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Everything posted by jetdriven

  1. There were a couple or three Cardinals down at the other end where we parked at this shit that I had that problem and it looks really exciting. I want to get my hands on one. Gammy has been installing them with their turbo STC. I wanted to ask them play if they could morph that blower STC over to the Mooney too but they were so busy I could never get a chance to ask.
  2. I guess I did not write that clearly, but there is no calibration for the Airspeed on the G5 like there is for the altitude. It's annoying that reads 2 miles per hour too high.
  3. I bought dual G5's and when I had the pitot static system checked we really scrutinized the airspeed. The G5 reads 2 mph low and the mechanical airspeed was exact on. The downside is my 10,000$ G5 pair calculates the TAS about 2 mph too low. Annoying as there's no calibration for the G5 like there is for the altimeter.
  4. It was 199 mph I think in the 2019 avc. Slight tailwind but we also had an unscheduled stop for the whole race due to ifr at the destination.
  5. its MPH, and it depends on altitude. But it does around 194-199 MPH TAS at best.
  6. It is miles per hour, but that was the level flight before the descent to the airport. I wasn't particularly racing it, but I was letting it eat.
  7. we did. we like it. if you get an MFD you can diplsay the EGT page also.
  8. they are thrown together with old parts by uncertifed individuals working under a repair station license. I sent a 1200 mag to Montana for a 500hr, and they called me. It had a distributor block from 1976 in it. That was supposed to be replaced in 1980. But Kelly has their own manuals, which say you dont have to throw anything away, even if superceeded. Yes plenty of people here are doing fine so far. But thats not an indicator of quality control.
  9. I wouldnt fly an airplane with a Kelly overhauled dual mag. Dual electronic is just as complicated, and only a slight improvement. Its expensive, and not sure if its more reliable.
  10. Lycoming. Never. Superior is backed up 3-6Mo from air power.
  11. Actually, we capacity test batteries all the time, and for example, Concord, says that it must have 80% capacity and ithe test is to discharge for one hour at the C1 rate, which is the amp hour. So you do get 30 amps out of a battery for an hour.
  12. it only has half the capacity of a lead-acid battery.
  13. let me revise that. Instrument training is quite intense and can be difficult, but the engine part is easy. Just park it at 20-23" for the terminal area, and its less than that during the approach.
  14. this has happened before. Your next time available, check the age of the hose from the tag, if its really old, replace it. Also, check the routing and if its chafing on anything.
  15. Instrument training is easy. leave the prop at 2500 RPM, and use the throttle like a 172, power for airspeed. pull the mixture back 1/3rd. Spend your time on instrument flying.
  16. We had a M20M with the original clamps. 20 years old. Retorqued something like 8 times in the logs. From what I remember a Mooney service letter says to replace them. That doesn't make it mandatory but it's a good idea.
  17. We don't know both failed. For all we know, the breaker tripped halfway down and the finicky lever wasn't engaged on the cable. Nobody ever practices this or understand how the system operates.
  18. Dukes actuators have no back spring to fail. However the crank engage lever can be a little finicky to get the crank cable to engage. It will, you sometimes just have to mess with it a little to get it to engage
  19. I called Aircraft specialties and Divco and they both did not have any cases....they didn't even know when they were gonna get any more cases and they were selling them for between $5500 and $6000. They offered me $500 for my 400 hour roller case and I politely told them no. Those have a list price of nearly 7 grand and a two-year backlog and that's if everything goes right I guess somebody will need it. Hopefully not me.
  20. Autopilot central repairs them too but our last century 21 console was 1300$.
  21. 0-60 in series. We just installed a GI275 engine monitor. It's nice.
  22. such as low level acro..
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