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Everything posted by sreid

  1. I'll buy them. Tell me where to send the check!
  2. Sorry I can't help with the part, but I'm curious if there is some problem getting the skin from the factory. I thought there was no problem with the parts supply now.
  3. Cody Stallings has been willing to do IRAN work on my prop in the past. I have been extremely pleased with the results and customer service. 870-208-5198
  4. What is the difference between F34-14M and F34-14N?
  5. Engaging the autopilot
  6. I have a 1967 M20F, so I have the two senders per side and 64 gallon tanks. Will these work on my plane? I am interested if he will guarantee the accuracy he specified when used with my FL202 resistance fuel gauge display. What is the warranty? Steve
  7. sreid

    Mains only T&G

    You are consistently 1 inch left of centerline. Otherwise it looked good to me.
  8. That may be true, but there are exceptions. Cody Stallings runs Stallings Aircraft Propeller in Arkansas. He has IRAN'd my propeller and done a fantastic job, with quick turn-around, and charged reasonable prices.
  9. I wouldn't put it on scales if I were you either, at least not for the purpose of a flight manual weight and balance update, but if you did I wouldn't be surprised if the weight does not align well with the past 45 years of calculations! I think the age of the weighing, and who did the weighing, are critical data points for consideration when people compare weights of similar models.
  10. Hi Ross, I'm curious, when is the last time you had your plane up on scales for a weighing? Steve
  11. Is this one of those attempts to set the record for youngest person flying around the world?
  12. Do any of you know if the idiots at Comedy Central use GA aircraft for corporate travel? This ridiculous banner is one more reason not to watch that network.
  13. Hi George, I'm not involved with E.I. other than I have a CGR-30p and like it, but my first thought is "Shop isn't sure what's going on..." does not equal "customer service at EI is horrific", unless there is something else going on where E.I. is not performing. But, sorry to hear about your problems, I can imagine that must be pretty frustrating. Steve
  14. Do you mind sharing details of the issue? What have you asked customer service to do that they have not come through on? On the other side of the spectrum, I've had no issues at all with the CGR-30P in my Mooney and I've been flying with it for several months, I think 7 months or so.
  15. A joke I heard: How do you spot the American in England? He is the one crossing the street against the don't walk sign, because there isn't a car in sight.
  16. What rule requires Mode-C for IFR in class E airspace?
  17. There is a shop in Wichita called Jacob's Instrument Service. They repaired my clock and did a very good job. 316-267-7406.
  18. I don't believe the "doghouse" baffling was used on any F models; I know my 67 F does not have a doghouse. Will your mod adapt to aircraft without the doghouse?
  19. The CGR-30p combined with an Aerospace Logic FL-202 fuel gauge will replace all of those things as primary.
  20. Has anybody found a method of re-doing the original plastic coating? I like the look and feel of it, but have never seen the process available anywhere. I wonder if it is a dip, or a spray.
  21. I have a KMA 24 that was removed when I updated my panel a few years ago. Was working fine at that time. I'll dig it out tonight and send you the details. Steve
  22. I can't see how the baggage door can open if it is properly latched, whether locked or not. For those of you that had it open when the door was properly latched but not locked, was any effort put into determining if any part of the mechanism had worn, broken, or mis-rigged parts?
  23. Vh is the maximum level flight speed with maximum continuous thrust.
  24. If the other options don't resolve the problem and the instrument needs to be repaired, Kings Avionics has an associated instrument shop that repaired my MP gauge several years ago with good results. 913-829-4606, and they are located on the New Century airport in the Kansas City area. Steve
  25. I think there is a new model of the Weldon that is a drop in replacement for the Dukes: no kit required. The kit is ridiculous, the list price was $2,834.08 in October of 2012 (included the 8163a pump). And if you were crazy enough to want one, at that time one was not available anyway. Since there is now apparently a drop in Weldon, I would be surprised if anyone buys a kit... Steve
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