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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. Tracy,accidents can happen to any one...even those with lots of flight experience(ask me how I know)Believe me I know what its like to have decisions you make in a split second ,questioned.Try to put this behind you.Dealing with the ntsb/faa will not be nearly the big deal people say it is...just state what happened in your own words.All and all ,Id say ,if the only loss was a aircraft ..you came out ok...sinc kp couch
  2. Mitch /Jolie PMed YOU..kpc
  3. Congrats!!!Ditto on the instrument rating!!This entire year with all this rainy weather I have never used it more....speaking of instrument ratings..How are Mitch and Jolie d0ing on theirs????sinc kpc
  4. I think you have a warrenty issue...The Bravo cylinder heads were a lycoming designed and supplied part with them being shipped complete with the new oil ports to the valves installed.I believe valve seats would have been installed at factory along with valves inplace.If wrong part # was installed (Valve seat from af1aversion)at the factory ,than this is a defect with no limitation on warrenty re the low oil pressure...not directly related,but I bet you end up with new jugs one way or the other...kpc
  5. Nah...fog...definitely Sacramento central valley.got that beat...Red Bluff to Bakersfield,70 x 300 nm strip of 300 ovc....not a single break in the overcast last monday....kpc
  6. Sleeping squirrel..thankyou for co exposure recomendations...at close as I can figure it,we are being exposed to medium levels...say 200ppm on average upon climb say 20 minutes on average...than up to 3 hours at initially at mild (50/70)tapering to zero while in cruise...than back up to 100 or so shortly after cowl flaps open on ground...none of the symptons mentioned above other than runny nose(hay fever)headache(programing my 5th reroute in 20 minutes from center)Sore eyes (that would be Jana as in sight for....)dizziness/drowiness(Im that way naturally 24/7)and last vomiting episode was at a all night kegger party in college.I think I will start at the rudder pedal panels just aft of the cowl flaps....thanks everybody..kpc
  7. Blacknchrome...yes,but since my procedure is to lean to about 1500tit set power for 2400/32in man. and than close cowlflps for cruise,..I dont know for sure which action is reducing the co concentration....reducing power and leaning to more stoichemetric mixture,closing the cowl flaps thus reducing the turbulence arround the footwells or the change in angle of attack by levelling out.The only I am least seeing low levels in cruise...about 8 this time after an hour and a half in cruise...kpc
  8. Another flight to L A and back this weekend...High Co levels in cabin during takeoff and climb while cowl flaps are full open and mixture full rich during the climb...than after leaning for cruise and closing cowl flaps level disapates to practically zero...I notice a lot rumbling/turbulence by my feet while cowl flaps fully open...is this the cause...and of course of course running full rich is producing a co rich exaust...k
  9. I wonder about "the squat switch"...I donot think Mooneys use one..Its an air pressure activated safety interlock.The a/c has to be moving faster than about 40mph before it allows the gear to retract...if switch is faulty or intermittent it will cause non retraction...this is true for later models...I donot know if a 80s model uses this system...if it does there should be a red bypass button next to gear switch...k
  10. David...use a title company such as universal....they will act upon both buyer and seller instructions...ie payoff bank lein than rest to registered owner....which is...the owner,not the broker...unless that bill of sale has been registered with faa..it doesnot exist....they only thing screwy with this deal is the bill of sale to broker which I assume you knew nothing about....this is simply brokers method of assuring he gets paid his commission...could be a hangup...kpc
  11. Today we flew to stockton to visit with topgun.My rso had recently purchased a kwj engineering model 300 co detector and we decided to test it on the heater.Stockton is reporting 700 overcast when we departed Sacramento so I asked for a TEC to Stockton and quickly programed rnav 29r approach into the Garmin 530...right after takeoff,Jana is holding the co detector which starts flashing red and showing 230ppm co.We opened the vents and right after closing cowlflaps/gear doors the co settles down to about 30ppm and stayed there until the approach (gear doors open ,inbound about 90 kts)when it jumped back up to 140 ppm.We landed with out further ado and started monitoring this thing......taxi...down to 30.Topgun guys say...better seal off areas of the cabin where the rudder pedals exit.Ok says I but this a/c just came out of annual.....exaust system is perfect...all slip joints are good and we just finished resealing belly panels.Anybody with a Bravo has noticed a white exaust stain along the left fuselage indicating how closely the exaust stream follows entire fuselage.....so what do you guys think????We have flown this bird close to 200 hrs with no ill effects that I know of.On the drive home Co levels are 5ppm and register 60ppm when detector placed in direct line of exaust pipe from running chev silverado pickup.Are we gassing our selves out???Is 200 ppm something to worry about???...cant wait for your replys....kp couch
  12. yikes not the short approach to 1800 foot runway at st barts???...k
  13. You will soon fall in love with the 530w if you havent already....question...I noticed the pic to the right shows instruments in cruise...the jpi is showing 2400 rpm and mechanical 2300rpm....am I reading this correctly??kpc
  14. tha amount of and scope of work allowed by 43 par c is huge,...simply amounting to 90% of a typical MAC 100hr/annual inspection.A quick look at the Mooney inspection guide quickly reveals this.You can with average mechanical skills learn to essentially perform your own 5000 usd annual inspection.My last annual took me 3weeks(all three weekends plus a couple hrs after work each weekday)or about 100hrs of labor.It took long ,because being the first one on N1050q after the prebuy and annual I could not be present for I was determined to be very though.Frankly ,I feel I did a better job than any Msc could have because I was willing to do things no service center could economically provide.(think 8 hrs of cleaning old grease/lube/sprayed triflow/dirt/debris accumulated in the last ten annuals before this one)The a and p/I a I worked with has worked with me before on projects up to a double engine/propellor firewall forward change on a Baron.He trusts my work to basically sign off anything I tell him I am doing with only minimal supervision.I didnt always have this abilty though...I started out with only basic autoshop skills and started with simple stuff,...so the point is you will probably not save any money(I spent 3000 in parts for this annual)but will definitely learn your aircraft...kpc
  15. Raw hyde!!!!!get up, slow em down ,speed brakes up ,flaps on down......ride em in.....RAW HYDE !!!! (CAPO 2nd fret EM7/am/g7/cmag7).....kpc
  16. aguila dos.....replaced a d55 Baron named aguila...it fits,especially with the old style Mooney eagle...and the Mexicans love the name..kpc
  17. I think the reason I donot slow down to 70 while in imc is that the controls feel so sloppy...your idea is good though,could be the same female voice coming from the g500 crying minimums ,minimums......or the really annoying terrain,terrain,pull up...pullup!!!...kpc
  18. ok count us in ...that is if I ever learn to land in less than 3000 ft!!!!...LOL...obviously I am suffering from IFR landingitus...I am breaking out at 500 ft doing 100 kts and using 5000 ft to land with...kpc
  19. Somehow after reading sleeping squirrells treatise on "climbing laughter silvered skys"and "putting out my hand and touching the face of god"It is obvious that he is one of two....One..an incurable romantic wingnut(like me)Two...the greatest bullsh*t artist that ever lived...well who knows...an enjoyable post afterall...kpc
  20. Joeb....there is a third option,besides building from scratch or buying a flying example,you can go out and find a "project" aircraft and restore it yourself.This approach has given me a lot of building experience over the years and have ended up with some nice aircraft (that were time doable)Maybe you could find a mooney in need of a new panel or interior/exterior...you would be surprised how much work you can do yourself...kpc
  21. ok...I will take a stab at it....it supplies a+ power from avionics bus to memory position on kx155 com unit so that preselected com frequencies are saved...(power is on all the time)...kpc
  22. go to aircraft spruce and download there catalog...the u channel is under finishing supplies...kpc
  23. Mitch and Jolie...congrats in advance on the instrument training.....from the pics it looks like Mitch is training in a 172 and keeping it simple with no prop controls/retract gear to add to the workload.Also the 100 knot speeds allow that much more time (at least it did for me)to get the brain up to speed.One thing I notice on the yoke is what looks like a garmin 496 portable ..its moving map is huge for spatial orientation...something we didnt have 20 years ago while i was training...does the instructor/examiner allow its use???To my mind the moving map is much more important than the wing leveler...anyway good luck with the inst ticket...we have been flying Ifr the entire week ,xmas to new years including a first for me..Ifr in mexican airspace....kpc
  24. Have you tested the wastegate shaft....this part should be "mousemilked "every chance you get along with all the other exaust slip joints....the lever should move against the spring(I use a crescent wrench on the lever itself)quite freeley..it can bind up and remember its running red hot!!!...kpc
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