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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. All those photos look pretty normal to me. Those cove fairings are stamped from stainless and they work harden and they get pulled on and tugged on with some hidden screws in them and everything else and some look better than others but anyway. Also, I can’t conceive any scenario where you turn off too fast of the runway and collapse the nose gear. You might do 3 or 4 donuts then run into the ditch and then collapse the gear but you’re not going to collapse the gear with turning loads. It’s built like a shithouse in that area. Maxwell has photos of an ovation where it snapped the nose gear clean off at the pivot bolts and the plane was straight. You could stuff a new one under there and tow it away.
  2. I think the oil cooler is built to withstand serious oil pressure too, and not just 100 PSI
  3. Every time I use those Costco microfiber towels a little micro bubbles of water behind, which formed little spots. what does seem to work really good to get the windshield clean and dried off of those red stitched white cotton griots garage diaper soft polishing towels. Not cheap but the best I ever saw. The windshield Laid in about 200 bucks now so like cheap is relative, but $50 for a bag of super soft cloths is a deal
  4. Can you zoom out just a little ?
  5. Did you ever take any kind of action against this MSC who did the prebuy and then immediately condemn the rear spar?
  6. A friend of mine has been saying that for a few days now. Very clever.
  7. It was definitely a contact approach
  8. We’ve rebuilt and reinforced a lot of fiberglass around here, and we pretty much always use 7781 Aircraft fiberglass and you can use MGS or Aeropoxy seeing as how they’re both structural Aircraft epoxies. The latter is easier to buy in a quart kit.
  9. You can add more fiberglass to that close out plate to give it some room to pick up those rivet holes but still you shouldn’t have to build onto something that you already bought
  10. We have a raft. Send me an email
  11. It’s made with polyester resin. In this case it’s adequate but it isn’t for gear doors, for example.
  12. That part is art work but the joggle is even more work. FWIW the LASAR kit filler piece is chopped strand mat fiberglass. Easy to make with a mold. .
  13. You add 50’ to an MDA when using vertical guidance on a approach without a DA. But adding 50’ to an MDA is limiting you artificially to somewhat early go around from an otherwise normal approach. there’s a common misconception that descent below DA is somehow wrong or unsafe. I’ve only done it in the simulator but it’s also in the book. A 747 going missed from a 50’ RA will skip off the runway. Unsafe? Dangerous? Or designed in?
  14. It’s always a decision. Land or continue. And remember you WILL go below DA. Remember also that with approach lights in sight you can continue to 100 HAT. Then decide there if you have legal and sufficient reference to land. But still. also GAI has no approach light system.
  15. 1984s had ETA. 1980 have Klixon. So somewhere in there.
  16. We found a shop that will install a larger jet and They can put the fuel flow wherever you want it. And it’s legal. I’ve seen it a few times now if somebody installs either a power flow or an engine monitor on an engine with a power flow and find out it runs way to lean at takeoff power, you need to supply more fuel because the exhaust scavenges better
  17. For example. From this. https://www.faa.gov/documentlibrary/media/advisory_circular/ac43-210.pdf
  18. It’s not legal doctrine. It’s not case law. It’s administrative law and somewhere in their FAA handbook and procedures manual they won’t approve it. If you want to develop your own data you can do that.
  19. The stc is proprietary information owned by someone. You can’t rip that off and use it as approved data for your own field approval. Try submitting it to the FSDO and they’ll tell you.
  20. You can’t use STC data as “approved data” to gin up your own mods because you don’t own the data and didn’t pay for it.
  21. He wanted 100k for the STC. And if you do the math, he was far above a reasonable number.
  22. Nobody’s looking at the fuel flow in a screaming eagle ovation. They’re too busy laughing and pointing at at the Airspeed….pilots first owners 2nd !
  23. Or the same minima. 1-1/4. You are claiming it’s higher. I think you’re wrong. Also. It’s an LPV. It’s not dive and drive. In fact you can’t even do that as it has no circling minima. You could use LNAV minima but it’s way higher. And they have equipment for lower mins, so it’s nonsensical. Also the 1280 ft mandatory restriction 1.4 to threshold. the Cheyenne has a KFC-300 autopilot and it’s coupled to the glideslope. The Mooney has a century IIB and a stand-alone altitude hold. It won’t follow a gradient path. .
  24. We found one shop that had the DLC Lycoming lifters. We got the prop strike teardown to him and they put in a new cam and these lifters. Supposedly Lycoming Is shipping them now. Spruce showed availability a few weeks ago. They have 48 in California right now. 15B26588 is the P/N. I wouldnt put anything else in a engine build
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