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Everything posted by Bennett

  1. How about the west coast Mooney group using this for our Paso Robles get together? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I spoke to a major Garmin avionics shop today and I was told that Garmin was setting up a special tent as Oshkosh to seek input on the priorities for their STCs relative to the autopilots. The suggestion was to have all interested Mooney pilots to visit that Garmin tent and push Mooney towards the top of the list. Also Garmin will be soliciting input as to what is wanted in future features. Good chance to speak directly to decision makers. I am not going to Oshkosh this year, so I can't directly participate. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Amen to that. The new autopilot sounds very attractive, especially in light of my maintenance costs (including servos and AI rebuilds) for my aging KAP 150. I've said I really like the old sacred six gauges (I'm an old timer), but I had Dynons in my DOVA for a few years without problems (although I prefer a ASI round gauge to a tape presentation). But it would be worth it to get rid of my standard vacuum system, back-up electrical vacuum pump, and two vacuum gauges. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Really enjoyed meeting you all. Next maybe Paso Robles. I'll fly down next week and check out the restaurant, but if anyone has been to the "new" restaurant there, please post a review. If it's worthwhile let's meet there next time. Any suggestions for dates? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I've been using Lemon Pledge on my various windshields for over four decades. I used to use washed baby diapers, but now I only use clean microfiber cloths. Costco has bundles of yellow microfiber cloths (auto section) at relatively low cost. I try to use new, unwashed cloths for the windshield- generally three each time. No scratches, no visible deterioration, and the bugs come off easily. And the stuff even smells good. For what it is worth, I use it on my plastic dodger side curtains on my boat. Hope they never change their formulation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. See you all on the 15th. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Palo Robles is a good destination from the Bay Area. I didn't know the KPRB had a restaurant again. I would join the group there once a date is established. Question, weren't we going to meet up at San Luis Obispo this month? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. That happened to me - several times! I was flying to and from Grand Turk in the British West Indies, and I was always worried that someone would put drugs into my airplane via an inspection port. I purposely lined up all the fasteners on the inspection plate in the tail cone as I heard that it was the "favored" location to introduce drugs. Sure enough, when I returned to my airplane it was apparent that the plate had been removed, and then placed back. Probing about with a flashlight I found some sort of tracking devise, with an antenna, wired into the rear navigation light. I carefully removed it, placed it on the tarmac, and stomped the hell out of it. This happened again the next time I flew to Grand Turk, and I again removed the tracker, and stomped on it before flying back to the US. On my next flight to Grand Turk I wandered into a couple of bars until I found a guy wearing a white shirt and tie, with short cropped hair. Hardly the usual casual tropical attire. I sat down next to him and asked him point blank if he was DEAi. He wanted to know why, and I told him I was the owner/pilot of a Mooney out at the airport, and I was damn tired of removing his tracker. He, in turn, told me that I was destroying government property. I told him he had no jurisdiction in Grand Turk, and after he and I had some heated argument, I explained to him why I was in Grand Turk, and that he should check with the Turks and Caicos British governor as to why I was an invited guest. After that everything calmed down, and no more trackers (at least none I could find), and I would stop by the bar and buy him a drink each trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I had a unique paint scheme on my 261 that no one copied, nor was it like any factory paint scheme I knew of. It was painted by the former owner in white and tan with gold, blue, and red stripes that went to rear of the airplane, and the up the tail. Emphasized the Mooney vertical stabilizer. It was not an outstanding design, but not offensive either. I'll try and find a photo and post it. On the other hand I shamelessly had my DOVA painted Ferrari Red, and followed the Falco stripes in gold and silver. Truly outstanding, but that scheme would look strange on a Mooney (although I did consider it). There are certain paint schemes and colors that look "right" on a Mooney, and some that do not. There is good reason that many of our aircraft are painted similarly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hey guys, this is important. Statistics are not the point here. If you are the one with Prostrate Cancer it doesn't matter that others don't. My AME stressed this to me every year, and I did take the PSA tests every year as a part of my non-aviation annual physical. Over a ten year period I plotted my scores graphically, and while the results were always in the "normal" band, there was a very distinct, and accelerating upward trend in the graph. I had a urologist perform a biopsy, and he found high Gleason scores that clearly indicated that treatment was necessary. I felt fine, but the results were real. I underwent months of radiation treatment that damaged other organs (old style treatment), and ultimately left me cancer free. During the radiation treatments I stopped flying, and when they were complete, I gave all the results to my AME, who sent them on to the FAA. For about seven years I sent the FAA "proof" that the cancer was "dead", was issued a Special Issuance, and finally the FAA removed the SI, and now I have a non-restricted license. Been cancer free now for well more than a decade and a half. I sincerely recommend having serious discussions with your physician about testing for PC. It can kill you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Interesting discussion, and I can see both sides of the argument. When I had my airplane repainted I first viewed just about every photo of Mooneys I could find, including the web. I liked the"swoopy" look on the factory airplanes and on the designer sites. I bought a set of generalized design studies from a designer whose name I don't recall, and then downloaded profile and top down generic drawings, and drew a composite of various ideas in color to bring to ArtCraft. Most of that went out the window when the head painter took a full day (Sunday) to create a far better scheme on the airplane itself. Many times tapes were lifted and moved to follow the contours of the real airplane as opposed to my two dimensional doodlings. The end result satisfys me immensely, and if it looks like other aircraft it is not because I was copying any single aircraft, or trying to bypass Scheme Designers. They were,and are, of great influence in the genreL aviation word, and if ArtCraft had asked me to obtain templates from them, I would have, but ArtCraft folks are artists in their own right, and I assume part of their painting fees include the custom "on aircraft" work they do. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I had LASAR change the main gear doors on my 261 to the 3 door configuration. Didn't seem to add any speed, but I liked the way they looked. No idea if it was done on a STC, or 337 form. It was a long time ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Just got my Mooney back from her annual at LASAR. the annual was held up by PowerFlow for a while although ultimately they came through and shipped an upgraded system at a very reasonable cost. The system has been on the airplane for many years, and needed an overhaul. I have the LoPresti cowl which needs a bit of a different system, and they didn't have all the parts in stock. Robert Brown at LASAR did a great job of negotiating a fair resolution to the situation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Thank you. I will. Great backup plan. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Yea! I just learned that PowerFlow finally sent the new parts to LASAR, and that the airplane will be signed off (annual) on Friday. If it all works out I hope to be at Watsonville on Saturday. Small complication: KSQL will be closed to all (real) aircraft on Saturday between 10:30 AM and Noon for a model airplane airshow. I'm not an enthusiast about closing the airport for model airplanes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Great idea. Plenty of tie down space. I would like to meet the new owners. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. When the FAA mandated 12" N numbers to replace the previously allowed 4" numbers for aircraft returning from foreign travel, and I was flying out of the country quite often then, I had a paint shop make up a set of 12" numbers "with low tack" so that I could keep my 4" numbers (which I really liked) and "adhere" the 12" vinyl numbers at my last stop before reentering the US. He even provided plastic sheets so I could later peel off the numbers and store them until the next trip. Great idea, BUT! I carefully placed the 12" numbers on the fuselage in the Cayman Islands, and flew to Key West. The nice customs lady came out and wanted to cite me for not having 12" numbers. We looked together and remnants of my expensive "removable" numbers could be found on the horizontal stabilizer and rudder. She gave me 5 minutes to come up with 12" numbers, and so I used blue masking tape from my survival kit to cobble up the worst set of 12" numbers ever seen. No fine!, and the following week I had the 4" numbers removed, and new 12" numbers painted on the airplane. On another airplane I used a mix of vinyl materials and paint for logos and accent trim. Rivet heads were difficult, but with a heat gun, patience, and pins and a razor, the end product was worth the effort. Some of the experimental seen st Oshkosh were wrapped, rather than painted. Most looked quite striking. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Sorry I couldn't join you. My airplane is still at LASAR for her annual. We are held hostage by PowerFlow who is taking forever to build up some baffles. Grrr. but I hope to have her back in time for Watsonville. Glad you had a good turnout. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. . I was one of those Mooney pilots that for a short term used the fully synthetic Mobile 1. I had just had a new engine installed in my 261 conversion, and the Mooney factory was recommending using this oil. As I recall, so did Beechcraft. Anyway it wasn't long before a number of Beechcraft aircraft were having engine problems, and then the Mooneys started having problems. Ultimately the FAA forced Mobil to stop selling Mobil fully synthetic oil to aviation. I had a huge battle with Mobil over being paid for a new engine, but with LASAR's help they did end up paying me about $35,000, and I had Paul build me a fantastic custom engine that cost twice that. And as soon as it was broken in on mineral oil, I switched back the Shell 100+. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I use Shell 100+ and change oil at 30 hour intervals. I do not use cam guard or any other additive. This has been my policy for my Mooneys and the engines (and cams) showed little wear that could be attributable to oil. To be fair I live in a benign climate and fly every week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Bennett is located at KSQL (San Carlos, CA). Feel free to add me to the map. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. A long time friend (now deceased from a non aviation related illness) ditched his 231 into (onto) a lake. We talked about his experience at some length. This was a first flight after an annual, and the persons at the airport saw a trail of smoke coming from the airplane. One called him on the CTAF, and as he sought to return to the airport, the engine quit. There was a lake between his position and the airport, and he elected a water landing. Wheels up, as slow as possible, door cracked open, and in his words "the airplane skipped like a rock across the surface". He told me that at no time before the airplane stopped on the water did the nose dip down deeply. The passenger opened the door (this was her first flight in a GA aircraft), and they both stepped out on the wing. The 231 had the shoulder harnesses and neither had any injuries. A boat from the shore came out and picked them up right before the aircraft sank. He said they barely got their legs wet before they were rescued. He was a very experienced pilot, and I know he would not panic in this type of situation. Great combination of luck and skill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. It's never been that simple for me at annual time. There is always something cracked or broken in that exhaust system that requires at least partial removal and welding, then replacement. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Thanks for the invite. I might have to take you up on your offer. LASAR has finished my annual (no significant squawks), with the exception of the PowerFlow exhaust system. Frankly, I wonder if that system is worth all the hassle and expense. It costs me somewhere in the vicinity of $500 every annual to take it apart, use their special grease, and reassemble it. I have no real way of knowing if it is as effective as they advertise. It was in the airplane when I bought it, so I have no before and after metrics. I do know that I am now held hostage by that company while they build new parts (none in stock they say), and their preliminary quotes are ridiculously excessive. I could probably buy a stock system for less. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I'll try for both if my airplane ever gets out of annual. PowerFlow has my exhaust system to update, but apparently hasn't got the parts yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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