took everything I had in me to keep from ground looping the plane!
  15. You might be looking at a couple of issues. I had oil on my mags and it turned out to a leaky front seal. You might want to look at that for the oil leak... It may or may not be related to your engine stumble.
  16. Outside of a mechanical failure, can't NTSB always say that the checklist wasn't followed on a gear up?
  17. The rate is obvious.... Should be $201.
  18. Actually... That was a typo... I meant to say 2700.
  19. What happen was that the manifold line going into the #1 cylinder came loose. Reconnected it and it now purrs like a kitten. I couple of months ago I had my A&P fix my manifold gauge. What I suspect what happened was that the connection was only finger tightened and over the last couple of months, it worked itself loose. What's ironic is that last week I watched Mike Busch's webinar on Maintenance Induced Failures and what a large percentages of crashes was tied back to main tench errors. A webinar worth watching.
  20. Hi Jim, I believe I have made some progress by adjusting my climb out and fighting up the Doghouse. I uploaded my last flight and posted it on the "strangest failures" thread. I plan on doing some of the recommendation made here. Namely WOT/2600 rpm on climb out and see if that changes my temperature profile.
  21. This will likely give it away but the manifold gauge quit working at around the same time.
  22. iPad mini hands down if you want to use it for flying. The full size iPad's are just too large for our Mooneys. I'm partial to Foreflight but there are a couple of other products that would just as good.
  23. I was about to post something similar but I had an "event" occur last weekend. I flew up to a local airport to practice landings. I flew there, landed, taxied back and took off. After climbing out to about 3,000', I pulled back the throttle to configure for cruise flight and the engine started to run very rough. I increased the throttle and the engine smoothed out. It ran fine until I pulled the power to land. On the ground while taxiing to my hangar it ran extremely rough. After shutting down, I looked around and didn't see anything obvious like oil. So I downloaded the data from my EDM-700. Below is the link to my data from the flight. https://www.savvyanalysis.com/flight/211461/31c29c48-6159-46f0-9e70-14df5aaf2786 The event occurred at the 57:18 mark. I've already identified the issue. Before I explain what occurred, does anyone have any guesses based on this data?
  24. I purchased my plane 8 months ago and I would of jumped all over a J model that had a 430w, STEC 50, GTX 330, with a mid-time engine, decent paint and interior for $60k... Unless it is a fire sale, I don't think they exist.
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