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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. I feel that early C models (maybe also E & F) for what ever reason have a cooling problem on takeoff until they are configured for cruise climb. For J-Models forward, the cowling is much more effective and do not exhibit the same cooling issue. I suspect being fuel injected also makes a difference. The key for at least my C is to get into the a cruise climb as soon as possible (120MPH, 25 squared). Until you get into this configuration, you'll see temps at or above 400 degrees. I do this by keeping my initial climb to around 500 FPM to reach 120MPH ASAP, and at around 500' AGL I bring RPM's down to around 2500 RPM and 25". You'll read on this forum folks that don't agree with me and feel you have to keep WOT (fuel enrichment) and 2700 RPMs but that's never worked for me.
  2. Give Mooney a call. Last year when touring the factory, I noticed a bunch of several different types of side panels in their parts bin. You might luck out.
  3. I thought about purchasing a J Model but I couldn't figure out how to retrofit it with a manual gear so I decided to upgrade to my C Model.
  4. I use Cloud Ahoy on my iPad. It's a great app that you start like a stop watch and it detects takeoff, knows the airport you're departing from and tracks your flight as well as altitude. It overlays your flight on what looks like GoogleEarth. It's a wonderful product. I use it for every flight.
  5. Acutally it's not just Mooney C-Models that have this characteristic. Just about any carburated Lycoming will behave this way. I remember I flew a Cherokee 140 years ago that you had to nurse the power to full everytime or it would stumble and sputter... But that was also back when nobody leaned correctly or in some cases never even touched the red knob.
  6. Looked in my parts manual for my plane and it references the spinner Part Number as 835-20. Since this bulletin is for PN's 835-54(P) or 835-58(P), I'm good... At least I think so!
  7. Man, you're going to have to loose the RV logo and get a real plane up there! Good luck with your new website!
  8. Hi Tom, You’ve touched on almost all of the stereotypes that folks not familiar with Mooney’s and virtually everyone one of them are false! I’m not had any problems finding an A&P to work on my plane… Finding a quality one is an entirely different matter. I have two A&P’s that work on my plane. One that’s at my airport that I use him for any non-Mooney specific related work (which is most of the work). The other is a Mooney specific service center. I use Don Maxwell but there’s several quality MSC’s located around the country. The key is to have someone like Don Maxwell do the pre-buy. That will save you thousands in post purchase maintenance. I would also do a search on this forum. This topic has been discussed several times and would provide some good information.
  9. How would you be able to tell?
  10. Tom - Do you have any pictures?
  11. Guys, Right now I just stuff my little fire extinguisher into the rear pocket of my passenger seat. What's everyone one else doing? Since I fly a C-model with a Johnson Bar it limits my options but if you guys have some good ideas on where to mount one, I'd love to hear them.
  12. Just had my annual over at Don's place. Not sure how much I have on mine but it's definitely more than 3/16". Wasn't even discussed so must not be a big concern.
  13. The Rotax 912 uses a gearbox (2.43:1 Ratio)... Does that count? It's one of the most popular engines out there for the LSA market.
  14. A little birdie told me that we'll not be having our annual MAPA convention this year? Does anyone have any additional details? I've been working like crazy all year on my plane so I could knock Jerry off the king of the M20C mountain!
  15. It might be the drain tube for the overhead vent.
  16. Is the Hula girl part of the deal?
  17. If my CFI has his way, we'd do all of the training under actual IFR conditions. Outside of icing conditions and/or thunderstorm activity, we go flying. I know some instructors are not confident in their ability to train in acutal conditions due to their lack of experience. I hope that's not the case with your instructor.
  18. I'd get a ferry permit and have it flown to Don Maxwell's place. Longview is a skip and a jump form OKC. Have him to do the annual as part of the purchase agreement.
  19. I'm working on my IR and for me, process and procedures is my biggest challenge. So I can't separate IFR flying and the associated procedures. So if you are struggling with the written and your instructor is "bored", I would change instructors.
  20. I would recommend using Arron with Select Aircraft at Lancaster airport. He's top notch and is where Don Maxwell sends all of his mags. 972-227-9581
  21. Another training aid that I had an instructor due that was very effective is to find a long runway and request a land long request. Then come in, flair and then fly it down the length of the runway just a couple of feet off the ground. Takes some practice but it's an incredibly useful tool in perfecting landings.
  22. You might want to pick up Donald Kaye's excellent video on landing techniques. In the video he talks about bouncing and the hazards of coming in too fast. He comes across the numbers at 70 knots. He did say that if given a choice when he bounced, he'd rather be too fast than too slow. If too fast, you have airspeed to salvage the landing. What's also key from his video is that if you don't hear the stall warning, you're too fast.
  23. Ha... They'll still find a way to dispatch F16's... or more likely will be predator drones. Sticking it to GA is job one!
  24. Nothing like shutting down DFW and north Texas for a couple of days! Below is the TFR going into effect this week: FAA TO ESTABLISH TFR OVER DALLAS, TX ON THURSDAY A NOTAM has been issued that will restrict flight in the area during President Obama's planned visit. ==> 30 NM RADIUS TFR <== Location: On the COWBOY VOR/DME (CVE) 096 degree radial at 4.8 nautical miles. From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL EXCLUDING: ==> 3 NM RADIUS <== On the RANGER VORTAC (FUZ) 351 degree radial at 18.7 nautical miles. From the surface up to but not including 2000 feet MSL ==> 3 NM RADIUS <== On the RANGER VORTAC (FUZ) 240 degree radial at 10.1 nautical miles. From the surface up to but not including 2000 feet MSL Times: 3:30 PM local until 4:45 PM local Thursday, April 25, 2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ ==> 9 NM RADIUS NO-FLY ZONE <== Location: On the COWBOY VOR/DME (CVE) 096 degree radial at 4.8 nautical miles. From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL Times: 3:30 PM local until 4:45 PM local Thursday, April 25, 2013 ==> AFFECTED PUBLIC USE AIRPORTS <== KDAL Dallas Love Field 49T Dallas Cbd Vertiport KADS Addison T57 Garland/Dfw Heloplex F69 Air Park-Dallas KRBD Dallas Executive KDFW Dallas/Fort Worth Intl KHQZ Mesquite Metro KGPM Grand Prairie Muni KLNC Lancaster Rgnl 30F Lakeview F46 Ralph M Hall/Rockwall Muni KGKY Arlington Muni T31 Aero Country 12T Ferris Red Oak Muni KTKI Collin County Rgnl At Mc Kinney 1F7 Airpark East 52F Northwest Rgnl T13 Dallas South Port T33 Rives Air Park KJWY Mid-Way Rgnl KAFW Fort Worth Alliance KDTO Denton Muni KFTW Fort Worth Meacham Intl KTRL Terrell Muni XA0 Prose Field 3T6 Clark T48 Phillips Flying Ranch 9S1 Four Winds 7F3 Caddo Mills Muni View the new NOTAM pages at: ( http://tfr.faa.gov/save_pages/detail_3_4100.html )
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