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Everything posted by M20F

  1. I fly an Executive. My panel is elephant hide filled with sperm whale blubber, you could drop a lead weight from 100’ and it would graciously absorb it and supplely caress it.
  2. You are free to do so, best wishes.
  3. When you have been in a relationship for a long time synthetic vision helps.
  4. The key is to sneak into the TFR right at launch. If you are really lucky you might get to see some flares in addition to the rocket. Quite the light show.
  5. This is the correct answer. You are probably better off with only a lap belt if you don’t have head rests. It is a restraint system of lap, shoulder, and head rest.
  6. Need to be connected to the two unconnected AN fittings on the air box. Should fix the issue.
  7. In my case I will probably do a new piston and rings because why not when it is off. Based on what the barrel looks like we will determine a rehone. It looks good on the borescope so hopefully we can avoid the machining not so much for the cost but because the airplane will be down another 6yrs given things these days.
  8. If the scavenger pump was the problem it would be pushing oil through the turbo seals. The only way the #2 cylinder plugs would get oil is if it was going out the discharge side of the turbo into the intake. I see zero indication of oil coming through that pipe and all the other plugs are clean. Thus don’t think it is the pump.
  9. This is correct. The fuel pump and injectors. Quick fix is a hose from the airbox connections I showed (the disconnected ones in your picture) to that injector framework. Then follow the hose off the fuel pump and see what that connects to. It should again be that airbox but would be interested where it goes. If you just sealed those 2 AN fittings you might get the MP but without pressurizing the injectors the plane will run poorly.
  10. That pipe right in the front of the cowling what is that hooked to down below. If you look at my pictures same set up but that line is hooked to the unhooked lines you showed.
  11. No was an easy annual at Maxwells just had to wait for some hoses and the elevator weights so took forever.
  12. Induction tubing has no oil. The scavenger pump was the originally thought culprit and that has a fresh overhaul now.
  13. A fancy way of 2x4’s and driving over it….
  14. God bless auto-correct. Yes splitting the rim.
  15. Biggest advantage is you won’t burn your hand when you touch them.
  16. Airplane runs fine other than consuming 1qt of oil an hour. Oil is discharging through exhaust. All plugs clean except for #2 which are oily (top and bottom). All cylinders make appropriate compression including #2. Did the MMO routine on #2, ran a bit with MMO in case, flushed. Same issue 1hr later oiled plugs and 1qt gone. Borescope shows clean walls (no scoring). Plane was in for 6 month annual for parts so didn’t fly. Oil consumption started halfway through a 12hr trip. So if it was stuck think between MMO and flying would have shook loose. CHT/EGT all normal (MVP-50). My thought is a broken oil ring. Your thoughts or others things to look at? I am going to get the cylinder pulled next week but before I did figure I would poll the peanut gallery.
  17. I would ensure this first. Is it rerouted or missing. Should be easy to tell for the injectors.
  18. We can debate the Mooney requirement to hang from a hoist versus a tail stand. Personally though I find the engine stand method better. Takes less room and has other uses. Nice set up. Splitting a run often sucks, keep some 2x4’s, driving over it with a car is sometimes the only solution. Torque the bolts correctly when you put it back on. Most things in life are infinitely better when a torque wrench is calibrated and used correctly.
  19. If you are filling a portable bottle keep in mind it will get hot. Have a plane to brace it while filling. Obviously the built in tank gets hot as well but one doesn’t need to hold/maneuver it.
  20. Here is a 3rd picture of the injectors. So off those fittings. Up to a pas through fitting in the cowl and then on to the injectors.
  21. Why my neighbor is selling his Skymaster and moving to a 182. It is the wrong plane for $100 hamburgers. It was the right plane when he was hitting IFR over the mountains at night every week back and forth to BNA.
  22. One goes to the injector bleed and the other back to the pump. Best picture I could get for you from my 67F set up. The injector bleed runs up in second pic and then connects up top in the first pic to the spider. All of these installs though are a bit different and over 50yrs they get even more different. At what altitude does it stop adding inches? I usually run mine 26/26 and around FL190 is when it starts to drop out.
  23. Our 320 had a habit of shedding spinners on the right engine. We finally changed the backplate after the 3rd one went over the side in 18 months, fixed the issue. The old one looked perfectly fine but obviously had a bend in it somewhere.
  24. Did you load the right databases? They are showing expired 8/23? On my 650 I didn’t update for awhile. I downloaded the 9/7 databases and uploaded them prior to 9/7. The radio wouldn’t update them because it wasn’t 9/7 yet. My 430 didn’t care. Soon as 9/7 passed it loaded them.
  25. I would call Don Maxwell he could help secure a good wing and then you could ship it in an ocean container. If you were extremely adventurous and it is a N numbered plane it would probably be cheaper to fly to KGGG, have him swap, and then fly it back. Labor, parts, etc. as you point out will be less in USA.
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