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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. Did you do a hot mag check after landing? How'd your EGTs look? Full-rich with only one spark plug functioning might make sense for the scenario you described where leaning brought you back to life. Also, you should do full-stop and then do your pre-takeoff checklist. Just as you do your GUMPS check on landing, I do "trim, flaps, fuel selector" - "fuel pump, lights transponder and departure frequency" - "prop, mixture, throttle" on takeoff. Even though I use a checklist, these are a quick set of items I follow when turning onto the runway, since sometimes I've been rushed, once I didn't have my mechanical flaps fully "armed," and sometimes I've leaned when having a long delay before taking off.
  2. I did my share of "tire kicking" before laying down cash for my airplane. Even with the one that I bought, I had a very difficult time going through with the purchase. This was the largest single purchase of my entire life and it had taken me years to save up for it. The best planes that I found were unlisted, mine included. The good folks at Willmar knew the owner was getting ready to sell it and told me about it when I asked.
  3. I have the SlickStart system on my M20F. Never had a starting problem except when the left mag died. Parker was able to get my airplane started on the right mag by itself after a lot of trying. I thought that was pretty impressive.
  4. If Parker can't do it, use Bruce Jeager out of Willmar, MN. He was incredibly reasonable with my transition training and he is the former owner of Willmar Air Service. I flew with both Bruce and Parker in doing my insurance requirements. Both are excellent. Bruce is geographically closer and will insist on ROP operation. Parker will push you for LOP. http://www.jaegeraviation.com/training I can say with full confidence that every experienced instructor will disagree with another experienced instructor on one matter or another. The same goes with mechanics. The second instructor or mechanic you deal with will worry the hell out of you because they invariably will tell you the exact opposite of something the previous expert insisted on.
  5. Hey now; I wasn't saying that :-) I'm one of the guys who has been asking about them. I stumbled on this gem earlier today, thought of this thread and knew it would be gold to post.
  6. The pilot sitting in the captains seat had only 43 hours in type. The GS was out on the ILS as well. It was an 11 hour leg. Wide runway = visual illusion. Over open water also = visual illusion. Whoever put that guy in the left seat should be held just as responsible.
  7. Go to the 2:00 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19nIwIXL32s&feature=youtu.be&t=2m7s
  8. Sounds like something is lagging or got discontinued in the supply chain. I deal with this all the time in electronics design.
  9. Pilots bicycle to the airport and then fly 777s. It happens more than you hear about in asia.
  10. I stick to crackers and water. I don't allow sodas inside of my airplane due to the corrosion risk of a spill. I also keep MREs and bottles of water in the cargo area in case I get stuck somewhere there's no food available. MREs can turn a really crappy situation into a minor inconvenience.
  11. I think that price is spot-on and what I would expect to pay for that airplane with perfect logs and nothing wrong with it. That ad is a little misleading in that it says there's not another M20F like it...and I should know... http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33968-img-2111/
  12. I wouldn't pay much more than about $60k for what you described. Keep in mind that you can get a fairly well-equipped "F" for around $40k.
  13. Not normal and don't F around with fuel issues. Get it fixed yesterday.
  14. ...to which you're supposed to respond: "Oh man, I hate last call." I was trained that both calls were correct.
  15. My 67F with LoPresti cowl, powerflow exhaust, 201 glass, other speed mods and GAMI injectors is supposedly 158kts true at 10GPH. I haven't done the cardinal heading test, but it seems like I'm usually between 150 and 165kts GPS ground speed. http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33968-img-2111/
  16. Terrafuglia
  17. I was taught what it was early in training. I didn't really "learn" about it until I started flying the Mooney. It never seemed to have much effect in the trainers, aside from maybe the instructor telling you to get the ball back on center. Hell, even if you stalled a little uncoordinated in those trainers, they would still stay pretty well-behaved.
  18. I mentioned this in the previous thread about this incident. I experienced something unexpected in my first soft-field takeoff in my Mooney (3100x100 turf). I applied the method I'd been trained as a student, which may or may not have been correct in the aircraft that I trained it, but was certainly not correct in the Mooney. I started my takeoff roll at full power with the yoke in my lap, lowering the nose as soon as the airplane became airborne. While in ground-effect at such a high angle of attack I found my airplane aggressively drifting to the left side of the runway. I allowed it to gain speed as I didn't have enough altitude or airspeed to do anything but keep the wings level and try to gain some control authority. Once I had enough speed, I recentered the airplane on the runway and took off as normal. I was a good 400 lbs under max gross with 1000ft more runway, at sea level and with no obstacles aside from a 4ft fence 300 ft from the end of the runway when I experienced that. In the case of Patrick's accident, I remember reading that the plane crashed to the left of the centerline of the runway, which matches the behavior that I experienced in my own airplane taking off with a high angle of attack and at low airspeed.
  19. Sounds like a great idea if you can figure out the whole part 135 thing and can make it work. It may be easier to just get a Cherokee Six, throw a mattress in the back and operate with a commercial certificate and letter of authorization to do "sightseeing" tours within 25 miles of your airport. Take off, fly around at 5,280 ft or higher, charge your passengers $1000 and give them a certificate.
  20. I have a Makerbot Replicator on my desk for printing ABS parts in 3D. It works well enough and has the precision to print #6-32 threads both horizontally and vertically, male and female.
  21. I've never seen vortex generators on a Mooney wing. Have you tried Rejex for a wax? It's my favorite product for aviation.
  22. I don't know if it's the same issue, but I was cautioned to not pump my flaps if the handle stopped or I pulled it up and miscounted pumps.
  23. My understanding was that the TFRs started after 9/11 to keep airplanes from loitering over sporting events. Someone somewhere thought it would be a good idea to create these long-term "No Fly Zones" for VIPs. I can understand temporary airspace, requiring that you're engaged with ATC and short term restrictions while the VIP is onboard the aircraft on the ground and during departure, but these long-term TFRs are unreasonable and, likely illegal, restrictions on our right to travel and I highly doubt that they would be effective in doing anything other than causing inconvenience.
  24. Can you post another picture of the damage? I see the broken stop, but I can't see the dent. I have slight indentations on mine, but I think they're not out of spec.. Landmark at KRDU lost my business and I assured them that we will not be bringing the Gulfstream G550 there either. Apparently they missed the day of FBO training where they teach the line guys how important the guy who shows up in the piston single is, so I had to remind them.
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