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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. If I were to estimate....I'd say the vernier controls in every Mooney I've met reduce rpm at something like 150rpm per turn... It's not a long way to turn a knob, it's a non-issue. In terms of control lag, I am taking off for my Independence Day Celebration around 3:00. IT will only be a 20min flight, but I should be able to get some data points for you then, maybe even some video...
  2. Quote: 201er Is this typical on all Mooneys or do I need this checked out. On Pipers I've previously flown, the response time of pulling the prop knob back during runup felt quick but on my 201, I have to pull and hold it back a few seconds until the RPM drops. It seems to be the same case in flight which has been causing me to pull back too far because at first it wasn't doing anything and then jump too far. I'm getting used to this and the prop control seems to function normally other than the brief delay. So is it normal to have the prop knob back a few seconds while cycling the prop on runup?
  3. Sure it is... It's not the "cranking after perceived start". It's the repeated cranking before the start, without adequate time to cool.
  4. Time value of money is the issue... It could take every bit of the 2 years you mention, maybe more to get your money out of it. What's your valuation of having a flyable plane while waiting for it to sell? What's the value of $30Kish in the next 2-4 months at one lump sum verses $37-40K in a random and guaranteed stream of cash flows over an unknowable period? What is your time worth? How many airplanes have you parted out? I have participated in the break down of an Aztec, and a Comanche 180. Both of these machines were bought so cheap that the the projects were cash positive before 50% of the inventory was sold. I'd put it on the market first. If you can move it in the next 3 months and change your mind what have you lost??? Why not just buy a Bonanza with close to what you want in it? Removing and reinstalling used avionics in a different airframe in lieu of just buying the used avionics installed in that airframe seems like a lose/lose proposition.
  5. Do you have a handheld GPS or any other device that is wired to the busbar???
  6. and that was becca again.
  7. but your insurance already covers you for damage to your airplane while not in operation - including hanger accidents - right? without having the hanger owner named? plus the hanger owner should be carrying his own insurance on the set of hangers. something smells fishy about the whole thing. can you name someone on your insurance separately from naming them as a pilot? it seems parker would have something to say here.
  8. Ah, that was Becca, not Shadrach, guess that bug isn't fixed.
  9. sorry, I don't have a hanger (just a covered tie down), but is this normal? i would be hesistant to add a hanger owner as an additional insured on my airplane. his hours, licensing and hours in a mooney then would effect my insurance rate. also, in my case, we are maxed out on named insured (because we have a partner) for the policy. this might not be the case with you, but this still seems like an odd request for someone who you don't plan on having fly your airplane. or maybe i might misunderstand the question.
  10. Quote: peter There we go! I'll plan to give them a call on Tuesday morning.
  11. Quote: KLRDMD Even trade for the Baron.
  12. I had my Dukes IRAN'd by D&G this year for $200...Overhaul would have been $1200. Russell spoke with me personally and explained how my pump looked inside and what was needed, before any work was done. It was an easy decision and has been flawless so far... With regards to aviation maintenance, I think more money is uselessly wasted in removing perfectly serviceable parts for "overhaul" than just about any other area of maintenance. http://www.dgsupply.com/
  13. I was thinking my user ID (as in # of characters) was the issue. 32,000 posts...really? I have see post numbers close to that from individual posters other forums...
  14. I know of one guy that may even post here (Carter was his name I think), who started off with a painfully slow 138-140kt F I do not know why his machine was such a "dog" in stock form. He had the "Super 201 Cowl", a 201 windshield and maybe some other Mods installed at paint time. I believe he claimed that with the combo he picked up 18-20KTS for a cruise of around 158kts. I thought this seemed on the slow side by at least 5kts, maybe more...
  15. Thanks Craig, for the record, I've only ever been able to post under my own name, but other's have managed to post as me...
  16. Quote: mooniac58 Ok, I think this is fixed now. I doubt this is the only area with this problem but at least edit and quote features work again.
  17. Hello, Is there an active administrator for this sight? Community activity seems to be on the rise, but so are the bugs... I cannot quote other's messages, nor can I edit my own posts... Is there anything I/we can do to facilitate a fix? If it's a burden, let us know how we can help...
  18. Cliff, This happens to me if I take too long to type a response. If I hit the back button, the message reappears. I then hit submit again and it posts. Go figure... Is there an active administrator for this sight??? Activity seems to be on the rise, but so are the bugs... I cannot quote other's messages, nor can I edit my own posts... Is there anything we can do to facilitate a fix?
  19. Nice bird Ken! A good friend of mine has a B55 that I have flew right seat and enjoyed thoroughly... It found it to be a joy to fly, great control harmony if not a bit light in pitch. All around a forgiving AC except for when we pulled up to the pump... I'm curious to see if it takes..or if you're back inside of Mooney in 18months... anyone taking odds?
  20. "Shadrach, I believe that a Mooney is different than most other makes of GA SEL planes and that is a good thing. Many GA SEL planes are excellent at their particular mission and a Mooney's mission is to fly as fast and efficiently as possible at a given power." And they do so swimmingly… “To do that means it needs to be a slick airplane that doesn't slow down as easily as other planes with other missions.” Are you suggesting that because they take a bit more planning to slow down that they will not fly well once slowed down??… “To expect a Mooney to land as short as another comparable airplane (power and cost of operation wise) isn't reasonable.” I disagree WRT my plane. The differences in book numbers for 200hp retracts are “white noise” for the type of flying most do… 2000 ft is a walk in the park in the <=200hp machines. My POH says My F will easily do that over a 50’ obstacle, though I’d not try it unless I had to… “Yes, we can do better than most of us do on a routine basis, and I'm sure I'm one of them, but we didn't buy Mooneys to go into tiny, rough, back country strips either.” Don’t speak for everyone… Piperpainter??? Hello? Where are you? I hate to have to toot your horn for you but being that you’ve recorded so much high quality evidence: D69 - elevation 869ft. 1471 x 50 ft. http://www.youtube.com/user/piperpainter#p/a/u/2/0rc8a-gL_3o 28U - elevation 2678ft. 1840 x 30 ft. http://www.youtube.com/user/piperpainter#p/u/8/1aytaxmadoM ID86 –elevation 5489ft. 1800 x 50 ft. in... http://www.youtube.com/user/piperpainter#p/a/f/0/69aBrPNKBZQ and out… http://www.youtube.com/user/piperpainter#p/a/f/0/69aBrPNKBZQ “Buy or use the appropriate airplane for the mission and you have a lot better chance of completing the mission successfully.” Clearly…
  21. Squirrel, My OAT is in the upper rt hand side of the pilots windshield (split windshield). Where is yours? A piece of yarn on my plane would only tell me when the boundary layer was separating from the roofline area, which is probably often given the angle of the the windshield. I don't think it would be a very good indicator of how the wings are flying.
  22. Yes I am familiar with both KTGI and W45. KGTI had a new runway installed not too long ago, it's shorter than it was previously but still no problem and in great shape. Luray is a lot of fun, the mountains can make for some bumps on descent. Ground transport was an issue for us at Luray. One cab in town, which took us to a skyline drive trailhead. After our hike we tried to call the cab... No cell service in those mountains regardless of network... we had to hitch hike out!
  23. jlunseth - I don't raise the nose wheel once it's on the ground, because under normal circumstances it won't touch the ground until right before I run out of elevator to keep it there. Certainly I adjust technique as necessary for X-wind landings. If you can nail your numbers all day long and choose to drop the nose then fine. I see a lot of folks that don't/can't and should IMHO, they should learn how to control their planes at low speed. As I've said before, I have a "Flight Safety trained" neighbor with a Bravo and his runway minimums are 3500ft... I think that is sad. If he would approach his landings the way many of us here are advocating, he'd quickly see that he's not landing but flying the wheels on... he uses 1/2 flaps to "help" get it down faster. I've consistently seen poor speed control within our ranks and it's why we get razzed by the pilots of other makes. There's a reason why the guys the work the pilot shop at 2W2 (1840ft 2.1% downhill) come outside to watch whenever they hear a Mooney self announce on freq, and it ain't because we have a stellar reputation for having them "on the numbers", over the numbers...
  24. There are some interesting little Boros around Rockland Maine (RKD). Also, Stonington ME (93B) and Isleboro ME (57B) have various types of lodging and both have "little airports" <2500ft if you're comfortable with that...
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