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About kortopates

  • Birthday January 21

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    San Diego, CA
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    M20K 252/Encore

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  1. I think it would be more accurate to describe Mooney as a consumer of actuators, not a designer. Therefore if the original vendor of gears can’t supply them, seems Mooney would have better chance of getting a new actuator vendor to supply a replacement actuator. But since no longer producing airframes with a need to source them in bulk kills that option too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. All too common. It seems many new Mooney owners get their initial instruction from their Cessna or Piper instructor with very little Mooney experience and are taught to use much too fast of a final approach speed. We see it at PPP’s too. The same poor instruction leaves the new owner deficient in learning to properly trim the aircraft leaving them unable to slow the aircraft. I expect the complaint about RPM was a red herring. Not going to be able to get the rpm much lower going over 100 kts with the airspeed turning the prop till the plane slows down. Add in leaky brakes, worn pads and a tail wind and it just underlines the need to go around when not properly established and stabilized on final. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Those of us in the Socal area having been dealing with this for over a decade. It’s old news and the discussion reminds me how many of felt about this years ago. I am a bit surprised how much this is expanding. But we’ve always been use to paying fees of some kind, such as ramp or facility fees and really i don’t see any difference here when the airport is collecting it. It seems they have the right to do it and frankly we take it for granted how good we have it here versus outside of the US. FBO have to make millions in infrastructure investments to get their lease so we can’t really deny them from being able to charge for their use. Our first airport to do this was SMO and it seemed as much as method to discourage using the airport as much as anything and more recently Torrance started it too to discourage traffic. But Catalina has always been charging but different since a private airport. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Those of us in the Socal area having been dealing with this for over a decade. It’s old news and the discussion reminds me how many of felt about this years ago. I am a bit surprised how much this is expanding. But we’ve always been use to paying fees of some kind, such as ramp or facility fees and really i don’t see any difference here when the airport is collecting it. It seems they have the right to do it and frankly we take it for granted how good we have it here versus outside of the US. FBO have to make millions in infrastructure investments to get their lease so we can’t really deny them from being able to charge for their use. Our first airport to do this was SMO and it seemed as much as method to discourage using the airport as much as anything and more recently Torrance started it too to discourage traffic. But Catalina has always been charging but different since a private airport. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Underwriters really vary in the geographical coverage areas they insure. It’s a big reason why i am with USAIG and stay with them. They’ve covered me for multiple trips to CENAM and even one trip to Cuba. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Only in theory, in practice if you like a vernier throttle it’s disappointing. The twist adjustment doesn’t work well at all without pulling or pushing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Actually Battery Minder sells this connector kit that is also sold on Amazon (see link below) with the benefit the receptable is already compatible with the Battery Minder plug- so no mod required. Be aware though that neither of these solutions use aviation approved wiring and connectors so be sure to get the approval of your IA as a minor mod before installing it. Also too Battery Minder does sell an aviation grade connector and wiring that can be installed without worrying about approval (still a minor mod though) but it does use a larger connector which can add a challenge for where you want to access it for some of us. https://www.amazon.com/BatteryMINDer-RTA-2415-Terminal-Assembly-Line/dp/B00KS6BLY0/ref=asc_df_B00KS6BLY0?mcid=737b276e49773938a83d6a090d884ad1&hvocijid=6702615599075195356-B00KS6BLY0-&hvexpln=73&tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=721245378154&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6702615599075195356&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031354&hvtargid=pla-2281435180498&psc=1
  8. If the Solenoid remained open then the battery was still powering everything it does with just the master on. i can’t imagine it doing much charging if any that way. Wiring a fused wire to the battery with receptacle for Battery Minder is the smart solution for this and if you search around you’ll see a schematic on how you can wire it up to charge both of your batteries - i think too IRRC it’s also on Battery Minder’s website under tech support material. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Be careful not all USB adapters will work without causing interference noise on the radio. You are looking for one okay for 12/24V. I can’t recall the brand i use which fits in the hole flush but if you use Google to search older threads on MS for 24v USB adapters you’ll find at least one thread that mentions a popular brand that has been shown not to cause interference noise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I went through the upgrade as well but also i installed the GFC-500 with a GI-275 at the same time which was the bigger labor cost. Well worth it though going to the touch screen and added features; especially VNAV. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I agree. As a turbo pilot I much prefer vernier throttle for its precision. the only time i don’t is for formation flying. But otherwise it’s only full throttle in climb. And precise throttle is how we set a precise LOP setting for a target FF. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Good for you for fixing what the prior owner did. I never realized how important headsets are as a safety feature till a 252 takeoff accident documented here on MS likely over 10 years ago. It was an aborted takeoff that resulted in a fatal to one which the report blamed in part on the removal of headrest leading to a broken neck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Some years ago, my glareshield was in horrible shape and was a glaring eye sore after upgrading the rest of the interior with Hector. I checked out the Ashby and thought it was big downgrade in appearance and functionality. I was about to search for a salvage glareshield but Hector surprised me resurrecting my old one to better than new. Hector sometimes has some used ones if yours can’t be resurrected. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. No but its possible you don't have the correct oil stick part #. If you can read part # on it you can verify.
  15. yes its true and Lots and lots written on replacing them, use Google to search Mooneyspace for more information: site:Mooneyspace.com oxygen tank replacement Also know what size kevlar/composite tank you are replacing too
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