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Everything posted by BigTex

  1. Thanks Don. I'm using a Halo headset and was wondering if it might be that. I was going to try another headset to see if it stops. I'll order the MicMuff for my headsets to see if that fixes the issue.
  2. I went in with the same expectation that it was a "slide-in" replacement for the KMA24. To some extent it is assuming you don't want to take advantage of any of the additional features like stereo, etc. There are two connector blocks on the back of the PMA. You can replace the KMA connector with the PMA bottom connector and it should work... In theory. But since my plane was wired for mono, I had to completely rewrite all four mic and headset jacks and pull out my old Intercom system. Overall I'm really happy with the unit. I plug in a HTC Bluetooth adapter into my Aux input and play music from my iPad. The mute when ATC talks is really nice.
  3. Lacee, Here's a link on MS around lubrication that might help. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/5293-lets-talk-lubrication/
  4. Last week I upgraded my KMA24 to a PMA7000B audio panel and few it for the first time to Kerrville. Overall, it's really working well but am having an issue with the squelch. It seems to be cutting in and out every few seconds when I'm at cruise RPM. I've unplugged everything headset but mine and still hear it. The only way I've found to not hear it is to switch the audio until to ISO mode. Anyone else experience an issue like this?
  5. Ha... I wondered what happened to his plane. I really missed listening to all of his ED jokes.
  6. I actually overheard one wife at the Homecoming say "maybe if I would put a propeller on my nose, he'd pay more attention to me!" We all have to walk that fine line.
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