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Everything posted by moodychief

  1. Carusoam, I will try to partially answer your question. The foundation of our weather comes from sensors located on airports or reporting stations. The sensors only record what the computer can extrapolate from the immediate area of the sensor. The weather observer gives the human touch of what they can visually see 360 degrees in the local area. Also, if there is a frontal area moving through they insert special observations updating what the machines report. If you relied strictly on the sensors, you may show clear with 15,000 ft overcast. Since the human can see a larger area, and not what is just above or immediate to the sensors, you would get a better picture of 500 scattered, 5,000 few with 15,000 overcast.
  2. Last year we did Oshkosh followed by U.P. Michigan. The next month we did Dayton, Niagara Falls, Boston, Rockland ME, Branson Mo back to Arkansas. My wife can handle 3-31/2 hours for the first leg but only 2-21/2 hours after that. When I let her break open the coffee thermos our legs become shorter (or bladders smaller).
  3. I've been prepping my wife for the Bahamas but she has this fear of flying over water. I cut the corner between Orlando and Destin staying 8-10 miles off shore then pointed out we had flown over water as long as it would take to reach the first island. Next step is getting her passport. We have friends that invited us to go this year (they left yesterday) but just couldn't fit it into the schedule.
  4. This year has been a busy year! Arkansas to Orlando, Orlando to Destin to AR (Gulf Coast) Arkansas to Monterey, Ca via Abilene, El Paso, Wilcox Az, Palm Springs, Santa Monica, Monterey and return replacing Abilene with Lubbock Texas. (West Coast) Arkansas to WV to Lancaster PA to Philadelphia (via vectors over New Jersey) and return. (I'm counting this as the East Coast) 3 coasts in 30 days or so. Not bad for a 52 year old Mooney!!! These are personal flights in case anyone is wondering. Branson this weekend, St Louis next weekend then a short break before heading to OSHKOSH!!!!!!
  5. Lacee, it was great meeting you at 5T6. Since that flight I have flown to PA and back to AR. We are in Branson this weekend and St Louis next weekend. I always enjoy hearing and meeting Mooney owners. Met one on a fuel stop in KY. He is in the process of selling N6535U and moving up to a J model.
  6. Time to start calling your congressmen. See article below. If this goes through, user fees will be right behind. If they separate Air Traffic from the FAA there will be a lot of unintended consequences. Rep. Shuster Outlines Plan To Separate ATO From FAA Jun 16, 2015 09:18 PM top story photo Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Pa.), chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, this week outlined his plans to separate the Air Traffic Organization from FAA by creating a "federally chartered, fully independent, not-for-profit corporation." The plan is expected to be the cornerstone of the committee's FAA reauthorization bill. The U.S. aviation system is at a crossroads, Shuster said, and warned that continuing on the current course would lead to failure. "What we need is a U.S. aviation system that's built for the future. And we need to move forward now." Shuster said that his plan would save taxpayers billions of dollars annually and put an end to "wasting billions more on failed modernization efforts." He noted, "In the last 20 years, 50 countries around the world have successfully separated out their ATC service. In virtually every place this has been done, safety levels have been maintained or improved, ATC systems have been modernized, service has been improved, and costs have been generally reduced." Shuster said that he will introduce his FAA reauthorization bill later this month and have the committee consider it promptly. He predicted that the bill could reach the House floor in July before lawmakers adjourn for the annual August recess. Shuster did not state how his ATC reform proposal would impact funding for airport infrastructure projects. AAAE and ACI-NA have urged Congress to modernize the PFC cap and protect AIP funding in the next FAA bill. The two associations also have stressed that any financing proposal that calls for eliminating aviation excise taxes should retain a dedicated trust fund for airport infrastructure projects. aviationNEWS.net Printer-friendly version
  7. I've don't recall ever seeing the one that showed up.
  8. Dev, I sent you a PM with my cell number.
  9. I looked on my iPad and my desktop and it was the same. When I logged on using my wife's laptop the correct one was on all of the posts I made earlier. Now the correct one shows on all devices. Don't get me wrong, it was a great avatar but it wasn't mine.
  10. It is now showing the correct avatar. It was showing a Mooney facing the camera with the sunlight coming from behind the airplane.
  11. My Avatar from my profile is no longer the one showing on my posts. For some reason a different Avatar is showing and I can't get it to change. Please advise. Thanks!!!!
  12. Hey!!!! How did my Avatar change????? This isn't mine.
  13. I use Snap Seal for plexiglass and any painted surfaces that need cleaned/waxed. People are always asking if I just replaced the glass all the way around. They are surprised when I tell them it is over 10 years old.
  14. Why just last week. Victor airways from Little Rock, AR area all the way to Santa Monica and Monterey CA and back. Even had a Center controller try to give me a direct clearance shortcut. I responded I was slant Uniform and he asked if I had any GPS on board. I affirmed I had a yoke mount Garmin but told them I would stay on planned route.
  15. There may be Avgas on Terceira which isn't far from Santa Maria. When I was stationed there the Portuguese Flying Club had a N-registered C-172 they flew all the time.
  16. more information. The original article didn't give details. http://www.stanielcay.com/important-announcement/
  17. I think I saw it on flightaware news.
  18. Did anyone see the Article that Staniel Cay airport has closed?
  19. +1 for the C. A friend who owns a J commented when leaving Don Maxwell's that I should have had my engine checked as it started toooo fast!
  20. What's an autopilot...and a yaw damper? Never seen one on my plane!!!
  21. I file IFR for every flight and I have the same set up as you except I have a Garmin Aera 510 on my yoke. Realistically, you will find that a majority of the time you will be given a minimum altitude and cleared for the visual approach. In the past six months (50 hours of flying) I have NEEDED to fly an IFR approach only twice. I routinely fly to Branson, MO in the Ozark Mountains (no ILS) and have only had to land at a neighboring airport with an ILS once in the past 7 years. I have a working ADF and have also shot an NDB-A approach to an airport in Georgia that didn't have an ILS but was below VFR minimums. As mentioned, a lot is in the planning and establishing your personal minimums.
  22. Wow!!! Stinky pants has a new bird!!!! Is the other bird jealous?
  23. I didn't see any flap movement in the video.
  24. I thought the picture was of Otto pilot. I didn't see a cigarette so I guess he gets that after flying the approach??!
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