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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. Kick ass. Where are you parked?
  2. Could be loose bolts too
  3. Holy hell; how the heck did you find one so quickly!? Here's the bad news on that bulkhead: they are nearly impossible to find. The replacement option is $2500 from Hartzell and is mounted to the back of the hub. I would make sure the cheek plates aren't cracked as well and that the bulkhead has the doublers installed (I think there are 8 of them, each has two bolts through it and reinforces the attachment to the bulkhead). Whatever you do, make sure that whoever installs it knows what they're doing or it WILL crack again. I would recommend getting your prop balanced and make sure that the spinner fits very tightly around the hub. I have also heard that the spinner/bulkhead combination are matched pairs and that it's a good idea to keep the matching spinner with the bulkhead.
  4. Those times sound a little fishy. 3839 TTAF and < 300 SMOH and gear up landing in 2003. Maybe the inspection from the gear up was ok, but I would still assume a new prop following the gear up landing. Perhaps there was a prop strike < 300 hours ago or maybe the plane didn't fly much over the past 11 years (given the below average time on the airframe, I would assume that it didn't go through an engine and a prop's TBO in the past few years). In other words, I'd expect to see at least 600 hours on an engine since 2003.
  5. Before I bought my Mooney and I would use my tomtom GPS on a long drive, the ETA seems to be spot-on over a 9 hour drive. Even with fuel stops, stop lights and traffic jams, things just seemed to even out. I fly 150-200 hours a year right now and my planned/unplanned fixed maintenance costs have been between $4,000 and $5,000/yr, not counting oil changes which are variable costs of operation and not counting hangar costs. Granted, I have the Lycoming IO360. Sometimes the expense is all at once, sometimes the annual is cheap and a mag coil fails mid-year and you have a passenger that you have to put on an airline. As far as TBO is concerned, I think the best way to get past TBO is to fly it as much as you can and stay on top of preventative maintenance -- you often see flight school engines with 4000+ hours between overhauls. I bought my airplane with 1300 hours on the engine and 20 years of MSC maintenance. Part of my purchase budget for the airplane was to have enough money to afford the airplane, the most expensive repair that would not be an insurance claim and to keep it if I lost my job. If you are worried about your partner being able to step up for major maintenance when needed, you should've started with enough money in the account to cover an engine overhaul. There's no guarantee that it won't have a catastrophic failure before overhaul, nor is there one that it won't make it 2000 hours past TBO.
  6. I need to pick my plane up from Annual on Friday 8/8. I've got a bunch of friends I plan to ask, but I thought I'd throw a line out here to see if anyone here may be able to help or needs to drop their plane off with Phil.
  7. There was another one today when I was walking back to VNC from the beach. When we got back to the FBO, the lady at the desk was coordinating things with a Piper that declared an emergency and couldn't make it to the field. According to the news, the pilot and passenger were uninjured, but a father with his young girl was killed on the beach and her mother is now in the hospital for cardiac arrest.
  8. I may have to start commuting to Wichita from Florida for a few weeks. There are no direct flights. Airfare is around 600-700$ and the flights are 5-8 hours with a layover. I think I'd rather just fly myself. It being the rainy season, I might want to rent a hangar and I'll need to rent a car while I'm there. Any locals have suggestions?
  9. Call me when he does it with a compass and an inclinometer.
  10. If it doesn't go up, they need to bid it up themselves.
  11. It means that both mags are working and that the switch is working. If you want to make extra sure, leave it on one mag for a couple seconds and see if you notice an increase in EGT, and then switch to both before trying the other.
  12. I've written an iPhone/iPad app that uses my phone's GPS to log my flights.
  13. I have a Whelen Par46 in my F (LoPresti Cowling). The light performs wonderfully; I had some concerns that it might not be as good as the incandescent.
  14. I don't think it will be a dilemma when you find the right plane. There are very good ones out there. You'll know when she's the right one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. 67F owner here. Placarded at 32 gallons a side. If I run one dry in level cruise, it'll take 34 gallons to fill it up. If the engine quits on descent, it'll take 32 gallons on that side. I've heard bladders give you less usable. My tanks are sealed. Hope I've helped.
  16. It's KSPG. The runway is 2864x150. I prefer to accelerate to just over Vy before I start my climb. I also don't take off on 25. I have three runways that will put me in the drink and one that will send me downtown if the big fan stops turning. I was thinking of writing a prop filter as well. It shouldn't be too bad and I'd probably either write one myself or pay for one if it were available.
  17. Tried my G1W dash cam (~$50-60 on Amazon) in my airplane. I stopped using the GoPro as I'd run out of storage or battery; this camera writes 5 minute files and erases old ones. I have it set up to turn off the display so it isn't blinding at night. Here's a video. I sped it up 4x to keep viewers from falling asleep:
  18. If somebody dies in a plane crash, it makes regional news. Boating accidents rarely make the news. Auto accidents, almost never -- even when fatal and horrific. If every time something happens it's newsworthy, occurrences are sufficiently rare. If these things didn't make the news, then it would be something to be exceptionally concerned over. Very few NTSB reports do you read that you say, "wow, that guy just had a bout of really bad luck." I think that safety would improve markedly if more leniency towards experimental modifications existed, and if those performing modifications were required to fly or be on the aircraft when going through the appropriate matrix of relevant tests.
  19. Runaway EGTs may be an indication of one plug not firing. I had that issue when I had a coil go on a mag and it was operating intermittently.
  20. How do you guys manage with the weather in the southeast? I'm in Florida and execute extreme caution with the summer weather. I avoid IMC for fear of a towering cumulonimbus cloud embedded behind my field of vision -- or one that grows out of nowhere. And I generally will file (for quick access), but not activate, an IFR flight plan as it's easier to dodge weather VFR than to get deviations approved on an IFR flight plan. With that said, there exists the risk of weather closing in around you. I met an older fellow who mentioned having an "E" model in 1970 that he found himself in a FL thunderstorm in. Upon landing he said it had hail damage all over the bottom of the airplane. What are your recommendations when it comes through IFR operations in the summertime? What are your limitations for precipitation? Moderate? Moderate - heavy? Anyone ever find themselves in extreme precipitation and have advice on what it does for performance? Do you dive when you cannot maintain altitude to get through the column fast or do you fight to preserve altitude? Would an M20J have issues in typical summer showers? What are your cloud top limits? Would you fly through tops of cauliflower clouds at 10,000? What if their tops were 15,000 or 20,000? My scariest experience is still unexpected in clear air turbulence that I experienced late in the morning in the southwest. As for IMC, I tend to be as nervous as a whore in church -- especially if things start getting a little bumpy; it's not that what I'm going through has ever been all that bad, it's the uncertainty of how bad they may become.
  21. This usually only happens under heavy load, such as starting. My guess is that where the connection is poor due to corrosion, et cetera, and there's a high current, the area that is touching burns off like a fuse blowing and yields the same symptoms.
  22. You're better off getting your IR in the plane that you will be flying in IMC.
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