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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. Had that happen on a car once and diagnosed it on a couple others in the past. A total electrical failure on start is often either a loose or bad cable. Corrosion likes to get into the stranded wire.
  2. I am certainly interested. Those of us in Mooneys tend to sit pretty close to the panel. If you have ever seen a survivor of a plane crash where an occupant has injuries to his or her face, you would be more inclined to invest. My grandfather stuffed a baron in the trees in the early 1960s and people who he'd known all his life did not recognize him afterwards. The several-thousand hour instructor that trained me for my instrument rating had to do an interview, having had a former student crash in a Piper. The guy paid for his fuel, but did not realize that he was paying for a prior fill-up and didn't look in his tanks to verify fuel. He had lap belts only and had to have major reconstructive facial surgery.
  3. Is that MP/FP gauge still available?
  4. I have a feeling -- and, granted, my plane is well-rigged and I've never had it surprise me -- that the unpredictability may be caused by the fact that the Mooney stays relatively coordinated through normal phases of flight, but under power, P-factor becomes much more pronounced.
  5. Interesting. My '67 "POH" (which is smaller than most automobile sales literature) was not nearly as descriptive. It just says something about putting in correct spin recovery input.
  6. I'm not comfortable doing stalls in my plane. I wanted to become more comfortable and went up with a well known skilled instructor. The instructor insisted that I accelerate the yoke to my lap and hold the stall until he told me to recover. We started with power off stalls, then partial power, then full power at around 5000 ft. The plane bucked, fought and would drop one wing and then the other, but it did not roll over on me. Also, when stalling, I was trained to look outside of the plane and focus on distance features. Another thing I've noticed is that Mooneys older than my '67 have rudders that only go down to the horizontal stabilizer, whereas mine and later have a full-length rudder. I'm wondering if this doesn't have something to do with the spin safety reputation of the airplane -- just as issues with early Bonanzas stuck with the reputation of the model. With that said, I'm no test pilot and do not intend to operate my aircraft outside of what is approved and I consider to be safe.
  7. http://www.equipped.com/196ditch.htm If the pilot in that accident had locked the door, there would have likely been at least one fatality.
  8. I had the same thing. I bought title insurance from AIC, but still could not get a loan so I ended up paying cash.
  9. I have a slick-start system on mine and it only failed to start when a magneto coil went bad. Standard mag checks under the condition were intermittent; keep an eye out of high EGTs in flight.
  10. To add, the folks at TAC are really good.
  11. Landmark at KRDU sucks and is out of character for landmark. I had the worst FBO experience of my life there. Not only were the line guys rude and disrespectful, I asked to handle my own plane and they gave assurances that it wouldn't be moved. When I returned, they had moved the plane and bent my nose truss on top of it.
  12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I had similar thoughts this morning with the release of it. I already have systems that aggregate weather and all of the domestic aviation data, a handful of iPhone apps and an Android app on the various marketplaces. I'm not sure if it's worth it to me to purchase the glass just to experiment with a first generation technology with such a limited userbase. For that sort of money, I would expect to be able to easily produce a more cost-effective dedicated heads-up display.
  14. If I recall, there is no upward oil pressure limit on takeoff for lycomings. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I had a piece of carpet in the front of my rear seat that had four screws that I had to remove. The rod is easiest to remove/add when you're sitting on the rear seat. Then I had cover panels to holes that I had to dip my iphone into to take photos. Photos to come. After seeing that thread about the C model, I ran to the airport and immediately figured out how to get under the seat.
  16. Can someone explain the procedure for removing the rear seat? After seeing that thread about the "C" model, I'm going to go check on my airplane.
  17. I've been looking for one that fits a J with a 2-blade Hartzell. Seems to be wishful thinking
  18. Well, it looks like the options for a replacement spinner are that I have to buy a brand new one for a rare LoPresti F with a Hartzell prop (J cowl dimensions). The spinner assembly is more than $2000 and I have the option of mirror polished or painted. Which would you do?
  19. I was there parked near the VOR on thursday and in vintage from Friday night through sunday.
  20. So, let me get this straight, you stick your pecker in what you consider to be a very powerful vacuum cleaner?
  21. There's no chance you'd be able to help me find a replacement spinner bulkhead for a "J" model with a hartzell 2-blade prop is there?
  22. Spinner or bulkhead?
  23. The folks at Sheltair at Republic (KFRG) really took care of me when I was up there. My airplane ate a spinner bulkhead and I got stuck. There's a train station right by the airport that'll take you into the city and a Mooney Service Center on the field. I think it was around $10/day, but don't quote me on it and I would imagine that it'd be cheaper if you were staying longer.
  24. I have one. I would not trust it.
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