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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. I have the manual, send me an email I’ll give it to you. The GI75 do not use canbus for inter-device communication, they use HDSB, which is like ethernet, but without the RJ45 plugs on it. I have installed one of these already.. You want the GMU11 heading sensor going to the ADI, and then you want the ADI on the master switch, that way if you gang bar the airplane you still have independent heading through the attitude all the ADI, but it comes on and aligns while you’re starting..
  2. On the right side of the accessory case, it’s about a 7/8 inch hex that’ threads intro the case.
  3. The Vernathetm threads into the case on the Moonsy IO360 series. You can remove it and throw it in a pot of boiling water to see if it expands thevquarter-inch required, it must expand to force oil through the cooler. Also, There is a way to check the sealing of the end of the Vernatherm to the seat inside the accessory case, lycoming rents a tool to resurface that if you need it @cnoe is more versed on that
  4. So youre saying all these Mooneys painted with Imron are not airworthy? Thats urethane, and actually the M20J SMM says its painted with Enflex III urethane enamel. I imagine the 1967 M20C manual says it was painted with lacquer. But you cant even buy that now.
  5. the limits are not adjustable. Its annoying when the tach gets to 2701 RPM and it starts flashing red, for example.
  6. The only aircraft I have heard of that is Cirrus aircraft, since they are composite, its pretty strict. And for some reason, propellers specify Sherwin-williams Polane on the TCDS, so yes, it has to have that to conform.
  7. the 124J hoses are similarly priced, and have an integral silicone fire sleeve, are a smaller OD, and have a better bend raduis
  8. I am with you, water flushes away all of the soot and grease and all of the dirt and all of the stuff that scratches paint and causes corrosion itself. Water itself is harmless., Airplanes sit out on the ramp for 40 years without corrosion as well
  9. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ This
  10. Not quite. I have a 600 hour since new roller case in my shop
  11. I’ve posted the oil cooler hoses part numbers. Here they are again. And for fact they fit perfectly, no oil cooler flipping.
  12. No, because not all operations have the same risk. It’s the same reason I won’t teach runway turn backs, single-engine go arounds in twins, touch and go’s in twins for that matter, Pulling the power back below 500’ to simulate an engine failure etc. A lot can be learned from discussion, and a lot can be learned from doing things with altitude, but some things end up as accidents. Most of it is the same reason like the bonanza proficiency clinics don’t do touch and goes. You do you
  13. It’s not more training. It’s realizing that the operation can go from controlled to out of control very quickly. Muscle memory causes you to move the gear handle, thinking it’s something else, or thinking the phase of flight is something else. There’s a lot of planes that ended up on their belly because of this. I don’t want mine to be like that, and I’m not in that big of hurry to get the three landings.
  14. With the black max dehydrator, you just loosen the oil filler cap and it pushes dry air into it. No return no beads nothing like that
  15. Here is an 830 right in front of the pilot.
  16. I feel the same. A 900 right in front of the pilot is as good or likely better than a more expensive 930 on the right side
  17. If you lose the display the plane is grounded. It was acting up severely with a friend of mine, but found out later that the plug on the back was loose.
  18. The wx950 takes a bootstrap XYZ output off the HSI. I don’t think the GI275 has that output
  19. I think you have to have a HSI 275 for GPSS. I think Garmin calls it heading emulation.
  20. That looks like the hydraulic reservoir
  21. My McCauley prop has 3000 hours since new, and two reseals but still going good.
  22. You said this: Posted 14 hours ago Lightning strike usually happens at the prop which can induce a high voltage spike at the alternator that can kill the alternator diodes and electronic equipment such as electronic attitude indicators. Vacuum systems are not affected by lightning. you do know that these electronic attitude indicators are powered also by backup batteries right? The G5 has a 4 hour battery.
  23. also, turbine powered aircraft cannot have a yellow arc. So the top of the green arc becomes the new redline. In my plane its 200 MPH. But older models its much less.
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