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Everything posted by FloridaMan

  1. I would consider a tank that has no fuel visible in it to be empty for endurance planning purposes and 10 gallons for WnB. Here's how I manage my fuel reserves, starting with how I did it in my M20F prior to the engine monitor. Always look in your tanks. Even if you stop for lunch and come back out, look in your tanks. People steal fuel, sump points sometimes stick, line guys fill you to the tab instead of the rim, they fuel the wrong plane, et cetera. A member here didn't place any fuel order and came back to his plane filled with Jet-A; had he not checked, it could've killed him. My M20F holds 32 gallons on each side. For long trips, I would start off on one tank, climb out on it and switch after three hours or when the engine stopped (if I run a tank dry, it would usually tank about 34 gallons). That, to me, guaranteed that I had at least 3 hours remaining since you burn more on the climb and I didn't include what I burned on the ground. I wouldn't even notice the imbalance. Some pilots like to switch every so many minutes. I don't like this approach as if things got down to the wire and I were into my reserves, I would not want them split between tanks with uncertainty. I also regard switching tanks as having an increased risk factor. I read an account of a vintage Mooney owner who had the selector handle come off in his hand while turning it. Fortunately he was able to access a pair of vice grips from his toolbag to successfully switch tanks. After getting my engine monitor and being certain of its accuracy, I started burning 16 gallons off of one tank, switching tanks, and not switching back until either I burned off 32 gallons or was less than around 12 gallons calculated remaining on that side and coming in to land. I do not trust panel mounted fuel gauges, though the wing-mounted gauges are excellent to ensure you have fuel in your tanks if the needles are bouncing. I have not yet developed a full methodology for managing fuel in the rocket. Fueling is much more complicated with the long range tanks and flappers on the inboard tanks and I don't yet have it down to any sort of science so I carry more fuel than I need for my trips.
  2. I flew mine for years without working PC. Only until after going through an embedded buildup at night did I fix it. That was an intense several minutes of focusing on maintaining wings level and 120 mph in a climb to put as much distance between myself and the ground as possible; I was working full control deflection through a good part of it. I went through what I thought was a haze layer at 1300ft in the climb and came out of the side at 8500ft.
  3. Verify your control surfaces aren't sticking to gap seals. I've seen anti-chafe tape come loose and the ailerons stick to gap seals.
  4. I'm not quite sure I understand this. Do you mean that carriers insure aircraft that you don't own policies on as a bonus, or does it mean that I somehow get limited coverage on aircraft that are owned by my companies?
  5. I ended up calling GAMI and asking them as well. I read in another thread that someone had better luck with massive electrodes than fine wires with GAMIjectors. I don’t have GAMIs yet and it was interesting speaking with those guys. They suggested I might not need them for the rocket at all. At any rate, I suspect I’ll notice an improvement with even these new massive electrode plugs.
  6. Contact Falcon and Parker. If I renewed my insurance last year with the previous carrier, it would've cost me thousands more. 15 minutes saved me a good 70% with those guys. The market is weird, sometimes the best one year will have rates that skyrocket the next. Even stranger, it was a better deal to get a policy from one carrier for the M20F and a different carrier for the Rocket.
  7. I did pads twice on my M20F over 1100 hours and I operate out of a short strip with regards to brakes being relatively inexpensive. Almost sounds like someone is taxiing with their feet heavy on the brakes. Do you have an owner that has flat spotted more tires than anyone else?
  8. Ok, that worked. Looks like if I open the crop/rotate tool, rotate it back and forth, it gets saved in the correct orientation.
  9. Is there a way to rotate photographs with the posting tools? I know the rotation angle is in the EXIF data, but I can't figure out how to rotate a picture after posting, which would be useful when posting from my phone.
  10. I dunno, what happened to democraticunderground on election day was the stuff of legends.
  11. Any chance we could do this? I know politics might get in the way, in which case, you might have to split that off to another one and make a formal code of conduct for both (e.g., no personal attacks, no porn, don't dox people, et cetera).
  12. No offense taken, I've got a bit of a tic when it comes to spotting logical fallacies and it's a bit of a reflex on my part.
  13. If you're gonna throw out a logical fallacy, at least give me something more difficult to spot than a straw man argument like this. I used CorrosionX prior to my IA convincing me to switch to LPS 3, and I have airplanes that show they were treated with CorrosionX in the past and they seem to be ok. I certainly wouldn't say to forego using any sort of corrosion treatment given that someone cited an example or a reason why one corrosion prevention treatment may work better than another.
  14. If you do get called out on it, work with them. They've moved now towards a compliance philosophy and are supposedly less likely to violate pilots for unintentional mistakes: https://www.faa.gov/about/initiatives/cp/media/CP_Brochure.pdf I've heard that if you try to fight them on things that they will stick it in you and break it off.
  15. I hear they have an annual mixer there. Anybody been?
  16. Don't do this to me. I just did a JPI install and this has me tempted to pull my 530 out, do the 750 upgrade and move my 430W to my F.
  17. My IA prefers LPS3. He sent me a study from a while back where the thinness of CorrosionX could help to lubricate rivets and as a result actually encourage corrosion in some places due to allowing movement that would remove protective oxidation.
  18. I changed it when I was bored and wanted to see if the feature worked. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with it for 180 days.
  19. Shoot. I wasn't thinking. That's 90kias not 90ktas; hell, that might get more than 100 miles considering 90kias at 24,000 is closer to 140ktas and 110ktas at 12,000.
  20. My thoughts too. @cujet and I had a discussion about the UL of the 2900# J. I remember he made a comment about "yeah, it's exactly the same, except they may have added or used a different type of rivet that increased the strength of the airframe".
  21. Rocket is in annual right now and considering trying some low time Champion fine wire plugs instead of the massive electrode ones. Thoughts?
  22. As a note, with my M20F, full fuel and probably 450lbs of people on board, a 2-blade Hartzell Prop set for 2500 RPM, I was seeing 700fpm at 100mph IAS.
  23. If I wanted to save fuel I’d fly something slow like an m20j or a 252
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